RSDDTPS_UI - Meldungen: Explorer UI

The following messages are stored in message class RSDDTPS_UI: Meldungen: Explorer UI.
It is part of development package RSDDTPS_UI in software component BW-BEX-OT. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "RSDDTPS_UI".
Message Nr
Message Text
000&1 &2 &3 &4
010Object &1 of type &2 could not be read
011Object &1 of type &2 could not be instantiated (without dialog)
012Object &1 of type &2 not found
020Object &1 of type &2 already activated for the Explorer
021Object &1 of type &2 not activated yet for the Explorer
022Activation canceled
023Error while initializing the object
025Object &1 of type &2 has object status &3 and is therefore read-only
026Object &1 of type &2 has object status &3 and can therefore not be edited
027Provider interface could not be instantiated for object &1, type &2
028Activation started. Switching to display mode.
029Object &1 is still being activated and can therefore only be displayed
030Check on object &1 type &2
031Saving object &1 type &2
032Activation of indexes for object &1 type &2
033Deletion of indexes for object &1 type &2:
034Object &1 Type &2: Indexes could not be saved
035Object &1 Type &2: Indexes could not be activated
036Object &1 type &2: Indexes saved
037Object &1 Type &2: Indexes activated (job scheduled)
038Object &1 type &2: Indexes cannot be deleted
039Object &1 Type &2: Indexes deleted
040Checking tab &1:
041Saving tab &1:
042Activating tab &1:
043Tab &1 deleted
049Object &1 cannot be saved because activation is still running
050Operation performed on the tabs
051Operation could not be performed on the tabs
052Operation canceled
053MultiProviders based on InfoSet or ALVL cannot be used
200The list of PartProviders excluded by filters has changed
201PartProvider filter saved
202Invalid filter: &1 &2 &3
203There are no hierarchy indexes that are not being used
204Snapshot index deleted. See application log for details.
205InfoCube is used by MultiProvider &1
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