RSDD_LTIP_APD - AnalyticIndexes as APD Target

The following messages are stored in message class RSDD_LTIP_APD: AnalyticIndexes as APD Target.
It is part of development package RSDD_LTIP_APD in software component BW-BEX-OT. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Services for the APD to access logical indexes".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Error while indexing BW Olap index &1 in task &2
002Indexing of index &1 will be paused
003Error in TREX. Return value: &1
004Error in TREX. Return text: &1
005Error while reading from the EXCEL RFC server. Destination = &1
006Untreatable exception on the RFC server
007&1 &2 &3 &4
010Write process started for index &1 in target &2 with &3 rows
011Write process for index &1 in target &2 complete
012Signal received to end task. Index = &1, Row = &2
102Task &1 completed
103Task &1 terminated with a communication error => ST22
104Task &1 terminated with a system error => ST22
108Error in TREX: Error code = &1 error text = &2
109Communication error while waiting for end of tasks
110System error while waiting for end of tasks
111Resources error while waiting for end of tasks
301Error performing rollback to index &1
403Lock set for analytic index '&1' (destination '&2')
404Could not write data to analytic index &1 destination &2
405Load process starting for facts
406Load process starting for authorization data
407Load process starting for data for dimension '&1'
408Written data committed
409Data rolled back
410Error while writing data to the analytic index
411Analytic index &1 (destination &2) opened for data deletion
412Data deleted
413Could not delete the data
430Auth. &2 will be loaded for dimension &1 for user &3 (IOBJNM: &4 )
431&2 authorization data records will be loaded for user &1
500Fact writing process created for analytic index &2 with batch ID &1
501Authorization: Writing process created for analytic index &2 batch ID &1
502Attr. wrtng process created for analyt. index &2 batch ID &1 for attr. &3
504Start of put in batch ID &1
505Collecting characteristic values...
506Write call for index &1
507Data compressed
508Data from index &1 sent to Batch Manager. Batch CNT = &2
509End of mass call for characteristic values
510End of put in batch ID &1
511End of close with batch ID &1
512End of the close call in batch ID &1
513Wait for the end of the batches with ID &1
514Data exported for index &1
515All split-off batches under ID &1 are complete
516Start index optimization
517Index &1 prepared for optimization
518Index &1 optimized
519All indexes optimized
520Metadata (ABAP) exported
524All split-off dialog processes are complete
525Start writing asynchronous facts to analytic index &1
527Error while splitting off a batch job
555Error in separated batch job "&1"
557Task &1 called back
558Receive in callback returns subrc = &1
567Exception in &1 &2 row &3
601Task &1 completed
605InfoObject &1 is not used in the analytic index
606Dimension &1 does not exist
607Attributes and InfoObject Name are empty
608Dimension &1 is not relevant for authorizations
609Key figure authorization for &1 is invalid
610Authorizations for dimension &1 not allowed
611Data record &1 is ignored for the following reason:
617Batch manager called
658Error in a batch job
667Compress &1 rows
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