RSDD_LTIP_METADATA - Olap Index Metadaten

The following messages are stored in message class RSDD_LTIP_METADATA: Olap Index Metadaten.
It is part of development package RSDD_LTIP_METADATA in software component BW-BEX-OT. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Metadata Layer for Logical Indexes".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Communication error with the TREX "&1": "&2"
002Instantiation of metadata check for all analytical indexes
003Execution of metadata check on target server &1
004Check analytic index &1
005Analytic index &1 instantiated
006Unable to instantiate analytic index &1
007InfoProvider &1 instantiated
008Unable to instantiate InfoProvider &1
009Default query of provider &1 instantiated
010Unable to instantiate default query of provider &1
011Default query of provider &1 processed
012Default query of provider &1 could not be processed
013No duplicates for InfoProvider names of analytical indexes
014All analytical indexes exist on the target server
015Target server repaired by analytic index &1
016'REPAIR' not required. No non-existent indexes found
017'REPAIR' for duplicate InfoProvider name executed
020Analytic index &1 has an InfoProvider name that is not unique &2
021Error while checking existence of analytic index &1
022Analytic index &1 does not exist on target server. Start 'REPAIR'
023Unable to delete analytic index &1 on target server
024Error with popup input
025Reference characteristic in dimension &1 not maintained
026Reference characteristic &1 in dimension &2 does not actively exist in BW
027All reference characteristics of the dimensions actively exist in BW
030Reference characteristic not maintained (dimension: &1, attributes: &2)
031Reference char. &3 not active in BW (dimension: &1, attribute: &2)
032All reference characteristics of attributes actively exist in BW
035Reference characteristic in key figure &1 not maintained
036Reference characteristic &1 in key fig. &2 does not actively exist in BW
037All reference characteristics of the key figures actively exist in BW
040Unable to create InfoProvider name again for &1 (PUBLISH)
041Prepare (FACTORY) for retrieving the InfoProvider name failed (AI:&1)
042New InfoProvider name (&2) assigned to analytic index &1
045Recreation of InfoProvider name &2 from &1 canceled by user
046Repair of target server analytic index &1 canceled
050Unable to release the CompositeProvider as a provider
759Error &1 while deleting
760Metadata indexes deleted
761Report is released for SAP internal use only
776Metadata indexes deleted
778Unable to delete metadata indexes without causing errors
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