RSDD_ZA - Nachrichten aus der TREX Aggregat Ecke
The following messages are stored in message class RSDD_ZA: Nachrichten aus der TREX Aggregat Ecke.
It is part of development package RSDDTZA in software component BW-BEX-OT. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "BWA ZA Maintenance Monitor and Functions".
It is part of development package RSDDTZA in software component BW-BEX-OT. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "BWA ZA Maintenance Monitor and Functions".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | No action necessary |
001 | &1 &2 &3 &4 |
002 | Action canceled by user |
003 | Internal system error |
004 | Another BWA action ('&1') is still running. Press Refresh. |
005 | Error in BW Accelerator |
006 | Error while checking BWA availability (code &1) |
007 | BW Accelerator is not available |
008 | Check BW Accelerator availability |
009 | Reorganization plan not found |
010 | BW Accelerator is available |
011 | BW Accelerator not available; BWA indexes inactivated. |
012 | Error in internal system module (&1) |
013 | Error during BWA data conversion (module &1) |
014 | Error in BW Accelerator (module &1) |
015 | Start reorganization of BW Accelerator landscape |
016 | BW Accelerator returned return code &1 |
017 | &1 |
018 | Reorganization of the BW Accelerator landscape started |
019 | Reorganization of the BW Accelerator landscape completed |
020 | Reorganization of the BW Accelerator landscape scheduled |
021 | Problems while scheduling the BW Accelerator landscape |
022 | Status information read from BW Accelerator |
023 | Error while retrieving the status information from BW Accelerator |
024 | At least one of the checks (type &1) is not recognized |
025 | At least one of the actions (type &1) is not recognized |
026 | The reorganization time is taking longer than expected |
027 | BWA indexes activated. Queries are reading from the BWA |
028 | BWA indexes deactivated. Queries are not reading from the BWA |
029 | Reorganization can be performed quite quickly |
030 | Do you want to schedule the reorganization or execute it immediately? |
031 | The Statistics window is still active. Two windows cannot be open at once |
032 | BWA server not available; BWA indexes set to inactive. |
033 | Error while calling statistics window |
034 | At least one check returned an internal error (area &1) |
035 | You are not authorized to display BW Accelerator check results |
036 | You are not authorized to execute BW Accelerator actions |
037 | You are not authorized to jump to this transaction |
038 | You are not authorized to display cache objects |
039 | You are not authorized to delete cache objects |
040 | BWA server not available; BWA indexes set to inactive. |
041 | Canceled by user |
042 | BW Accelerator is currently locked. The action will not be executed. |
043 | BW Accelerator is currently locked and therefore unavailable |
044 | BW Accelerator services are fully available |
045 | BW Accelerator services are no longer available |
046 | Start loading the data to the universal worklist |
047 | Start action &1 |
048 | BW Accelerator not available. Action terminated. |
049 | Start filling the universal worklist |
050 | No action selected |
051 | No problems exist |
052 | No servers have a functioning RFC connection to BW Accelerator |
053 | Server &1 does not have a functioning RFC connection to BW Accelerator |
054 | Notify your system administrator |
055 | Index checks returned at least one error as result |
056 | Index checks returned at least one warning as result |
057 | Server has no connection to BWA. Rerouting to other server... |
058 | Action &1 is currently running |
059 | Action &1 scheduled on &2 |
060 | BW Accelerator landscape is still being reorganized |
061 | Reorganization started successfully. Error occurred during status check |
062 | Create a customer message with a description of the problem |
063 | Check the BW Accelerator landscape |
064 | Check hardware |
065 | Restart master index server |
066 | Restart slave index server |
067 | Restart queue server |
068 | Restart name server |
069 | Restart HTTP server |
070 | Restart preprocessor |
071 | Trigger replication |
072 | Merge delta index and main index |
073 | Reset documents with incorrect status |
074 | Check pending prepare processes |
075 | Check pending index server |
076 | Check pending queue server |
077 | Restart individual BW Accelerator server |
078 | Repair RFC problems |
079 | Check trace files |
080 | Check size settings for hardware |
081 | Reduce number of open handles |
082 | Increase memory space in BW Accelerator |
083 | Reduce number of indexes |
084 | Check master queue server |
085 | Check master index server |
086 | Check index status |
087 | Check queue status |
088 | Check size of trace files |
089 | Check host for consistency |
090 | No action necessary |
091 | Reorganize BW Accelerator landscape |
092 | Rebuild BW Accelerator indexes |
093 | Restart BW Accelerator index server |
094 | Restart the BW Accelerator server |
095 | Restart host |
096 | Repair RFC connection |
097 | Restart BW Accelerator server and delete indexes |
098 | Delete inconsistent indexes |
099 | Increase shared memory of BW Accelerator |
100 | Summary |
101 | Check for queues that are not assigned |
102 | Check for queues that are running on the backup server |
103 | Check for inactive queue servers |
104 | Check for unassigned master indexes |
105 | Check for unassigned slave indexes of active slave index server |
106 | Check for master indexes running on the backup server |
107 | Version Information |
108 | Check for inactive name server |
109 | Check for inactive index server |
110 | Check for indexes for which replication failed |
111 | Check for slaves that have the old snapshot as the master index |
112 | Check for slaves that have old snapshot as master index syncpoint |
113 | Check for master indexes with differing snapshots and syncpoints |
114 | Index status check |
115 | Status check of delta index |
116 | Queue status check |
117 | Check of document status of queue |
118 | Preprocessor status check |
119 | Check for round-robin problems in preprocessors |
120 | Check for round-robin problems in indexes |
121 | Check for round-robin problems in queues |
122 | Check for activity on master index server |
123 | Check for slave servers in indexes |
124 | Check for active master index server or active backup queue |
125 | Check for inactive HTTP server |
126 | Check for outstanding preprocessor requests |
127 | Check for outstanding index-server requests |
128 | Check for outstanding queue-server requests |
129 | Check for services that have been restarted |
130 | Ping |
131 | Check for logical indexes that have not been assigned |
132 | Check for inconsistent logical indexes |
133 | Check for remaining disk space in BW Accelerator |
134 | Check for indexes loaded from the memory |
135 | Check whether reorganizing the BWA landscape is necessary |
136 | RFC server configuration check |
137 | CPU usage check |
138 | RFC connection check |
139 | Check content of trace file |
140 | Check for open handles |
141 | Statistical information |
142 | Memory consumption check |
143 | Check size of trace files |
144 | Alert server shown in details is now the active master |
145 | Alert server started |
146 | Check for continuous writeability of the filter |
147 | Unknown error. Contact a BWA expert. |
148 | Correct the 'schedule' format of the check set |
149 | Error while sending notification mail |
150 | Check on hosts without network connection |
151 | Internal error while executing check &1 |
152 | Server landscape of BW Accelerator restarted |
153 | Utilization check of shared memory in BW Accelerator |
154 | Alert server stopped and shut down |
155 | Check for checks that have been deactivated because of MemWatcher |
156 | Check for physical indexes with no assignment to logical index (InfoCube) |
157 | Check for connection of multiple BW systems to BW Accelerator |
158 | Check for existing core files |
159 | Check of Hosts That Do Not Use Shared Memory |
160 | Test for checks that are deactivated because BWA is a single instance |
161 | Check of indexes with incorrect information in topology |
162 | Check for BWI indexes with inconsistent data |
163 | Check for inactive backup server |
164 | RFC server configuration check. Repair if necessary. |
165 | Fill level check in global dictionary |
166 | Finds and deletes obsolete *-AlertServerMail.txt files. Default = 1 day. |
167 | List of data carriers and the current node status |
168 | Adjust shared memory of BW Accelerator |
169 | Delete any unneeded indexes |
170 | Only connect one BW system to a BW Accelerator |
171 | Contact SAP support if system cannot be restarted manually |
172 | List of requests and RFCs with poor peformance |
173 | BWA indexes that need to be rebuilt in order to improve performance |
180 | Active requests |
181 | Actual |
182 | Assigned |
183 | Available memory |
184 | Available memory (KB) |
185 | Build number |
186 | Change list |
187 | Date of compilation |
188 | CPU usage of service |
189 | CPU usage of service (%) |
190 | CPU usage of all services (%) |
191 | Dummy |
192 | Error text |
193 | File Name |
194 | Completed requests (internal) |
195 | Completed requests (internal and external) |
196 | Free memory space (MB) |
197 | Host |
198 | Improvement |
199 | Index |
200 | Index replication status |
201 | Index status |
202 | Key Figure |
203 | Logical index |
204 | Master index |
205 | Master snapshot |
206 | Master syncpoint |
207 | Memory consumption (%) |
208 | Memory consumption of service (%) |
209 | Memory consumption of all processes (KB) |
210 | Number of Hits |
211 | Number of processes running |
212 | Number of unloadings |
213 | Open files |
214 | Open handles |
215 | Open sockets |
216 | PID |
217 | Port |
218 | Preprocessing failed |
219 | Preprocessor type |
220 | Queue |
221 | Queue status |
222 | Current request |
223 | Reorg. |
224 | Requests per second |
225 | Response Time |
226 | Documents in main index that can be searched |
227 | Documents in delta index that can be searched |
228 | Service |
229 | Service name |
230 | Slave index |
231 | Slave snapshot |
232 | Synchronization failed |
233 | Target |
234 | Time |
235 | Complete CPU usage of all processes (%) |
236 | Memory size (MB) |
237 | Complete memory consumption |
238 | Error in transmission |
239 | Used memory space (%) |
240 | Version |
241 | Memory consumption of service |
242 | RFC check message |
243 | Basic path |
244 | Row |
245 | Rule |
246 | Extracted text |
247 | Size (MB) |
248 | Check message |
249 | Check Set |
250 | SMTP Server |
251 | E-Mail Sender |
252 | E-Mail Recipient |
253 | Free Space (MB) |
254 | Names of deactivated checks |
255 | Index name |
256 | Description |
257 | Index server host |
258 | Index server port |
259 | Optimized documents |
260 | Memory consumption (hard disk) |
261 | Memory consumption (main memory) |
262 | System ID |
263 | Information |
264 | Error Message |
265 | Origin |
266 | Date |
267 | Time |
268 | Executing Host |
269 | Status |
270 | Source Host |
271 | Source Interfaces |
272 | Target Host |
273 | Target Interfaces |
274 | Proposed Action |
275 | Details |
276 | Return Code |
277 | Additional Details |
278 | Diagnosis and Recommendation |
279 | BW Accelerator services are &1 percent available |
280 | BW Accelerator services are still &1 percent available |
281 | BW Accelerator services are still only &1 percent available |
282 | BW support package and BW Accelerator revision are compatible |
283 | The BW Support Package and BW Accelerator revision are not compatible |
284 | The BW Support Package is not included in the check |
285 | SP test: Information for current SP is ambiguous |
286 | SP test: No BW release found |
287 | SP test: No BW support package found |
288 | SP test: Data conversion error in BWA (module &1) |
289 | SP test: Error in BW Accelerator (module &1) |
290 | Install the current revision for BW Accelerator |
291 | Implement the SAP Note with the update for the test |
292 | Error: No Support Package for comparison |
293 | This version of TREX is supported without restrictions |
294 | This version of TREX is not supported in this scenario |
298 | E-Mail notification scheduled for check results |
299 | Error while scheduling e-mail notification for check results |
300 | Rebuild of BWA index scheduled |
301 | Problems while scheduling rebuild for BWA index |
302 | Reorganization of the BWA indexes scheduled |
303 | Problems while scheduling the BWA reorganization |
304 | A BW Accelerator lock does not have the appropriate log entry |
305 | Error while unlocking BW Accelerator |
306 | Error while scheduling the BW Accelerator availability check |
307 | Reorganization of BW Accelerator landscape is not necessary |
308 | BW Accelerator index server started |
309 | BW Accelerator server started |
310 | Host started successfully |
311 | BW Accelerator indexes rebuilt |
312 | The BW Accelerator landscape has been reorganized |
313 | Error while calculating reorganization plan |
314 | No snapshot selected. Select an entire row |
315 | Select one snapshot only |
316 | Error while scheduling backup job |
317 | Error while scheduling recovery job |
318 | Recovery process with snapshot &1 now starting |
319 | Export failed. Check the logs |
320 | Snapshot incomplete. Some indexes have not been saved |
321 | Snapshot deleted |
322 | Deleting snapshot... |
323 | Deletion of snapshot failed |
324 | Snapshot exported to external memory; available again after import |
325 | Snapshot not found in BW Accelerator |
326 | Backup server is not available. Snapshot data is incomplete (&1: &2) |
327 | Snapshot contains errors. Recovery cannot be started |
328 | Snapshot does not exist |
329 | Generation of snapshot is scheduled |
330 | Generating/exporting snapshot... |
331 | The snapshort export has been interrupted |
332 | A recovery process is already running |
333 | Snapshot &1 is currently being generated and cannot therefore be deleted |
350 | Concatenated attribute |
351 | RFC connection check |
352 | Action required: See details |
353 | Evaluation |
354 | Check name |
355 | Result |
356 | Action |
357 | Action ID |
358 | Fill level check in global dictionary |
359 | Error in global dictionary fill level check. Contact SAP Support |
360 | Index server |
361 | Name of the global dictionary |
362 | Fill level |
363 | Size |
364 | Configuration check |
365 | Make the configuration consistent |
366 | INODES usage check |
367 | Increase the size of the INODES |
368 | Platform |
369 | File system |
370 | Available |
371 | Used |
372 | Free |
373 | Percentage |
374 | Mounted on |
380 | Instruction for analysis files (core files) |
381 | Check why BW Accelerator does not use the shared memory |
382 | Create a customer message and include the information from the details |
383 | RFC configuration is set to 'manual'. Check will be deactivated |
384 | RFC configuration is deactivated. Check will be deactivated |
385 | No connection data. Enter data or deactivate RFC |
386 | TREXDaemon.ini is incomplete or corrupt; manual repair is required |
387 | TREXRfcServer.ini is incomplete or corrupt; manual repair is required |
388 | RFC connection error occurred. See details for instructions |
389 | Error occurred in ABAP part of RFC server. Manual repair required |
390 | RFC error. See details for more information. |
391 | Automatic repair of RFC connection completed |
392 | RFC connection is used by applications of another host. Adjust this |
393 | Automatic repair is not possible. The repair has to be made manually. |
394 | Delete BWA indexes or enlarge your BWA installation |
395 | Re-index the affected indexes. Refer to the information in the details |
396 | All data in BW Accelerator deleted |
397 | DB fallback strategy is already inactive |
398 | DB fallback strategy deactivated |
399 | System time for TREX and NetWeaver not in sync. See SAP Note 1755079. |
400 | Checks the correct delta index for indexes in namspace 1fs |
404 | Checks the correct delta index for indexes in namespace 1fs |
405 | One or more delta indexes have been corrected. No action required. |
406 | Check for obsolete TrexFilter.trc files. |
407 | No action required. The obsolete files have been deleted. |
408 | Check cube attribute consistency |
409 | Reindex physical indexes that have the wrong number of attribute items |
410 | Returns a list of cycles in the meta model (joins) |
411 | Rework the meta model unless the model view is provided by SAP |
412 | Checks if the automatic merge of delta indexes is switched on |
413 | Make sure that parameter merge_deltas is set correctly |
414 | Returns all queues with documents where the preprocessing failed |
415 | Determine the cause of failure and reset the documents in the queue |
416 | Checks for manually suspended queues and activates them |
417 | Checks if all attributes used for a concatenated attribute still exist |
418 | Multiple actions possible. See details. |
419 | The concatenated attributes from indexes listed in details are repaired |
420 | Checks RFC server configuration and tries to repair if necessary |
421 | Checks the fill level of the global dictionary |
422 | Open a customer message. See SAP Note 1101958. |
423 | Checks the connection to MaxDB. |
424 | Check why MaxDB is not accessible. |
425 | Checks the system for configuration consistency. |
426 | Actions are defined in the Details list |
427 | File does not exist. Recreate the script file. |
428 | Execution with the script file was not successful. Recreate the script. |
429 | Execution of the script failed: %s, rc=%d. Recreate the script file. |
430 | Checks for obsolete *-AlertServerMail.txt files and removes them |
431 | No action is required. See details. |
432 | Returns a list of mounted drives and their current inodes status |
433 | Increase inodes size |
434 | Checks the correctness of value 'trexcache' |
435 | Switch off setting 'trexcache' |
436 | Returns a list of long-running threads of type 'request' and 'RFC' |
437 | Restart the affected TREX service |
438 | Returns a list of indexes that should be rebuilt for performance |
439 | The physical index should be rebuilt to improve performance |
440 | Checks for indexes with more parts than active index servers available |
441 | Reduce the number of index parts. See also SAP Note 1163149. |
442 | Returns a list of inconsistent physical indexes |
443 | Recreate index. See details. |
444 | Delete (and recreate) the inconsistent index |
445 | Delete (and recreate) the inconsistent index |
446 | Returns a list of suspended tenants |
447 | Resume tenant |
448 | Returns a list of invalid nfs mount options |
449 | Set the nfs mount options to the recommended value |
450 | Cannot analyze mount options. File "/etc/mtab" currently in use. |
451 | Returns the status of the license |
452 | System license is invalid. See SAP Note 1445787. |
453 | System with Temporary license. Some days left. See SAP Note 1445787. |
454 | System with Temporary license. No more days left. See SAP Note 1445787. |
455 | Returns a list of split index parts with different delta index settings |
456 | Modify the settings of the delta index so all parts use the same settings |
457 | Red traffic light indicates the landscape has been suspended manually. |
500 | You are not authorized to change the settings for &1 InfoCubes |
666 | No TREX RFC connections available |
667 | No TREX indexes found |
668 | No physical TREX indexes found |
669 | Index &1 could not be created |
670 | The function is not relevant any more for SAP HANA DB |
700 | The data already exists |
701 | Creating an object with this name is not possible |
702 | Changing the object name is not possible |
703 | Table RSDDTREXADMIN was changed |
704 | &1 = &2 |
705 | &1 was deleted |
706 | ************************* |