RSDRCRM_SEG - Nachrichten des RSDRCRM_SEG Pakets

The following messages are stored in message class RSDRCRM_SEG: Nachrichten des RSDRCRM_SEG Pakets.
It is part of development package RSDRCRM_SEG in software component CRM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "RFC Wrapper for Methods Calls with Package RSDRCRM".
Message Nr
Message Text
000*** General Messages (001 - 099) ***
001An application error has occurred
002Invalid call parameters
003Unit tests cannot be executed: Test data is missing.
004Unable to find InfoProvider &1
005Unable to find InfoObject &1 in InfoProvider &2
006You are not authorized to read InfoProviders
007You are not authorized to execute steps on InfoProviders
008You are not authorized to read MRIs
009You are not authorized to execute steps on MRIs
090*** Messages for Metadata Modules ***
091InfoObject &1 is not an InfoProvider
092Error while counting object &1
093&1 is not a characteristic
100*** Messages for Input Help ***
101Input help is only available for characteristics
102Text table for &1 not found. Text restriction in search ignored.
103Text field for &1 not found. Text restrictions in search will be ignored.
104No results found
105InfoObject &1 does not have texts. Search will ignore text restrictions.
106Error while executing module &1 (&2 &3)
107Hierarchy node &1 not found in hierarchy &2
108No input help found for InfoObject &1
109Hierarchy not found
110Error while converting value &1
120*** Messages for InfoProvider Detection ***
121Unable to find list of InfoProviders
122Unable to find the metadata description for InfoProvider &1
200*** Message Handling for Expression Segment (200 - 249) ***
201Segment &1 not found in the expression segment
202Segment &1 not found in the segment expression
203Step &1 not found in segment &2
204Step &1 not found in segment &2
205Step &1 of segment &2 does not contain any nodes
206Node &1, step &2, segment &3: Unknown operator &4
207Node &1 not found in step &2 of segment &3
208Node &1: Filter of attribute &2 can only be used with OR
209Node &1: Connect the filters of attributes &2 and &3 with AND
210Node &1: Subexpressions with OR are not possible
211Segment &1, operation &2: Operation of type &3 not found
212Operation &1 not found in segment &2
213Operation &1 not found in segment &2
214Internal error while merging MRI &1 and MRI &2
215Internal error while intersecting MRI &1 and MRI &2
216Internal error in the difference betwteen MRI &1 and MRI &2
217Attribute &1 of MRI &2 not found
218Preprocessing process &1 does not exist
219Internal error while counting MRI &1
220Internal error during step on MRI &1 with filter MRI &2
221Preprocessing &1 of the segmentation expression failed
222Internal error during step on InfoProvider &1 (MRI &2)
223Internal error in step on MRI &1
224Segment &1, operation &2: Operator &3 not allowed.
225Hierarchy information for attribute &1 cannot be converted
226Internal error when reading elements from MRI &1
227Session not found
228Internal error when reading InfoObject &1 from InfoProvider &2
229Invalid decimal display of preprocessing steps
250Messages for Text Classes (250 - 259)
251Object &1 is missing from the result set
252Object &1 is not expected in the result set
253Segment &1: Number of items &2 is wrong. &3 was expected.
300*** Messages for TA RSDRCRM_SEG_QSI (301 - 329) ***
301QSI exists for QueryProvider &1
302QSI does not exist for QueryProvider &1
303No query name has been defined
304No QueryProvider defined
305QueryProvider &1 does not have a valid name
306Job event for QueryProvider &1 has failed
307Job event started for QueryProvider &1
308This function can only be executed if a row is selected
309QueryProvider &1 is not defined as an event-based job
310Job planning terminated. The start time is in the past.
311Job &1 with job number &2 deleted
350*** Messages for Optimization of the Segmentation Expression ***
351No selectability can be detected for attribute &1 of InfoProvider &2
352No selectability can be detected for node &1 of InfoProvider &2
400*** Messages for Execution Plan ***
401Start segment &1
402Start operation &1
403Starting step &1...
404Continuation of operation &1
405Step on InfoProvider &1
406Step on MRI &1
407Characteristic &1 (alias &2)
408Key figure (alias &2)
409Ranks on &1
410Range on &1
411Sign &1 Option &2 Low &3 High &4
412Filter MRI: Field &1 of MRI &2 on characteristic &3
413Merge MRI &1 with MRI &2
414Intersecting MRI &1 with MRI &2...
415Difference between MRI &1 and MRI &2
416Mapping &1 to &2...
417Segment &1: Result MRI &2
418Operation &1: Result MRI &2
419Step &1: Result MRI &2
420Starting to segment &1...
421Starting to retrieve members from segment &1...
422Preprocessing finished
423Preprocessing started for task &1
424Preprocessing finished for task &1
425Preprocessing started
430Recording of segment &1 started (counting...)
431Recording of segment &1 started (getting members...)
432Recording of segment &1 finished
440Selectivity segment &1: &2
441Selectivity step &1: &2
442Selectivity attribute &1 of InfoProvider &2: &3
443Operands of operation &1 swapped over
500*** Messages for Distribution ***
501Distribution to key fields of a data source only possible with filters
502Your scenario contains a non-aggregating key figure (&2)
503Distribution: MRI handler not found for MRI &1
504Distribution: STEP could not be executed
505Distribution: Alias for attribute &1 not found
506Distribution: Intersection of MRI &1 and MRI &2 failed
507Distribution: MRI read for MRI &1 failed with return code &2
508Distribution: Definition of attribute type failed for &1
898*** Universal Message for Unspecified Circumstances ***
899&1 &2 &3 &4
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