RSDRI_HDB - InfoCube Conversion Program

The following messages are stored in message class RSDRI_HDB: InfoCube Conversion Program.
It is part of development package RSDRI_DBA_HDB in software component BW-WHM-DBA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "HDB-Specific RSDRI Development".
Message Nr
Message Text
000*****InfoCube Conversion Program 001 - ?
001Could not read ABAP Dictionary information of fact table
002&1 &2 &3 &4
003Fact table &1 already deleted
004Could not create Dictionary table &1
005Temporary Dictionary table &1 created
006Read metadata for InfoCube &1
007Could not create SQL statement to read InfoCube &1
008Created SQL statement to read table &1
009Error while executing SQL statement
010Error while inserting data into temporary table
011Could not delete content of temporary table
012Could not delete original fact table
013Could not activate deletion of original fact table
014Original fact table deleted
015Could not activate flat fact table
016Could not active creation of flat fact table
017Flat fact table &1 created
018Error while deleting the empty flat fact table &1
019Empty flat fact table &1 deleted
020Could not rename table &1 as &2
021Table &1 renamed as &2
022Could not delete temporary flat fact table (ABAP Dictionary)
023Deletion of temporary flat fact table is not activated
024Temporary flat fact table &1 deleted from ABAP Dictionary
025Invalid conversion mode
026Errors occurred during conversion
027Conversion successful
028Conversion not possible. Object &1 not of type InfoCube
029Conversion for object &1 not supported
030InfoCube &1 is already converted. No further action required
031Could not create logical index for InfoCube
032Conversion not supported for this database
033Fact table &1 activated after renaming on the database
034Migration of non-cumulative InfoCubes is not supported
035Specify object name(s) for selected area
036No InfoCubes selected for semantically partitioned object &1
037Semantically partitioned object &1 is not based on InfoCubes
038Too many values in selection
039Too many values in selection
040Error while building the metadata for the stored procedure
041Error while executing stored procedure for data implementation
042Start: implementation of F fact table. Mode &1
043End: implementation of F fact table. Mode &1
044Start: implementation of E fact table. Mode &1
045End: implementation of E fact table. Mode &1
046Object name &1 invalid. Cannot convert object
047Conversion started for object &1
048Could not identify dimension ID for package dimension
049Data does not need to be moved. InfoCube is empty
050Conversion of non-cumulative InfoCube with old data flow is not allowed
051For details on termination of stored procedure execution, see long text
052Could not reset generated program
053Conversion not possible. A and M versions of InfoCube are different
054Could not identify name of temporary table
055Conversion not possible because InfoCube is inactive
056Forced abort during test execution.
057Table &1 deleted from newly created schema.
058Temporary table does not exist anymore. Rename already done.
059Not all requests in the non-cumulative InfoCube are compressed.
060Cube will be converted although not all requests are compressed
061Could not modify location of table &1 in line with table &2
062No conversion necessary
063Error while moving data. Temporary table is empty.
064Cannot convert; InfoCube contains more than 748 InfoObjects
065List processing of conversion stopped after IC &1
066More than one DIMID for request = 0, recordtp = &1
067Conversion of inventory InfoCubes with archive not supported
068Use recent DB revision for conversion of inventory InfoCube with archive
069Archiving information could not be read
100Conversion not possible. Object &1 not of type DataStore
101Object &1 is already in-memory optimized. Conversion skipped
102&1 is not a standard DataStore object (conversion not possible)
103Error while updating control table
104Table &1 already exists in the database. Conversion not possible
105Conversion not possible. Request &1 not fully activated
106Conversion not possible. Request &1 not fully deleted
107Error unlocking DataStore &1
108Error deleting temporary table &1
109Conversion mode not supported: &1
110Error during data migration. Truncate returns error: &1
111Data selection error: &1
112Database migration returned an error: &1
113Error while executing SQL statement: &1
114Conversion not possible due to DTPs of type "realtime": &1
115Conversion with change log is currently not supported
116Conversion not possible due to existing update rules: &1
117InfoProvider is part of an SPO and cannot be converted individually
118InfoProvider is part of an HybridProvider. Conversion not possible
119InfoProvider is a dependent provider. Conversion not possible
120DataStore &1 not active: cannot convert. Activate and try again
121Object status for DataStore &1 is not valid. Activate and try again
122Structure of A version and M version not identical. Activate
123DataStore &1 can be converted into an SAP HANA-optimized format
124Analyze DataStore &1
125Conversion of DataStore &1 already started
126DataStore is being processed by a different conversion method
127Conversion to SAP HANA optimized no longer supported, see note 1849497
128Data is already being transferred. Stop process (SM66).
129Number of records copied (&3): &1. Expected: &2.
130Number of records copied (&1): &2
131Runtime objects for MultiProvs will be rebuilt at end of list processing
132Runtime object for &1 has to be rebuilt
133Runtime object for MultiProviders will not be rebuilt
134Deal with dependent objects
200*** Messages 200 - 299 reserved for SPO conversion ***
201&1 &2 &3 &4
202Internal error: &1 &2 &3 &4
203No action required
204Operation completed
205Operation canceled due to errors
206Operation completed. See details
207Operation canceled due to errors. See details.
208SPO &1 partitions do not need to be converted
211Convert SPO &1 (IMOFL = &2)
212Check SPO &1
213Save SPO &1
214Lock SPO &1
215Convert partitions of SPO &1
216Convert partition &1
217Unlock SPO &1
221SPO &1 does not exist in A version
222SPO &1 is already converted
223SPO &1 is already converted
224SPO &1 is not activated (OBJSTAT = '&2', ACTIVFL = '&3')
225Error: Unable to check whether SPO &1 can be activated
226Could not run convertibility check for SPO partition &1
251Conversion of partition &2 completed. See details
252Conversion of partition &2 was terminated due to errors. See details
256Could not rebuild runtime objects of dependent MultiProvider &1
257Runtime object for MultiProvider &1 rebuilt
258Runtime object for MultiProvider &1 deleted but not rebuilt
259MultiProvider &1 activated
260Activation of MultiProvider &1 failed
261SPO reference object &1 locked due to SAP HANA conversion for SPO &2
262Activation of Hana Composite Provider &1 failed
263Activation of Hybrid Provider &1 failed
264Hana Composite Provider &1 activated
265Hybrid Provider &1 activated
399**** InfoCube Snapshot messages 400 - 440
400Snapshot of InfoProvider &1 created
401SQL error
402Metadata problem
403DDIC problem
404Error during execution of smartmerge.
405Snapshot already exists. Delete and then create a new snapshot
406InfoCube already HANA optimized. Snapshot not possible.
407Source table &1 does not exist and cannot be copied
408Could not copy table &1
409Executed statement: &1
410Temporary table &1 could not be deleted
411InfoCube &1 reset
412No snapshot available. Reset not possible
413Target table &1 could not be copied
414Column view could not be created
415Cleanup finished; snapshot data deleted
416No data available for deletion
499Message 500 - ? Zero Elimination + cleanup
500Cleanup started for InfoCube &1
501Cleanup for non-SAP HANA-based systems not appropriate
502Error while reading metadata
503Cannot eliminate zeros since key figures with aggregation <> SUM
504Elimination of zeros activated
505Could not lock InfoCube &1
506Error when executing the stored procedure
507Error while performing cleanup
508Cleanup performed
509Cleanup not possible; key figure with aggregation &1
510Functionality only supported for SAP-HANA optimized InfoCubes
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