The following messages are stored in message class RSDSO_UPDATE: .
It is part of development package RSDSO_UPDATE in software component BW-WHM-DBA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Update modules for DataStore Objects (ADSO)".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Unable to update data package &1 for DataStore object &2
002Time consistency error detected
003Unable to update DataStore object &1
004Unable to update record &1
005Time inconsistency found in package. Property reset for DataStore.
006Time inconsistency found for record &1
007Error while checking data records against archiving object
008Record &1 in conflicts with archived data
009DataStore &1 does not exist
010DataStore &1 does not contain table of type &2
011Table &1 for DataStore &2 does not exist
012DataStore &1 does not exist in version &2
013Record &1 conflicts with SID restrictions
014Master data error for record &1, InfoObject &2 and value &3
015SID error for record &1, InfoObject &2 and value &3
016Table &1 for DataStore &2 not found
017Operation not permitted
018Chaconst definition violated for record &1, field name &2, value &3
019API not prepared. Call PREPARE method.
020Request information missing
021Table type &1 is not supported
022Non-cumulative key figures used. Update restricted to activation queue.
023Update request does not match request for aggregation behavior
024No aggregation behavior found
025Request information not found
026Status not found
027No request information found
028Serialized object does not contain category information services
029Request is still open. Close it first.
030Update finished. &1 records written.
031Update failed
032Write API prepared
033Start writing to inbound queue
034Request is not open
035Log cannot be displayed, error in application log handling
036... Characteristic constant check: successful
037... Characteristic constant check: failed, found &1 records with errors
038... Record modes initialized for inbound queue reporting
039... Records prepared for non-cummulative key figure handling
040... Referential integrity check: successful
041... Data enriched with SID values
042... Referential integrity check: failed
043... Time consistency check: successful
044... Time consistency check: failed, &1 records with errors
045Authority check passed successfully
046Prepare Write API...
047Using user-defined aggregation information
048Using default aggregation information
049DataStore properties do not allow activation of requests
050Could not determine generated update program
051Preparing write API for active data...
052DataStores for direct update cannot be used with this API
053DataStore cannot be used for direct update
055Target table does not exist for this DataStore
059Could not perform authority check for DataStore &1
060Could not run cleanup for DataStore &1
063Duplicates are not allowed
064Duplicates are allowed and will be overwritten
066Managed RSPM interface not supported for usage type &1
067API usage type: &1
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