RSDU_REPART - Messages for Repartitioning InfoProviders

The following messages are stored in message class RSDU_REPART: Messages for Repartitioning InfoProviders.
It is part of development package RSDU_REPART in software component BW-BEX-OT. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Repartitioning of InfoProvider".
Message Nr
Message Text
000<<<< Messages 000-099 reserved for general error messages >>>
001&1 &2 &3 &4
002Metadata for InfoProvider is not available
003Fiscal variant must be part of the time dimension
004Fiscal variant has to be constant for the InfoCube
005Action is not supported for the database used
006Action not possible because the InfoProvider is not partitioned
007There is no open conversion request yet
008There is already another conversion request
009Conversion request already initialized
010Lower value for paritioning is greater than or equal to upper value
011Action not allowed for aggregates
012New partitioning schema is identical to old schema
013There is more than one open request for the InfoProvider
014Upper value for partitioning is less than or equal to the old value
015Lower value for paritioning is less than or equal to the old value
016A similar conversion request is already being processed
017Upper value for parititioning is same as old value
018Upper value for partitioning not specified
019Use the complete repartitioning for this action
020Status for processing step &1 cannot be set
021Status for repartitioning request cannot be set
022Job &1/&2 still running in background. Reset not possible
023Conversion request still running in the background job
024Function is not supported on the database '&1'
025Partitioning key is not part of technical key
026Fiscal year variant must be constant for DataStore object
027Partitioning cannot be applied
028Function '&1' is not implemented
029Multidimensional partitioning is not supported
030Data records for various fiscal variants already exist
031InfoCube metadata adjusted and activation completed successfully
032InfoCube &1 has no fiscal variant
033InfoCube &1 has no data records; use InfoCube maintenance
034Partitioning cannot be applied
035SPO &1 does not contain any partitions
036Neither table &1 nor shadow table &2 exist in the database
037No reference points (P-DIMID &1) found for InfoCube &2
038P-DIMID for reference points does not exist
039P-DIMID for historic data does not exist
040Messages for InfoProvider &1:
041Cannot convert InfoProvider &1
042&1 = '&2', &3 = '&4'
043&1 = '&2'
046Initial record missing in SID table of InfoObject &1
047Loading of InfoProvider &1 is not finished yet
048The BWA index for InfoProvider &1 must be deleted for conversion to flat
049Deletion of the BWA index for InfoProvider &1 failed
050Nothing to do
100<<< Messages 100-199 reserved for star <-> flat mass conversion >>>
101The scheduler job was started
102The scheduler job was deleted
103The scheduler job was started manually
104The scheduler job was deleted manually
105The scheduler job was not started
106The scheduler job was not deleted
107The scheduler job is currently active and cannot be deleted
108No job found for deletion
109Scheduled conversion jobs will not run until you start the scheduler job
110Use the 'Start Scheduler Job' button to reschedule the scheduler job
111Cannot schedule job &1
112Job &1 has status '&2' and therefore cannot be rescheduled
113Job &1 was scheduled, but could not be released
114Another instance of the scheduler job is still running
115Releasing jobs in accordance with the following parameters:
116Maximum number of parallel conversions: &1
117Maximum package size for parallel conversion jobs: &1
118Processing order of conversion jobs: '&1' Ascending
119Processing order of conversion jobs: '&1' Descending
120Maximum number of parallel conversions reached
121Cannot release more jobs. Job &1 is too big for parallelization.
122Failed to delete the scheduler job (in order to reschedule it)
200<<<< Messages 200-299 reserved UI messages >>>
201No new conversion request created for InfoProvider &1
202New conversion request created for InfoProvider &1
203A request was created to merge partitions for &1
204A request to attach new partitions was created for &1
205Conversion request for InfoProvider &1 reset
206Input parameters do not match the expected values
207Unable to find metadata for InfoProvider &1
208Repartitioning request for InfoProvider &1 was started in the background
209Only steps that were not executed completely are reset
210Step &1 cannot be reset
211Action canceled
212Step &1 reset
213Conversion request could not be reset
214Repartitioning request could not be started
215InfoProvider &1 manually unlocked
216Repartitioning request cannot be deleted
217Convertion request for InfoCube &1 created
218Convertion request for InfoCube &1 started in background
219Convertion request for InfoCube &1 reset
220Convertion request could not be reset
221Convertion request could not be started
222Convertion request cannot be deleted
223Prerequisites for successful repartitioning not fulfilled
224Conversion request for InfoProvider &1 cannot be deleted
225Conversion request for InfoProvider & still running in the background job
226Conversion of InfoProvider &1 finished successfully
227There is no corresponding conversion request for SPO &1
228Conversion of InfoProvider &1 is already finished
229InfoCube &1 is not locked for conversion
230InfoProviders of SPO &1 are not locked for conversion
300<<< Message 300-349 reserved for flat -> star schema conversion >>>
301Changing name of table &1 to &2 failed
302Star schema for InfoCube &1 created and activated
303Space check DB
304Acquire read lock for Infocube &1
305Change name of P dimension table &1 to &2
306Change name of F fact table &1 to &2
307BW Metadata for InfoProvider &1 adapted
308Activation of star schema for InfoCube &1
309Fill dimension tables of InfoCube &1
310Copy all rows from &1 to &2
311Checking data consistency of fact tables &1, &2
312Update statistics for both fact tables
313Release read lock for InfoCube &1
315Drop shadow table &1
316Drop shadow table &1 failed
317Drop shadow table switched off (rsadmin)
318InfoProvider &1 is not flat
350<<<< Messages 350-399 reserved for SPO star schema -> flat >>>
351Convert MasterProvider of SPO &1 to flat
352Convert PartProviders of SPO &1 to flat
353Adapt metadata of SPO &1
355Action only supported for semantically partitioned objects
356Action only supported for SPOs consisting of InfoCubes
357MasterProvider of SPO &1 is not completely converted yet
358Not all PartProviders of SPO &1 have been converted yet
359All PartProviders of SPO &1 have been converted successfully
360Conversion of InfoCube &1 to flat
361No PartProvider conversion can be (re)started
362Error while selecting a PartProvider to (re)start its conversion
363Metadata in table RSLPODBPART adjusted
364Metadata in table RSLPODBPART could not be adjusted
369Delete BWA index
400<<<< Messages 400-499 reserved for complete repartitioning >>>
401Create shadow table &1 for E fact table &2
402Create shadow table &1 for F fact table &2
403Check free space on DB
404Copy all data records from &1 to &2
405Copy all data records from &1 to &2
406Create indexes on both shadow tables
407Create read lock for InfoCube &1
408Deactivate all active aggregates of InfoCube &1
409Swap E fact table &1 with &2
410Swap F fact table &1 with &2
411Adjust BW metadata for InfoProvider &1
412Repair indexes for both fact tables
413Calculate DB statistics for both fact tables
414Delete read lock for the InfoCube &1
415Reactivate all aggregates of InfoCube &1
416Various cleanup jobs
417Create view using fact tables again
418Restartability of step &1 is not guaranteed
419Step &1 started
420Step &1 completed successfully
421InfoProvider &1 cannot be unlocked
422DDIC entries for table &1 saved
423DB save parameters for table &1 saved
424Table generated with &1 SQL descriptions for INSERT
425Native SQL generated for INSERT
426Parallel execution of INSERT
427Parallel execution of INSERT is not possible
428Serial execution of INSERT
429Index &1 (column &2, table &3) created
430Primary index for table &1 created
431&1 secondary indexes for table &2 created
432View &1 created
433Active aggregate &1 found for InfoCube &2
434All aggregates for InfoCube &1 deactivated
435Index &1 (column &2, table &3) could not be created
436Index &1 (column &2, table &3) deleted
437Index &1 (column &2, table &3) could not be deleted
438INSERT statement for &1 = &2 generated
439Aggregates for InfoCube &1 is not completely deactivated: '&2'
440All aggregates for InfoCube &1 deactivated
441Aggregates for InfoCube &1 could not be activated
442All aggregates for InfoCube &1 activated
443DB statistics for table &1 calculated
444DB statistics could not be calculated for table &1
445Metadata adjusted
446Metadata could not be adjusted
447Update rules activated for InfoSource &1
448Read lock removed for InfoProvider &1
449&1 Indexes for InfoProvider &2 repaired
450Not all indexes for InfoCube &1 could be repaired
451Read lock set for InfoProvider &1
452No name found for the temporary table
453Table &1 could not be created
454Table &1 could not be activated
455Table &1 could not be deleted in DB
456Cannot swap table &1 with table &2
457Table &1 swapped with table &2
458DDIC entries for index &1 saved
459Table &1 activated
460Secondary index of table &1 deleted on DB
461Primary index of table &1 deleted on DB
462Number of data records in &1 and &2 match (&3 data records)
463Number of data records in &1 and &2 do not match
464Keys in &1 and &2 match
465Keys in &1 and &2 do not match
466All aggregates loaded for InfoCube &1
467Cannot load aggregates for InfoCube &1
468Exclusive lock set on table &1
469Cannot set exclusive lock on table &1
470Check data consistency of table &1
471Table &1 has no data
472Temporary table &1 deleted in DB and DDIC
473Aggregates of InfoCube &1 will not be deactivated
474Aggregates of InfoCube &1 will not be activated
475Delete view using fact tables
476View &1 deleted
477No active update rules found for InfoCube &1
478Create shadow table &1 for DataStore object &2
479Set read lock for DataStore object &1
480Build indexes in shadow tables
481Exchange table &1 of active data for DataStore object with &2
482Repair indexes in table &1 of active data of DataStore object
483Calculate DB statistics for table &1
484Release read lock for DataStore object &1
485DataStore object &1 cannot be unlocked
486Read lock set for DataStore object &1
487Append of partition &1 (&2) to table &3 terminated with errors
488Partition &1 (&2) appended successfully to table &3
500<<<< Messages 500-549 reserved for attaching partitions >>>
501Create shadow table &1 for E fact table &2
502Check free space on DB
503Set read lock for InfoProvider &1
504Swap uppermost partition of &1 with &2
505Delete uppermost partition of &1
506Create index on T dimension field of &1
507Attach new partitions to &1
508Copy data records back from &1 to &2
509Calculate DB statistics for attached partitions
510Check whether all data records were copied to &1
511Adjust BW metadata for InfoProvider &1
512Release read lock for InfoProvider &1
513Various cleanup jobs
514Statistics for partition &1 of table &2 recalculated
515Old partitions deleted
516New partition &1 created for table &2
517Indexes on partition &1 repaired
518Indexes could not be repaired on partition &1
519MAXVALUE partition for table &1 generated
520MAXVALUE partition of table &1 could not be deleted
521MAXVALUE partition of table &1 deleted
522Indexes of table &1 could not be deleted
523MAXVALUE partition of table &1 swapped with &2
524Create shadow table &1 for table &2
525Create primary key for &1
526&1 Date: &2 Time: &3 (hhmmss,mmmuuun)
527&1 Duration of RUNSTATS: &2 seconds
528&1 Caution: Data loss during REORG TABLESPACE; see log
529&1 MAXVALUE partition may be missing
530&1 Reorganization of all partitions in PENDING REORG status of &1
531&1 Duration of reorganization: &2 seconds
532&1 duration of &2: &3 seconds
533Function &1 (&2) failed: sy-subrc = &3
534Function &1 (&2) successful
550<<<< Messages 550-599 reserved for SPO flat -> star schema >>>
551Convert MasterProvider of SPO &1 to standard format
552Convert PartProviders of SPO &1 to standard format
553Adapt metadata of SPO &1
555Failed to check progress of conversion of SPO &1
556Conversion of InfoCube &1 to standard format
600<<<< Messages 600-649 reserved to merge partitions >>>
601Create shadow table &1 for E fact table &2
602Check free space on DB
603Set read lock for InfoProvider &1
604Copy data records of combined partitions to &1
605Check whether all data records were copied to &1
606Delete partitions of &1 that are to be merged
607Swap lowest partition of &1 with &2
608Rebuild indexes for lowest partition of &1
609Calculate DB statistics for lowest partition of &1
610Adjust BW metadata for InfoProvider &1
611Release read lock for InfoProvider &1
612Various cleanup jobs
613Indexes for partition &1 of table &1 created
614Indexes could not be created for partition & of table &2
615Partition &1 of table &2 deleted
616Partition &1 of table &2 swapped with &3
617Create shadow table &1 for table &2
618Partition &1 for table &2 with value range &3 does not exist
650<<<< Messages 650-699 reserved for star schema -> flat >>>
651Create PDIM IDs
652Clean up F fact table &1
653Create indexes on &1
654Activate InfoCube &1
655Rename package dimension table &1 to &2
656Rename ncum validity table &1 to &2
657Empty dimension and fact tables of InfoCube &1
658Move F fact shadow table &1 to &2
659Activate F fact table &1
660Rename package dimension table &1 back to &2
661Rename ncum validity table &1 back to &2
662Adjust historic values in PDIM table &1
663Delete F fact shadow table &1
664Repair indexes of InfoCube &1
665Calculate DB statistics for fact table &1
666Finalize the migration of InfoCube &1
667P-DIMID for compressed records does not exist
668Converted InfoCube &1 cannot be activated
669Status of write program for InfoCube &1 cannot be reset
670Converted InfoCube &1 is inconsistent
671Metadata of converted InfoCube &1 is inconsistent
672Table &1 renamed to &2
673Shadow table &1 cannot be deleted from DDIC and database
674Table &1 cannot be dropped
675Table &1 dropped
676Data of InfoCube &1 is inconsistent
677sx-query for copying data from table &1 cannot be generated
678sx-query for copying data from table &1 generated
679Compress all historical movement requests before converting to flat
680InfoProvider &1 is already flat
681Compress request &1 before converting InfoCube &2 to flat
682InfoCube &1 data inconsistent (compressed requests with RECORDTP=2 exist)
683DIMIDs 0, 1, or 2 found with incompatible RECORDTP or request in &1
684Semantically partitioned InfoCubes are not supported
685Flat InfoCubes are not supported in your environment
686APO InfoCubes are not supported
687DIMIDs found in F fact table &1 with REQUEST ID = 0
688DIMIDs found in E fact table &1 with REQUEST ID <> 0
689Function not supported for flat InfoCubes
690InfoCube contains too many InfoObjects (&1) to be converted to flat
691InfoCube is inconsistent, conversion to flat not possible.
692Aggregation <> min, max or sum not supported for flat InfoCubes
693Wait until the batch job that generates the work list has finished
694(Re-)generate the worklist
695Fact view could not be created again.
696Conversion request could not be reset.
697Copy data records from &1 to &2 failed.
698Real-time InfoCubes are typically non-flat. See SAP Note &.
699Flat InfoCubes are not supported. See SAP Note &.
700<< Messages 700 - 799 for DB-specific Messages >>
701Delete fact view
702Create fact view again
703Cannot create primary index for table &1
704&1 of &2 secondary indexes for table &3 created
705View &1 deleted
706Metadata in table RSDDIME adjusted
707Metadata in table RSDDIME could not be adjusted
708Create shadow table &1 for DataStore active table &2
709Set read lock for DataStore object &1
710Swap DataStore active table &1 with &2
711Adapt BW metadata for DataStore object &1
712Repair Indexes on DataStore active table
713Calculate DB statistics for DataStore active table
714Remove read lock for the DataStore object &1
715Metadata in table RSDODSOIOBJIND adjusted
716Metadata in table RSDODSOIOBJIND could not be adjusted
717Read lock for DataStore object &1 removed
718Not all indexes of DataStore object &1 could be repaired
719Indexes of DataStore object &1 repaired
720Read lock set for DataStore object &1
721Cannot activate block locking for table &1
722Cannot delete view &1
723Build indexes on shadow table
724No metadata could be found for the DataStore object &1
725A new reclustering request was created for DataStore object &1
726Reclustering request set for DataStore object &1
727Reclustering request for DataStore &1 was started in the background
728Block locking activated for table &1
729Clustering index &1 not deleted on table &2
730Write-optimized DataStore objects could not be clustered
731An open reclustering request does not exist
732There is already another reclustering request
733Reclustering request already initialized
734New clustering schema is identical to old schema
735New reclustering request created for InfoCube &1
736Reclustering request for InfoCube &1 was reset
737Reclustering request for InfoCube &1 started in background
738Reclustering request could not be reset
739Reclustering request could not be started
740A similar reclustering request already being edited
741No new reclustering request created for InfoCube &1
742No new reclustering request created for DataStore object &1
743Deactivate affected active aggregates from InfoCube &1
744Reactivate affected aggregates of InfoCube &1
745Affected aggregates for InfoCube &1 deactivated
746Affected aggregates for InfoCube &1 deactivated
747Affected aggregates for InfoCube &1 activated
748Affected aggregates for InfoCube &1 loaded
749Primary index for table &1 could not be deleted
750INSERT statement for package &1 generated
752Key values for packaging calculated
753Markers copied from &1 to &2
754Metadata in table RSDODSO adjusted
755Unable to adjust metadata in table RSDODSO
756DataStore object &1 manually unlocked
757DataStore object &1 cannot be unlocked
758Reclustering Request Cannot Be Deleted
759There is still no open reclustering request
760Reclustering request still running in background
761InfoProvider &1 uses data row compression
762InfoProvider &1 does not use data row compression
763Unable to compress table &1
764Compression of table &1 after insertion of &2 rows
765Compression of table &1 successful
766Compressing table &1...
767Error while compressing aggregate &1
770Function is not supported on SAP HANA Database
771Table &1 has an unexpected partition specification
772Error while changing partition of table &1
773Table &1 is not available on the database
774Partition specification of table &1 cannot be read
775Error while creating the hash partition specification for table &1
790<< Messages 790 - 799 for DB6-Specific Messages >>
791Conversion of table &1 to column-organized failed
792Table &1 converted to column-organized
793Tables of star InfoCube &1 will be created column-organized
794Repair indexes of table &1
795Indexes of table &1 could not be repaired
800<< Messages 800 - 825 for DB4-Specific Messages >>
801Attaching the new partitions to &1
802MAXVALUE Partition of &1 adapted (OLD TABLE... OLD PARTITION)
803Copy data records back from &1 to &2
804Shadow table &1 created and relevant data copied
806Create shadow table &1 for E fact table &2 and copy data
807Table &1 is partitioned, but should not be
808Table &1 is not partitioned, but should be
809First 2 characters of indexes &1 and &2 on table &3 are not unique
810Index name &1 on table &2 does not comply with DDIC naming convention
811Please delete these index(es) or rename properly (see SAP note 2600359)
812InfoCube &1 contains &2 InfoObjects (max. &3 allowed in flat InfoCubes)
813InfoCube &1 contains &2 rows, too many for a flat fact table
814The estimated fact table size of &1 GB exceeds the DB limit of &2 GB
815The estimated fact table size of &1 GB is close to the DB limit of &2 GB
816See SAP Note &1 for consequences and alternatives to flat InfoCubes
817Error when estimating the fact table size for InfoCube &1
825<<<<<< 825-850 Reserved for Sybase ASE >>>>>>>
826Indexes of table &1 created on the database
827Indexes of table &1 created again on the database
828SQL: Alter table &1 partition by round robin 1
829SQL: Alter table &1 partition by range (&2) ...
830Function not supported by current DB version (SAP Note 1684434)
831Partition &1
832Merged in &1
850<< Messages 850 - 899 for DB2-Specific Messages >>
851&1: Error &2 in function module &3
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