RSD_TREX - Nachrichten aus der TREX Aggregat Ecke

The following messages are stored in message class RSD_TREX: Nachrichten aus der TREX Aggregat Ecke.
It is part of development package RSDDTREX_CORE in software component BW-BEX-OT. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "BWA services that are also needed in the core".
Message Nr
Message Text
000<<BWA Index Activation>>
001Index '&1' created for BWA index
002Creation of index '&1' terminated. Error text: &2
003Logical index '&1' for BWA index
004Creation of logical index '&1' terminated. Error text: &2
005Index '&1' filled for BWA index ('&2' records written)
006Filling of the index '&' terminated. Error text: &2
007Index '&1' deleted for BWA index
008Deletion of index '&1' terminated. Error text: &2
009Object status of BWA index '&1' set to '&2'
010No BWA indexes active/inactive for InfoCube '&1'
011Table '&1' already created as an index on the BWA server
012Creation of BWA index for InfoCube '&1' terminated during activation
013Creation of the BWA index for InfoCube '&1' terminated while filling
014Deletion of the BWA index for InfoCube '&1' terminated
015Deletion of logical index for BWA index for InfoCube '&1' terminated
016JOIN conditions:
017&1.&2 ~ &3.&4
018Runtime (ms): RFC server:&1, BWA client:&2, BWA kernel: &3, ABAP RFC: &4
019Index for table '&1' is being processed
020Index '&1' is being filled
021Only load delta package for table '&1': from SID '&' to SID '&3'
022Prepare optimize for BWA subindex '&1':
023Commit optimize for BWA subindex '&1':
024Prepare Optimize for BWA subindex '&1' terminated. Error text: &2
025Commit optimize for BWA subindex '&1' terminated. Error text: &2
026Activation of BWA index for InfoCube '&1' terminated during cleanup
027Creation of the BWA index of table '&1' terminated during filling
028The BWA RFC connection is not the default connection
029'&2' SIDs with DATAFL = FALSE entered for index of table '&1'
030BWA index for InfoCube '&1' already active
031M-Version of BWA index for InfoCube '&1' not active
032The "A" version of BWA index for InfoCube '&1' does not have status 'OFF'
033Index for table '&1' already filled. Terminate
034BWA index has partitioning attribute '&1,&2' on fact index
035BWA index for InfoCube '&1' filled
036BWA index for InfoCube '&1' activated
037BWA index for InfoCube '&1' deleted
038BWA index for InfoCube '&1' rolled up successfully
039BWA index for InfoCube '&1' changed successfully
040Index of table '&1' does not exist yet. It is created automatically.
041Loading into index for table '&1' locked by competing job
042InfoCube of competing process: '%&1'
043Rollback of index '&1' termianted. Error text: &2
044Index '&1' successfully rolled back to SID '&2'
045Lock for table '&1'. Job will be restarted again later
046Fill job for BWA index of InfoCube '&1' due to lock
047Rollback for index '&1' executed
048Read / fill mode: '&1' (restriction: '&2')
049Filling of index '&1' in background job '&2' part '&3'
050Index '&1' has unknown status after terminated job
051Reading from table '&1' terminated. Error:
052Read-/fill mode: '&1' (Restriction by JOIN with '&2')
053Termination while setting the delta mode for index '&1'
054Delta mode for index '&1' set to '&2' (duration: '&3')
055Invalidation of the dimension function index terminated with errors
056No new data for index of table '&1'
057Error while determining the SPARSE indicators for index '&1'
058Job '&1' terminated successfully
059Rollback for table '&1' not possible. Index created again
060Indexing for InfoCube '&1' restarted
061Index '&1' in unknown status. Index created again and filled
062Data for the BWA index for InfoCube '&1' loaded into main memory
063Data for the BWA index for InfoCube '&1' deleted from main memory
064Loading the data for InfoCube '&1' not successful. Error message:
065Index cannot be loaded into the main memory. Error message:
066Delta index with main index '&1' combined. Runtime (sec.) '&2'
067Combination of delta index with main index '&1' canceled: Error:
068Combination for index '&1' locked by load process (InfoCube: '&2')
069Filling the BWA index: InfoCube &1, job name &2, job no. &4, time &3
070Dimension function index (DFI) invalidated (InfoCube '&1')
071Error while searching the index landscape
072Index landscape started successfully
073A load process from the activation step is still running
074Lock on InfoProvider '&1' is preventing indexing
075Start parallel index filling process for table '&1'
076&2: Parallel index filling process scheduled in background job '&1'
077WHERE clause: OPT ='&1', LOW = '&2', HIGH = '&3' (field: '&4')
078Parallel background process for indexing table '&1' complete ('&2')
079Scheduling of parallel index filling job failed &1 &2
080Background process '&1' complete: number of indexed records '&2'
081Backgr. parallelization of index fill process (number of processes:'&1)
082Index filling process in main process:
083Index for table '&1':
084Statistics UID of indexing job: '&1' (RSDDSTATTREX/RSDDSTATTREXSERV)
085Parallel indexing process terminated (Task: '&1')
086No active BWA indexes found. Nothing to be done.
087At least one large index must be created for the BWA index
088BWA index set to "inactive". Schedule the adjustment.
089Error in BWA server. Run query again.
090Queries read data from the database for the next &1 seconds
091Problem in the BWA server in system '&1'
092Error Message:
093Data of BWA index (object '&1') loaded to main memory. Duration: '&2'
094Error loading data to main memory (object '&1')
095Data of BWA index (InfoCube '&1') deleted from main memory
096Function not yet implemented
097InfoObject '&1' with SIDCONVERT. No indexing necessary.
098Index of table '&1' must be created again
099Error while comparing the index with the table '&1'
100&1 &2 &3 &4
101Activate BWA index
102Delete BWA index
103Fill BWA index initially
104Roll up BWA index
105Adjust BWA index &1 in change run
106Batch parallelization: START
107Batch parallelization: END
108Execute rollback
109COMMIT BWA index in change run
110Execute BWA index MERGE (InfoCube '&!1')
111BWA index check (InfoCube '&1', mode '&2')
112Index of master data table(s) for InfoObject '&1'
113Read from '&1' fact table
114Index of table '&1' must be created again
115Index of table '&1' may be able to be deleted
116Index of table '&1' is being used by another InfoCube
117Adapt BWA index to object '&1'
118BWA index adapted to InfoCube '&1'
119A lock on the BWA server is preventing reading from the BWA index
120Error in parallel batch process '&1'
121BWA index has type '&1'
122Execute TRUNCATE on BWA index for InfoCube '&1'
123TRUNCATE on index of table '&1' was successful
124TRUNCATE on index of table '&1' terminated with errors; delete all data
125TRUNCATE executed on BWA index for InfoCube '&1'
126Table: '&1'. Parameter BATCHPARA during indexing: '&2'
127'&1' different values in column '&2' of table '&3'
128Change run for ID '&1' has no characteristics --> nothing to be done
129Change run for ID '&1' is already complete --> nothing to be done
130No BWA indexes affected --> no action required
131BWA index from InfoCube '&1' deactivated for reporting
132Change run with ID '&1' is not yet complete
133BWA indexes reactivated for reporting
134BWA index not set to 'active' for technical reasons ('&1')
135Adjustment of data for characteristic '&1' in BWA during postprocessing
136BWA index for InfoCube '&1' is "inactive". Read data from database.
137BWA index for InfoCube '&1' is "inactive". No queries currently possible.
138The amount of data to be read from the BWA server is too large
139Locked by BWA monitor action
140A lock on index of table '&1' prevents indexing
141Re-indexing of table '&1' was terminated; restart re-indexing
142Deletion, recreation, and indexing for table '&1'
143Large indexes must be recreated; job will be started
144Fact index changed. Delete and rebuild BWA index for '&1'.
145P-dimension index read; number of records: '&1'
146Number of request entries to be deleted: '&1'
147'&' records indexed
148Prepare optimize and commit optimize executed
149Error while deleting from BWA index. Rebuild required.
150Error while reading index information for index '&1'
151Not all data indexed for index '&1' ('&2' for '&3')
152Fatal error during indexing. Rebuild required
153BWA index for '&1' uses index. Query terminations may occur.
154BWA server is overloaded
155Loaded data/main memory available = '&1'
156Number of times main memory has been unloaded in last 24 hours: '&1'
157BWA index will be created initial and filled in job '&1'
158RSTT Trace needs BWA to be used, but BWA is not available
159Cube &1 has BWA as primary storage. Reading from BWA not possible.
160New attributes added for index in table '&1' (number '&2')
161Attribute '&1' from index in table '&2' deleted
162Typ of attribute '&1' in index of table '&2' changed
163Comparison of DB tables with associated indexes
164Old version of BWA object of '&1' saved
165Old version of BWA object of '&1' not found
166BWA index adapted
167Complete list of objects dependent on '&1'
168'&1' (type '&2')
169The following objects cannot be deleted:
170'&1' (used by object '&2')
171No compression possible with BWA InfoCube '&1'
172Error code &1 returned by server: &2
173Attribute &1 for BWA index &2 not found
174Unknown attribute type &1 (BWA index &2, attribute &3)
175BWA index for InfoCube '&1' is '&2'. No queries possible at present.
176'&1' cannot be used as a partition attribute
178Cannot retrieve the amount of available memory on the BWA server
200<<<<<BWA Index Interface >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
201Select one or more BWA indexes
202Comparison of BWA subindex '&1' with table '&2'
203Error while calling "SHOW_INDEX" for index: '&1'
204Documents in index: '&1' - Records in table: '&2'
205Fact index: '&1' - Total of E and F table: '&2'
206Incorrect records while comparing table '&1' with index: '&2'
207DB table '&3' has '&1' entries. The BWA subindex has '&2' entries
208The BWA index for InfoCube '&1' is not correct
209The BWA index for InfoCube '&1' is correct
210Error while setting load lock
211Loading data to index &1 (records '&2', job '&3' )
212Activation/deactivation of delta index only possible with active BWA ind.
213Index for table '&1' set to delta mode
214Delta mode for index of table '&1' deactivated
215Index for table '&1' being created again
216Index rebuild only possible with active BWA index
217Caution: Key figure '&1' is of type "FLOAT"
218Total number of indexed records for table '&1': '&2'
219BWA server cache for index of the InfoCube '&1' deleted
220Cancellation during deletion of the BWA server cache
221Table '&1' contains too many records. Check not possible.
222BWA index for InfoCube '&1' is not active
223BWA index for selected InfoCubes not possible
224Error while reading from index '&1'. Error text:
225No additional parameters maintained
226Only display possible. Maintain with program RSDDTREX_ADMIN_MAINTAIN.
227DF index activated
228Error activating/deactivating DF cache
229BWA index of object '&1' set to status '&2'
230BWA index set to status "active"
231DF index deactivated
232'&1' duplicate records in index of table '&2' (no error)
233All '&1' records from DB table '&2' are in index in BWA
234'&1' records missing from index in DB table '&2'; index must be rebuilt
235Random query '&1' (SUBRC = '&2') with differing results
236Check for consistency using random queries
237Results of random queries on DB and BWA are identical
238Error while executing query (SUBRC '&1', successful '&2', read from '&3')
239Error while comparing results (SUBRC '&1')
240Test values: InfoCube '&1', queries '&2', start value '&3'
241Edit index for table '&1'
242Runtime in seconds: database: '&1', BWA: '&2'
243Structural change to InfoCube requires reconstruction of BWA index
247BWA index for object &1 not possible
250Read from DB: First package started
251Package read from DB - now exporting to memory...
252Prepare optimize finished
253Waiting to finish &1 asynchronous processes...
254Waiting for free process...
350<<<<<<<<<<< BWA Backup&Recovery >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><
351Snapshot with ID '&1' exported in '&2' seconds
352Error while exporting snapshot with ID '&1'
353BWA index for InfoProvider/InfoObject '&1' updated
354Error while updating BWA index for InfoCube '&1'
355Snapshot with ID '&1' imported in '&2' seconds
356Error while importing snapshot ID '&1'
357BWA data updated and regenerated
358BWA data update terminated with errors
359Update of BWA index for InfoProvider/InfoObject '&1'
360Snapshot with ID '&1' does not exist
361EXPORT successful
362Snapshot ID '&1' deleted in '&2' seconds
363Error while deleting snapshot ID '&1'
364Snapshot with ID '&1' does not exist
365BWA data recovery is in progress
366BWA index server is not available again after wait time
367Recovery mode '&1'; reason: '&2'
368Maximum request ID in package dimension index '&1'
370Update InfoProvider Indexes
371Snapshot &1 is locked against deletion on the BWA
400&1 for &2 &3 is not active
401No authorization for this action
402Internal ABAP error
403Error during generation of BW information
404BWA returned an error
405BWA returned an error for index &1
406BWA returned too much data when retrieving the reference data
407BWA did not return any data when collecting the reference data
408Restriction to approximately '&1' percent of data
409Error while reading data
410Error while reading data for InfoObject &1 in drilldown
411Error while reading data for InfoObject &1 in drilldown of the database
412Error while reading data for InfoObject &1 in BWA drilldown
413Index for table &1 not filled
414There is no BWA index for table &1 of InfoCube &2
415Index for table &1 of InfoCube &2 does not exist in BWA
416Index for table &1 of InfoCube &2 exists in BWA, but not in BW
417There is an BIA index for table &1 of InfoCube &2
418Characteristic: '&1' '&2' '&3'
419Comparison of aggregated key figures OK for InfoObject &1 in drilldown
420Comparison found deviation in key fig. &1 for InfoObject &2 in drilldown
421Check skipped for InfoObject &1 due to too much data
422BWA engine did not return any data for InfoObject &1
423Check with InfoObjekt &1 (Duration: &2 (seconds))
424Key figs for InfoObject &1 in drilldown from BWA are same as query on DB
425Deviation between BWA and database on key figure &1 for InfoObject &2
426Check for InfoObject &1 skipped due to too much data from BW
427Check for InfoObject &1 skipped due to too much data from BWA
428Check query reads from &1 (data source: '&2')
429Average of attribute &1 from table &2 is the same for DB and BWA
430Average of attribute &1 from table &2 (DB and BWA) in tolerance range
431BWA has returned an error for attribute &1 from table &2
432Attribute &1 from table &2 is not numeric, no average
433Deviation in average of attribute &1 from table &2 for DB and BWA
434At least one InfoCube must be selected for the check
435Check saved with ID '&1'
436No check with ID '&1' exists
437Check with ID '&1' deleted
438Check for InfoCube '&1'
439Number of records: DB table(s) '&1', index in BWA '&2' (delta: '&3')
441Check for consistency for BWA index of InfoCube '&1' returned an error
442You can find details of the checks in the application log (system '&1)
443Execute BWA index check with ID '&1'
444Run BWA index checks
450No key figures are suitable for the check
451Table &1 is not indexed.
452Index &1 exists but is no longer required.
500<<<< RSRV and BWA Monitor Test Texts >>>>
501The logical index of the BWA index for InfoCube '&1' is correct
502The logical index of the BWA index for InfoCube '&1' is not correct
503Delta index is less than 10% of the main index ('&1', '&2'%)
504Delta index is more than 10% of the main index ('&1', '&2'%)
505Many changes in index for table '&1'; use delta index
506Parameter changes were accepted
507Adjust BWA index after InfoCube changes ('&1')
508Delete and rebuild all BWA indexes
509Check size of delta indexes for BWA indexes ('&1')
510Global indexing parameters for BWA indexes
511Compare index definition with database table ('&1')
512Check definition of logical index (&1 &2)
513Suggest delta indexes for certain indexes ('&1')
514Check: Table-index relationship (&1 &2)
515Check: Check key figure totals internally (type InfoCube only)
516Check: Check key figure totals in database against index (InfoCube only)
517Check tables against index contents (for all types)
518Compare size of InfoCube fact table with fact index
519All checked indexes are correctly defined
520No changes need be made to delta settings
521No automatic correction possible. Note long text of check.
522Find indexes with status "Unknown" ('&1')
523No indexes exist with status "Unknown"
524Rebuild all master data indexes for a BWA index
525Display system-wide parameters for indexing
526No changes/repairs possible (long text)
527Parameter 'BATCHPARA' = '&1' - No. of processes for batch parallelization
528Parameter 'NUMPROC' = '&1' - No. of processes for aRFC parallelization
529Parameter 'PKGSIZE' = '&1' - Package size in bytes for internal tables
530Parameter 'SUBPKGSIZE' = '&1' - Package size for EXPORT TO BUFFER
536Display all BWA indexes with status and parts
537BWA index for object '&1' (type: '&4'): version '&2', status '&3'
538Index for table '&1': Status '&2'
539Display current messages from BWA alert server
540BWA index for InfoCube '&2': Fact index is '&1' larger than fact tables
541Load BWA index data into main memory ('&1')
542Delete BWA index data from main memory ('&1')
543No test results available for today
544Test job successfully descheduled
545RFC connection to '&1' not active
546RFC connection to '&1' successfully tested
547Estimate storage requirements of fact index
548Estimate runtime for indexing of fact index
549Estimated storage requirements of fact index '&2' (KB), '&1'
550Estimated runtime of fact index indexing '&1' (seconds), '&2'
551Consistency checks (exhaustive)
552Consistency checks (fast)
553Performance Checks
554BWA-RFC connection '&1' from application server '&2': status '&3'
555BWA index for object '&1' (type '&2') affected
556BWA indexes for the following InfoCubes will be deleted and rebuilt
557InfoCube '&1'
558Results of BWA installation check
559All data in BW Accelerator deleted
560Start of simple functionality test for BWA index
561Creation of data for the indexes
562Create and fill the indexes
563Creation of logical index (metadata)
564Execute test queries
565Delete indexes (clean up)
566Termination when creating/filling
567Incorrect result in query '&1'
568Correct result in query '&1'
569End of simple functionality test for BWA index
570Check hierarchy indexes for characteristic &1
571Check hierarchy metadata in BWA
572Checking definition of hierarchy &1 &2...
573Hierarchy metadata is correct
574Hierarchy index for &1 &2 missing in BWA
575Creating logical index for hierarchy &1 &2 in BWA...
576Repair Step for Hierarchy Metadata
577Hierarchy index for &1 &2 not deleted in BWA
578InfoCube '&1' triggers exception '&2'
580Delete index partitions for characteristic values of '&1'
581Delete index partition for characteristic value '&1'
582Deletion of index partitions terminated
583Adaptation of S table &1 to characteristic &2 unsuccessful
590Key figure &1 could not be checked for query '&2'
600<<<<<<<<<<< New UI for BWA Maintenance >>>>>>>>>>>>><<<
601Do you want to create the BWA index for object '&1?
602Do you want to fill the BWA index for object '&1'?
603Step performed successfully. BWA maintenance complete.
604An error occurred. Choose "Continue" to start again from the beginning.
605Do you want to delete the BWA index for object '&1'?
606Do you want to delete the BWA index or continue filling it?
607BWA index for object '&1' has been created, but has not been filled (yet)
608Filling BWA index for object '&1'. See 'Information' for details.
609You can refresh the status logs by choosing "Continue"
610Function only possible if BWA index is filled
611The filling process for the BWA index has finished
612BWA index for object '&1' has already been created and filled
613No BWA index exists yet for object '&1'
614Index for table '&1': status '&2' (number of records: '&3')
615Components of BWA index for object '&1':
630Verification of buffer entries in BWA hierarchy buffer
631All buffer entries are correct
632BWA hierarchy buffers deleted
633All BWA hierarchy buffer entries will be deleted
666No TREX RFC connections available
667No TREX indexes found
668No physical TREX indexes found
669Index &1 could not be created
800Aggregate '&1' (InfoCube '&2') is incorrect (system '&3')
801Details in application log: object 'RSRV', subobject 'AGGRCHECK'
802Aggregate set to "inactive"
803InfoCube '&1': Table entry RSMDATASTATE will be reset
804InfoCube '&1': Table entry RSDCUBE will be reset
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