The following messages are stored in message class RSL_UI: .
It is part of development package RSL_UI in software component BW-BEX-OT-WSP. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "CompositeProvider UI Package".
Message Nr
Message Text
000&1 &2 &3 &4
001Provider &1 already exists. Choose a different name
002File &1 uploaded as provider &2
003Workspace set to &1
004Cannot create proposal
005User &1 does not exist
006User &1 removed
007You do not have authorization for workspace &1
008CompositeProvider &1 saved
009User &1 has no authorization for workspace &2
010Name must not be empty
011Cannot display data preview. Internal error
012CompositeProvider does not contain any other fields
013Provider &1 identified as the basis. Links created.
014First select the fields of basis provider &1
015No authorization for workspace
016No workspaces maintained
017The first data row must be larger than the header row
018&1 user(s) removed
019Error while adding object &1 to workspace &2
020Error while creating provider &1
021The first data row &1 is larger than the number of rows in file &2
022The column name cannot be empty
023The name must start with [A-Za-z] and can only contain [A-Za-z0-9)
024Internal error while generating the preview
025Internal error while creating the proposal
026Name must start with &1
027&1 of &2 CompositeProviders deleted
028&1 deleted
029Cannot delete provider &1
030&1 of &2 providers deleted
031Choose a DataSource from the table as a source
032No e-mail address specified for at least one user
033Users added from workspace &1
034No users with authorizations for workspace &1
035E-mail sent
036Could not send e-mail. Internal error
037Opened client program for sending e-mails
038CompositeProvider &1 saved and activated
039Query &1 is not suitable for the CompositeProvider
040Join link &1 does not contain any errors
041Join link &1 creates duplicate key figure
042Select one row only
043Select at least one row
044File type of &1 is not supported
045Select at least one provider
046Internal error while opening the CompositeProvider
047Error while mapping main provider
048No main provider defined for workspace
049Main provider '&1' used for mapping
050Metadata analyzed
051Provider data analyzed
052Maximum number of data records (&1) selected
053Maintain at least one mapping link
054Error while determining the relation types
055Internal error while checking the join link
056First &1 data records displayed
057&1 data records selected
058CompositeProvider field &1 is already mapped to provider field &2
059Query name cannot be empty
060You have entered recipients but no e-mail text
061You have entered recipients but no e-mail subject
062You have entered a subject or text for the e-mail but no recipients
063You have entered a subject or text for the e-mail but no recipients
064Could not load provider &1
065Column &1 no longer available. Cannot create
066Workspace &1 does not exist
067Data comparison is not possible because CompositeProvider is inconsistent
068Error in BWA/SAP HANA DB (return code = &2): '&1'
069Could not instantiate MultiProvider '&1'
070Could not enhance data basis for mapping proposals
071A calculation or field with the name '&1' already exists
072Main provider mapping of CompositeProvider '&1' is incorrect
073CompositeProvider field '&1' is flagged as a main provider field
074Mapping '&1'-'&2' <-> '&3' removed: '&2' not available
075Invalid provider '&1' removed from CompositeProvider
076Mapping applied for main provider '&1'
077Column '&1' removed from CompositeProvider
078Column '&1' no longer flagged as a main provider field
079No repair performed
080Repair completed
081Enter a name for the calculation result
082Calculated characteristic &1 is not linked
083Invalid encoding format
084Minimum of two operands expected for this calculation
085Cannot set data type '&1'. The data in column &2 is not suitable.
086Function not possible for existing columns
087Workspace limit reached or exceeded. Number of providers: &1 / &2
088Workspace limit reached or exceeded. Memory &1 / &2 &3
089Select at least one field to display
090Function not possible for provider &1
091Column &2 had data type &1 when initial upload was performed
092Length &1 is invalid for column &2 (minimum length &3)
093You can change the field length (minimum length &1)
094Workspace &1 does not exist
095No data backup for provider &1
096Provider '&1' removed: Not assigned to workspace
097Mapping '&1'-'&2' <-> '&3' removed: '&2' not released
098Unknown error occurred while reading file &1
099File &1 is too large
100Error occurred while copying query &1
101Standard query &1 saved
102Query &1 saved as a transient query
103Query &1 copied
104Query &1 cannot begin with &2
105Query &1 does not begin with &2
106A query with the name &1 already exists
107An object with the name &1 of type &2 already exists
108The standard query &1 already exists
109Query &1 cannot be changed
110Entries checked
111Name must be different to prefix &1
112Cannot convert file &1. Function is not available.
113Unknown error occurred while reading file &1
114Cannot set data type '&1'. Invalid data in column &2.
115Queries saved
116Queries saved and activated
117Error while processing data. Invalid data type for value '&1'.
118Error while processing data. Invalid data type for value '&1'.
119Workspace expiry date (&1) exceeded. Creation not possible.
120CompositeProvider contains incorrectly linked compounded characteristics
121Provider '&1' not assigned to workspace &2
122Column '&1' of provider '&2' in workspace is not released
123Error while processing data. Invalid length for value '&1'
124Error while processing data. Invalid length for value '&1'
125Choose a file first
126Provider &1 does not exist any more. Repair the CompositeProvider.
127CompositeProvider &1 does not have any fields. Data display not possible.
128Provider &1 does not exist. Reloading not possible.
129Enter a valid value, F38 for example
130The data display function is not supported for MultiProviders
131Provider &1 is not assigned to workspace &2. Reloading not possible.
132You need to choose a workspace before continuing
133&1 is not used in this workspace
134The where-used list is not supported for providers of this type
135&1 created
136Error while creating &1
137Query &1 is not suitable for this workspace
138Column '&1' not found in template query '&2'
139Mapping applied for template query '&1'
140Error during activity &1
141Internal error during communication with the ACF control
142InfoObject &1 in column &2 does not exist
143No mapping found for InfoObject &1 in template query '&2'
144Workspace &1 unlocked
145No lock(s) found in Workspace Designer
146Error while unlocking
147No authorization for local provider &1
148Provider checked
149The settings for column &1 are consistent
150The InfoObject in column &1 must not be empty
151Error in the graphical preview
152Join Fields Analysis
153Join Fields Analysis (All Providers)
154Step-by-Step Provider Join Analysis
155At least one column must be a characteristic
156Analysis terminated
158Select at least one column
159Lock(s) found in Workspace Designer
161MS Excel file will be transferred
162Analysis not possible
163Worksheet &1 does not contain any data
164File does not contain any data
165Data type '&1' cannot be set. The format in column &2 is not suitable.
166Internal error while processing the file (error text: '&1')
167Unspecified error while processing the file
168The header row must be greater than 0
169The first data row must be greater than 0
170Status of CompositeProvider &1 set to inactive
171Variants cannot be maintained for query &1
172The CompositeProvider does not contain any fields yet
173&1 cannot be left empty
174An SAP StreamWork activity already exists
175Function &1 cannot be used with variant type &2
176Select at least one query
177Key figures can only be selected for Standard type queries
178SAP StreamWork activity created without inviting users
179Max. number (&3) of distinct values reached (PartProvider &1, Alias &2)
180No DataSources are assigned to Workspace &1
181Checking the master data can take quite a long time
182Analyzing MS Excel file...
183Error while processing data. Maximum field length exceeded.
199Calculated key figures modified
200Not specified
201Same InfoObject
202Same field name
203Similar description
204Different InfoObject
205Incompatible data type
207Could not find any suitable CompositeProviders
208&1% matching data
209Data comparison not possible
210Provider '&1': Remaining fields not included as dedicated fields
211Provider '&1': Could not apply link proposal
212Provider '&1': No new link proposals found
213Provider '&1': Link proposal applied
214Provider '&1': Remaining fields included as dedicated fields
215Generation of proposals aborted after provider '&1'
216Provider '&1': Links removed
217Provider '&1': Invalid link -> all links removed
218Some providers still do not have links
219Runtime exceeded while creating proposal
220The provider analysis has already been running for longer than &1 seconds
221Analysis completed for (&1/&2) of the selected providers
222Continue analysis?
223Suitable CompositeProvider found: '&1'
224Data comparison cannot be displayed
225CompositeProvider '&1' has a comparable provider structure
226Use CompositeProvider '&1' as a template?
227The data comparison is being started
228Data comparison finished
229Field '&1'
230Progress of data comparison
231Stop the data comparison
233&1 &2 &3 &4
234Comparing provider field '&1' with CompositeProvider fields...
235Checking CompositeProvider field '&1'...
236Checking provider field '&1'...
238'&1' second(s)
239Column &1 must be of type InfoObject (&2)
240The unit/currency field in column &1 will be reset
241&1 (proposal obsolete)
242Unit or currency not set for column &1
243Progress of step-by-step provider join analysis
244Progress of join fields analysis (all providers)
245Progress of join fields analysis
246Progress display
247No workspaces found
248Key Figures successfully saved
249Key Figure '&1' could not be deleted
250Nothing was changed
251Key Figure '&1' does not exist
252Key Figure '&1' could not be updated
253Some Key Figures are not copyable
254Key Figure '&1' can not be copied
255Please enter a name for the copy of Key Figure '&1'
256Error while reading personalization data of user '&1'
257Enter a description
258Maintain setting "&1"
259Provider '&1' is identified as the basis. Select links to the CompProv.
260CompositeProvider &1 is not used in queries
261Provider planning is enabled, and aggregation level '&1' is created
262Provider '&1' should have at least one key figure to be used for planning
263Provider planning is disabled
264Provider '&1' is auditable
265Error during upgrade to HANA. Contact admin.
266Auditing is only available for planning enabled providers
267Enable auditing before setting audit state to active
268Provider '&1' cannot be audited
269Audit state changed
270Unable to enable or disable auditing
271Provider '&1' is used by &2: '&3'. Unable to delete provider.
272Error while creating aggregation level for provider '&1'
273Error while updating dependent local CompositeProviders
274Provider '&1' is inconsistent
275No data type detected for column '&1'. A default has been chosen.
278Local characteristic &1 saved
279Authorization-relevant InfoObjects are not permitted
280InfoObject '&1' is not used in workspace '&2'
281Name of local characteristic must not be longer than 16 characters.
282A local characteristic for InfoObject '&1' already exists ('&2')
283Column '&1' not found in the uploaded file
284Local provider &1 is inactive
285Cannot run check with master data. Cannot plan local provider.
286InfoObject '&1' not found in the current workspace
287This function is not supported on BWA
288Please maintain an InfoObject
289Header '&1' already exists. Adjust the header names in your source.
290Creation of master data is not allowed
291Workspace &1 does not have a prefix. Contact your system administrator.
292Please maintain all mandatory fields
300Old local provider data will be completely overwritten
301Reload contains structural changes. Appending is not possible.
305The name of the local hierarchy must not exceed 30 characters
306Local hierarchy &1 saved
307&1 of &2 objects deleted
308Template hierarchy has a time-dependent structure; select a calendar date
309Local hierarchy can only be changed by creator
310Local hierarchy has been changed; please reload it
311Uploaded file filtered in accordance with your authorization
312Uploaded file could not be interpreted as a hierarchy
313Query '&1' not assigned to workspace &2
314Template hierarchy cannot contain intervals
315Provider &1 is part of the Main Provider and cannot be mapped standalone
316Provider &1 cannot be used in workspace &2
320&1 rows have been loaded
321&1 rows have been cleansed
322Data has been appended
323Last Editing Tool: &1
324InfoObject of type Key Figure not allowed for column &1
326Central Provider Field &1 is mandatory, but has no column mapped
327Central provider field '&1' should be loaded, but has no column mapped
328Worksheet &1 is not available
329Project &1 is not available
330Data of local provider &1 submitted to central provider &2
331Error while submitting the data to the central provider
332ADP source &1 is not available. Contact your administartor.
333Mapping central field &1 to local provider field &2 is not advisable
334Local provider field &1 has been already assigned to field &2
335Check successful
336InfoObject &1 is not allowed
337No data in the local provider matches the filter and cleansing settings
338Master data check against InfoObject &1 failed for value &2 in row &3
339Error while saving submission settings
340Submission settings saved
341Value &1 in row &2 of column &3 replaced with &4
342&2 data rows cleansed out of a total of &1
343Value &1 of column &2 causes row &3 to be deleted
344Value &1 in row &2 of column &3 initialized
345Uncaught conversion error for value &1 at row &2 of column &3
346Checking mapping...
347Mapping check successful
348Checking master data and cleansing data...
349Master data check and data cleansing successful
350Checking customer validation rule...
351Customer validation rule successful
352Submission settings reset successfully
353Starting submission...
354&1 data records added to request &2
355&1 data records added to request &2 and activated with request(s) &3
356Activation of provider &1 is not allowed in this workspace
357Could not activate submission target
358Target provider &1 not found in workspace
359Starting request deletion...
360Request &1 deleted successfully
361Request &1 could not be deleted
362Error in central provider field: '&1'
363Local provider field '&1' is assigned twice to fields '&2' and '&3'
364No authorization for target provider &1
365Please maintain all mandatory fields
370Attribute &1 was modifiable, but is not modifiable anymore
371Attribute &1 was not excluded, but is now excluded
372Attribute &1 has been deleted
373Local characteristic &1 does not exist
374Checking data consistency...
375Some local provider data is not suitable for central provider field '&1'
376Data types of central field &1 and local field &2 are incompatible
377InfoObject &1 is not supported for local hierarchies
379BW Workspaces are not supported in S/4 Cloud
380Local characteristic &1 is already in use
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