The following messages are stored in message class RSMSS_ANALYZER_MSG: Messages for RSMSS_ANALYZER.
It is part of development package RSMSS in software component BW-SYS-DB-MSS. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Microsoft SQL Server Porting".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Basis InfoCubes with many uncompressed requests
001Property: INFOCUBE
003InfoCube tables without index statistics
004Inconsistently compressed Basis InfoCube requests
006InfoCube dimension tables with missing indexes/obsolete index layout
007Shadow tables (@k tables) resulting from an incomplete partition drop
008InfoCube E-Fact tables with missing indexes/obsolete index layout
009InfoCube F-Fact tables with missing indexes/obsolete index layout
010Property: ONLINE
011Property: MAXDOP
012Uncompressed fact tables (SQL Server decimal compression)
013Missing and superfluous partitions of F-Fact tables
014Property: CHECK_TABLE
015Partitioned F-Fact tables that can be unpartitioned
016Unpartitioned F-Fact tables that can be partitioned
017Tables containing many partitions
019Parallel rapair runs are prohibited for this check
020Backup tables created by this program
021To be updated
022To be deleted
023To be created
032Dialog processing
033No log entries found
034No check results to display
035Check and repair log display were refreshed
036Data dictionary could not generate the CREATE INDEX statement
037Data dictionary could not activate the index
038Error occured while determining indexes from InfoCube activator(&1)
039SAP standard index &1 is missing in dictionary
040SAP standard index &1 exists in dictionary but is missing in database
041Index field &1 is missing in index &2
042SAP standard definition for index &1 is &2
043Current definition is &1
044Existing index &1 is not an SAP standard index
045Define it as extension index in SE11 to keep it during repair
046Index field &1 must not be included in SAP standard index &2
047Data package &1 = &2 (&3 rows transferred)
048All data rows have been transferred in one batch (&1)
049Error occured while transferring data
050Error occured while transferring datapackage &1 = &2
051You can rerun the repair run to complete the data transfer
052Data transfer succeeded. &1/&2 data rows inserted
053Index created successfully in database
054Check system log for details on the error
055Index creation options:
056DROP INDEX statement generated
057CREATE &INDEX statement generated
058New index include columns will be:
059No index include columns have been defined
060Waiting for statement execution via background job...
061Clustered indexes cannot have include columns
062&1 remove include columns or remove clustered property
063Index &1 is already clustered. Only one clustered index is possible
064Do you want to uncluster index &1 and cluster index &2 instead?
065Backup table could not be deleted in database
066Error while creating backup table for package dimension
067Table &1 was backed up to &2
068Initial package dimension record DIMID = 0
0690REQUID = 0 could not be written
0700REQUID = 0 has been written successfully
071Could not delete unnecessary DIMID = 0 from package dimension
072Deleted inconsistent package dimension record with &1 &2
073Error while creating backup table for E-Fact table
074Could not set value &1 for &2&3 in table &4. Action rolled back.
075Corrected E-Fact table records with &1 = &2 to &1 = &3
076Cannot automatically repair orphan request in F-Fact table
077&1 in package dimension is &2; &3 is &4
078Error occured while creating statistics
079Vardecimal storage format has been enabled for database &1
080Error while enabling vardecimal storage format in database &1
081Error while enabling vardecimal storage format for this table
082Table is not a dimension table or does not exist
083Could not get table lock for processing the table
084Not all indexes could be activated
085Could not drop primary key from currently processed table
086Table to repair is not an E-Fact table or does not exist
087Table to repair is not an F-Fact table or does not exist
088Table does not exist in database
089Cannot determine SAP standard indexes for the table
090Error calling function module &1
091Could not determine partitioning column of F-Fact table
092Partition with boundary &1 &2 has been created
093Partition with boundary &1 &2 could not be created. &3
094Errors occured while creating missing partitions (see above)
095Partition with boundary &1 &2 was dropped because it was empty
096Partition with boundary &1 &2 could not be dropped. &3
097Errors occured while creating/dropping partitions
098Error occured while unpartitioning the table
099Shadow table could not be deleted in database
100Error occured while partitioning the table
101Repair finished successfully (back check succeeded)
102Repair finished with errors (back check failed)
103Repair finished successfully (back check not available)
104Unknown inherited error occured
105&1 of &2 items were repaired successfully (see details above)
106&1 of &2 items were not repaired (see details above)
107Backup table of aborted repair run renamed to original table (&1 => &2)
108Original table renamed to backup table (&1 => &2)
109Reset renaming. Continue based on state of previously aborted run
110Secondary indexes have been created
111No longtext available for this check. Read SAP note &1 for a description.
112Error while creating secondary indexes
113Aborted repair run found. Table &1 is reused for this run
114Clustered index has been created in database
115Error while creating clustered index in database (SQL Error)
116Partitioned table &1 has been created in database
117Unpartitioned table &1 has been created in database
118Error occured while creating table in database (SQL Error)
119&1 while processing table/index &2
120SQL Error(s)&1 occured
121Dialog processing mode enabled
122Background processing mode enabled
123Expert mode enabled
124Switched back to standard mode
125Specify a table before selecting an index
126Selected check offers no items to repair
127Error while creating application log
128Error in &1: Calling &2 failed.
129The table is a backup table of &1 created during repair run of check &2
130InfoCube &1 does not exist or has no active version. No check possible
131InfoCube &1 contains &2 uncompressed requests
132No InfoCube/s with more than &1 uncompressed requests found.
133Check executed with restriction/s &
134Initial P-Dimension entry is missing in table &1
135Inconsistently compressed request in E-Fact table
136Orphan request in F-Fact table. 0REQUID in package dimension is 0
137Cube contains inconsistent requests
138No inconsistent requests found for Basis InfoCube
139Not all table indexes have statistics
140No InfoCube without statistics found
141Table is not vardecimal compression enabled.
142Table indexes are not compatible to the SAP standard (Repair optional)
143No inconsistent indexes found
144Table does not exist in database. Check has been skipped for this table.
145Partition missing for request &1 (DIMID = &2)
146Unnecessary empty partition found for InfoCube request &1(DIMID = &2)
147Missing/unnecessary partitions found for F-Fact table of InfoCube &1
148No missing/unnecessary partitions found
149Table is partitioned
150No partitioned table found
151Tables residing from a partition drop can be deleted.
152No shadow tables found
153Table contains &1 partitions
154Table &1 does not have more than &2 partitions
155Table &1 does not exist in database. Check returned no result.
156No tables with more than &1 partitions found
157Prerequisite check "&1" returned issues for the corresponding InfoCube.
158&1 Execute that check/repair first
159Prerequisite check &1 returned more than &2 uncompressed requests.
160SAP recommends to compress the InfoCube to have less than &1
161&1 uncompressed requests left for query performance reasons
162Table is not partitioned.
163No relevant unpartitioned BW tables found
164Check did not find relevant tables that can be decimal compressed
165Check did not find backup table that can be deleted
166Table indexes are not compatible to the SAP standard
167Index &1 is currently clustered.Instead index &2 should be clustered
168Index &1 should be created with option COLUMNSTORE=&2
169Index/primary key &1 must be unique
170Table &1 does not have a clustered primary key
171SAP standard dictionary index &1 may not exist in DB
172Index &1 is expected to be clustered
173The definition of index &1 does not match SAP standard or is obsolete
174Log message longtext
175Display longtext
176Executing checks is possible for items without scheduled repairs only
177Backup table
181Columnstore index detected on this table. Maintenance is not allowed.
182InfoCube and aggregate index consistency
183& is not a positive integer value.
184The database table & does not exist.
185InfoCube & is not a Basis InfoCube or does not exist
186Aggregate & does not exist
187InfoCube/aggregate & does not exist
188InfoCube & does not exist
189Cannot obtain enqueue for repairing the indexes of table &
190Inherited error occurred while repairing the indexes of table &
191Cannot obtain enqueue for table &
192You are not authorized to run this report
193The selected check does not offer a repair option
194SQL error occurred: &
195Internal error occurred: &
196Include columns cannot be specified for partitioned tables/indexes
197Include columns cannot be specified for primary keys
198Check started at & &
199Check finished at & &
200Repair started at & &
201Repair finished at & &
202Index creation started in database at &2 &3
203Index creation finished in database at &2 &3
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