The following messages are stored in message class RSODP_ABAP_CDS: .
It is part of development package RSODP_ABAP_CDS in software component BW-WHM-MTD. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "ODP Context for ABAP CDS".
It is part of development package RSODP_ABAP_CDS in software component BW-WHM-MTD. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "ODP Context for ABAP CDS".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | & & & & |
001 | CDS view &1 not found |
002 | CDS view &1 does not have data category &2, or data cat. &2 is ignored |
003 | Data category &2 of CDS view &1 is not valid |
004 | Analytics supports only Parent Child Hierarchy.CDS view &1 doesn't comply |
005 | Error while reading hierarchy &1 from view &2 (position &3) |
006 | Hierarchy &1 of view &2 contains circular reference |
007 | SQL view &1 not found |
008 | CDS view &1 inconsistent |
009 | &1 for &2 type &3 not found |
010 | Technical name &1 is only allowed in CDS view entities |
011 | Technical name &1 not in valid namespace |
012 | There is already an object of type &1 for technical name &2 |
013 | CDS view entity &1 with name greater than 28 not allowed in Analytics |
014 | CDS view entity &1 has same name as technical name &2 |
015 | Value of annotation Analytics.technicalName longer than 28 characters |
016 | CDS view has analytical name &1. View &2 has the same analytical name |
017 | Technical name &1 already used for view &2 |
018 | Error in getting the metadata of the CDS View &1 |
019 | CDS View &1 is neither a View nor a View Entity |
100 | -- Associations |
101 | Cannot instantiate ODP &2(&3) for association target &1 |
102 | Join conditions of association &1 do not apply to all key fields of &2 |
103 | Association &3 ignored: Field &2 is not a key field of target &1 |
104 | Association &3 ignored: Key element &2 of target &1 in join |
105 | Inherited association &1: not all required fields are available |
106 | No assoc. found for key field &1; either add assoc. or remove data cat &2 |
107 | Start of messages for associated view &1 |
108 | End of messages for associated view &1 |
109 | Recursive usage of associated CDS view &1 will be ignored |
110 | Association &1 is not available |
111 | Association &1 ignored: Field &2 is not available in analytics |
112 | Association &1 ignored: Field &2 is not a characteristic |
113 | Association &1 ignored: Field &2 is already the representative key |
114 | Association &1 ignored: Field &2 already has special semantics |
115 | Association &1 ignored: Field &2 is not used in the ON condition |
116 | Association &1 ignored: Field &2 is not an equal join to another field |
117 | Association &1 ignored: Field &2 is used as currency code |
118 | Association &1 ignored: Field &2 is used as unit of measure |
119 | Association &2 of CDS view &1 is not available |
120 | Cannot interpret hierarchy annotation of CDS view &1 |
121 | Association &1 ignored: Field &2 is used as language code |
122 | Specify a hierarchy name |
123 | Text association &1 ignored: Field &2 already has foreign key association |
124 | Cannot use incomplete value help annotation |
125 | Duplicate association &1 value &2 found in CDS views &3 and &4 |
126 | Field &1 mentioned in the Siblings Order not found in hier. CDS view &2 |
127 | SQL Filter Couldn't be set for associated Field &1 |
200 | -- Fields |
201 | No representative key element found in CDS view &1 |
202 | Element &1 contains unsupported aggregation &2 |
203 | Element &1: Time dependency requires a "from" date and a "to" date |
204 | Element &1 is not available |
205 | Element &1 is not a valid delta element |
206 | Element &1 is not of type time stamp |
207 | Data type of element &1 does not match semantic &2 |
208 | Element &1 is not of type date |
209 | Element &1 is not of type time |
210 | Data extraction via delta element requires at least one key element |
211 | Element &1 must not use local name in analytics |
212 | Element &1 uses local name; element &2 associated with same target CDS &3 |
213 | Element &1 in CDS &2 uses local name because of incomplete compounding |
214 | It is not possible to hide key field &1 |
215 | Element &1 is not of type Geometry |
216 | 'Valid From' field expected in CDS &1 for time-dependency but not found |
217 | 'Valid To' field expected in CDS &1 for time-dependency but not found |
218 | Fld &1 'Valid From' of time-dependency must not be key. Key flag removed. |
219 | Field &2 'Valid To' of time-dependency must be key field. Key flag set. |
300 | -- Extraction |
301 | Delta extraction by element with upper boundary &1 |
302 | Delta extraction by element with lower boundary &1 |
303 | Delta extraction by element leads to empty date interval |
304 | Start of extraction phase &1 |
305 | Reading hash codes of previous extraction... |
306 | &1 hash codes found |
307 | End of extraction phase &1 |
308 | Delta extraction should not be combined with authorization filters |
309 | Postfiltering of deltas with condition: |
310 | &1 records filtered out |
311 | Filter condition of instance authorizations: |
312 | Error while reading instance authorization filter |
313 | Delta extraction is not supported if the CDS view contains parameters |
314 | &2 records for ODP &1 pushed into queue (TSN: &3) |
315 | Error while reading delta annotations (internal &1) |
316 | Unknown subscription ID &1 |
317 | Data extraction requires a dataCategory annotation |
318 | Data extraction is only possible if the view is C1 released |
319 | Error reading CDC annotations: automatic and mapping used in one view |
320 | Error reading CDC annotations: invalid logging facade |
321 | Error reading CDC annotations: table is not active |
324 | Error reading CDC annotations: no table specified |
325 | Error reading CDC annotations: count of elements does not match |
326 | Error reading CDC annotations: mapping field does not exist |
327 | Error reading CDC annotations: table cannot be used for logging |
328 | Error reading CDC annotations: multiple #MAIN tables specified |
329 | Error while reading CDC annotations: Invalid filter on table &1 |
330 | Error while reading CDC annotations: Wrong number of key fields mapped |
331 | Error while reading CDC annotations: No #MAIN table specified |
332 | Error while reading CDC annotations: Invalid role specified |
333 | Error while reading CDC annotations: Table not part of view definition |
334 | The CDC annotation for table &1 is missing |
335 | Definition of view is too complex for automatic CDC |
336 | Complex WHERE condition may lead to wrong CDC delta |
337 | CDC annotation does not allow filter on table field &1-&2 |
340 | Change data capture (CDC) annotations of &1 changed incompatibly (&2) |
341 | Change data capture of &1 is broken |
342 | Time-dependency of Hierarchy Header &1 is ignored |
350 | Processing bucket &1 of &2 with offset &3. The conditions are... |
351 | Received &1 units for bucket &2 |
352 | SQL statement failed |
353 | Buckets are executed in queued task manager (QTM) task &1 |
354 | The schedule TSN of bucket &1 is &2 |
355 | Field &1 of type &2 with decimals &3 shouldn't be used as a key field |
356 | Parameter field &1 has name of length 30 chars. This is not supported. |
357 | Assocn. of type 'Foreign Key' or 'Text' expected for field &1 in CDS &2 |
358 | Constant value &1 expected in association &2 in CDS &3 instead of &4 |
359 | Constant value &1 expected in association &2 in CDS &3 |
360 | Analtyics.DatCat &2 set in CDS &1 has priority. Obj Mod.DatCat &3 ignored |
361 | Association &1 is ignored |
362 | CDS view &1 has Analtyics.DatCat &2 and analytics query &3. Not allowed |
363 | Association &1 is ignored. Multiple constant assignments to field &2. |
364 | Analytics Data Category &2 in CDS view &1 is deprecated and ignored |
365 | CDS View &1 has Langu field. Object model.dataCategory &2 may be used |
366 | Association &1 is ignored. Error detected in Target CDS View &2 |
367 | CDS View &1 doesn't have datacatagory &2. Header Annotaion &3 ignored |
368 | DataType of RK field &1 of CDS View &2 is &3. Header Annotaion &4 ignored |
369 | Field &1 has Association &2 of type &3. Annotation &4 ignored |
370 | CDS View &1 doesnot have required datacatagory. Field Anno &2 ignored |
371 | DataType of field &1 of CDS View &2 is &3. Annotaion &4 ignored |
372 | Role of field &1 of CDS View &2 is not dimension. Annotaion &3 ignored |