RSODSO_RUNTIME - Meldungen zur Laufzeitmessung

The following messages are stored in message class RSODSO_RUNTIME: Meldungen zur Laufzeitmessung.
It is part of development package RSODSO_RUNTIME in software component BW-WHM-DBA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Runtime Measurement".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Error While Deleting the Measurement from the Internal Cache
001Context &1 Has No Substep &2
002A Measurement Has Already Been Started for the Same Context
003The Measurement to Be Stopped Was Not Started
004Measurement for Context 1 and Substep 2 Not Finished
005Error While Saving the Measurement for Context &1 and Substep &2
006Measurement Already Exists
007Measurement Activated
008Measurements Deleted
009Deletion Failed
010Measurements Deactivated
011Measurements deleted
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