RSO_CTC - Message class for CTC related messages

The following messages are stored in message class RSO_CTC: Message class for CTC related messages.
It is part of development package BW_CORE_TOOLS in software component BW. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Tools from BW_CORE (not part of LEAN BW)".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Could not activate technical content
001Technical content activation still running
002Technical content activated
003DataSources of source system &1 replicated
004DataSources of source system &1 not replicated
005Could not check for technical content activation
006Could not activate &
007Check for Admin Cockpit installation
008Check for DataSource replication
009Check for J2EE Engine availability
010Check for activation of personalization content
011Check for status of technical content
012RFC destination in table RSODADMIN_INT is empty
013RFC destination entered is invalid
014TREX server is down
015TREX server is up
016Initial indexing not started yet
017Initial indexing in progress
018Initial indexing completed
020Check for TREX status and indexing.
021Check for collection of content objects
022Check for activation of all the objects for role
023Check for replication of DataSource
024Check for connection of the virtual provider
025Could not complete operation, since logical system not found
026J2EE Engine set up successfully
027Could not contact IGS
028IGS set up successfully
029Error modifying table &1
030Check for Internet Graphic Service
031Virtual providers of Admin Cockpit connected to source system &1
032Logical system &1 found
033Could not find logical system &1
034Client is not a BW client. Set client: &1
035No entry named "BW" found in column "customizid" in table RSADMINA
036Client not available in table T000
037Problem accessing ICF services 'Check SICF' 'SICF:\TRA'
038ICF service &1 active
039ICF service &1 not active
040Database table RSADMINA has entry with customizid = BW
041Debug user is correct
042Debug user should be empty
043Connection to TREX RFC destination is not available
044Connection to TREX RFC destination is available
045Standard transport system is in test mode (off)
046Standard transport system is not in test mode
047No ALEREMOTE user found
048Client is incorrect.
049Check for BW system client ID
050Check for ICF services
051No entry found for logical system
052User &1 exists for client
053User ALEREMOTE is not locked
054User ALEREMOTE is locked
055User ALEREMOTE does not exist for client &1
056User ALEREMOTE has profile S_BI-WHM_RFC
057User ALEREMOTE does not have profile S_BI-WHM_RFC
058Add profile in SU01- SU01:\TRA
059User ALEREMOTE has profile S_BI-WX_RFC
060User ALEREMOTE does not have profile S_BI-WX_RFC
062User ALEREMOTE does not have role SAP_RO_BCTRA
063Add role in SU01 - SU01:\TRA
064Check for table setting
065Check for user information
066Logical system details exist
067Client is correct
068Database table RSADMINS has no entry with customizid = BW
069Database table RSADMINS has entry with customizid = BW
070Check for standard BI jobs
071Job &1 is not running
072Job &1 is running correctly
073Job &1 is running more than once
074Role &1 - &2 &3 --> &4
075Error retrieving BW client
076Check for generation of role and user synchronization
079Error assigning logon user as &1 to Myself RFC destination
080DTP not available for Datasource &1 Source System &2
081Process chain &1 cannot be copied
083Required Input fields are not filled
084Object &1 of Type &2 is not assigned to Request/Package
085Object &1 of Type &2 is not active
086BW Objects listed in "Details" could not be assigned to Transport Request
087Object &1 is not available in Active Version
089BW Objects listed in "Details" are not available in 'A' version
090Error in creation of ALV List
091BW System &1 is being disconnected from Source System &2
092BW System &1 is successfully disconnected from Source System &2
093User &1 has insufficient authorizations to perform BW system refresh
095BIA Indexes are not present. This step is not required.
096Error during clean up of BIA Index information. Refer log for details.
097BIA Index information is successfully cleaned up.
098Missing authorizations. Authorization Object: S_TREX_ADM , Activity: 02
099Host name of BI Enqueue server is successfully adjusted in TA RSPLSE
100Correct host was successfully updated to BW RFC Destinations
101Generation flag is successfully reset for DSO activation programs
102No BW Source Systems connected. Step is not required.
103Connection to Source System &1 successfully restored
104Source system connection &1 will be deleted in BW
105Source system connection &1 successully deleted in BW
106Source System connection &1 will be restored
107Source System &1 will be retained, no need to delete connection
108Source system &2 will be remotely disconnected from BW &1
109Source system &2 successfully disconnected from BW &1
110Check not possible before BDLS-Task was executed
111Source system &1 will be ignored. Delete manually as per SAP Note 886102.
115Step is not required as this is a Non-BW system
116Structure &1 is not active; activate DataSource &2 at some time
117Activation failure of structure &1 of DataSource &2
118Target structure &1 of DS &2 already exists with different fields
119Transfer Structure &1 does not exist
120Error when updating delta queues in source system &1 from BW
121Delta queues in destination &1 successfully updated from BW
124Source system &1 is still connected to receiver system &2
125Source system &1 will be remotely re-connected to BW
126Source system &1 is still connected to BW system &2
127BDLS task has wrong mapping for system &1; it must be a BW source system
128&1 mapped in UI of BDLS task is not a valid BW source system
129BDLS UI contains mappings to logical system &1. Remove this mapping.
132Corrections of note &1 is missing in system &2
133Corrections of note &1 is missing in &2 system; implement this note
134You have to perform this task manually for &1 according to note &2
140Could not deactivate aggregates for InfoCube &1
141Aggregates activated for InfoCube &1
142Could not delete aggregates for InfoCube &1
143Aggregates deleted for InfoCube &1
149Task & completed with errors/warnings
150Task & started
151Task & completed
152Task & skipped as it is not required for this database and/or BW version
153Exception condition occurred for &1; program was terminated
154Task & started in check mode
155No change required
156Task & ended in check mode
157&1 flag set to &2
158Could not read job information and logs
159Program/subroutine &1 does not exist
160Could not delete statistic data of type &1
161Detailed log shortcut
162Deleting Analysis Process Design (APD) interim result tables
163Analysis Process Design (APD) interim result tables deleted
164Repair option for database & not possible
165Deletion of cache entries initiated
166No entry for pattern RST%MPl% in table RSSGTPCLA
167Error while resetting the time stamp for program class &1
168Error while resetting the program time stamp
169Program time stamp reset
170No workspaces found
171Error while modifying the DataStore indexes
172DataStore indexes adjusted
173No database-specific actions are required
174Number of changed secondary indexes in Dictionary: &1
175Error while adjusting secondary indexes in Dictionary
176Could not automatically create backup for BW Workspaces
177Could not automatically restore backup for BW Workspaces
178Default value of &1 set for &2
179InfoCube &1 has uncompressed requests.See task documentation for details
180BEx request &1 released
181No requests with error logs found for this selection
190Migration of authorization concepts is possible
191Authorization will be automatically migrated
192Authorizations cannot be automatically migrated; user intervention needed
193New analysis authorizations already exist
194No analysis authorizations to be migrated
201Error retrieving logical system name of this BW system
202Enter new logical system name for clone of this BW system
203Request &1 not completed. Monitor this request (Tx RSRQ).
204Delta queues cloned for the selected source systems
205Request delta for &1 (&2) before synchronization of delta queues
206Check not possible before delta queues have been cloned
207IDOC details updated
208Automatically reset last attempt to clone delta queues in &1 for &2
209Previous logical system name &1 is not the same as current name &2
210ALE ports updated
211Error while updating ALE port of source system &1
212ALE partner of source system &1 activated
213Predecessor task &1 not found/executed in task list
214No entry found in BDLS task for logsys &1
215No RFC destination found for source system (logsys) &1
216This task is not compatible with task &1
217No BW client found: task (&1) can only be executed in a BW system
218RFC destination &1 has errors
219Function module &1 missing in BW source system &2
220Preparation completed
221Source system &2: delta queue contains large data quantity (&1 blocks)
223DataSource &2(&3): delta queue contains large data quantity (&1 blocks)
224Activating transfer rule &1 &2...
225Activating DataSource &1 &2...
226No action required because the RFC destination is already up to date
227Could not stop RDA daemons and process chains
228RDA daemons and process chains stopped
229RDA daemon could not close open delta requests
230Function &1 must be called on the BW client
231No destination found in BW client (table RSADMINA, field TPBWMANDTRFC)
232RDA daemons and process chains started
233RDA daemons and process chains could not be restarted
234RDA daemons and process chains restarted
235&1 process chains rescheduled
236&1 RDA daemons restarted
237&1 start processes descheduled in process chain
238&1 RDA InfoPackages suspended
239&1 process chains are still active
240&1 RDA InfoPackages are still active
241&1 RDA requests are still open
242Background job &1 &2 could not be started
243Background job &1 &2 not found
244Could not find job log of background job &1 &2
245Check activation status of DataSource &1(&2)
246Check activation status of transfer rules, 3.x DataSource &1(&2)
247No source systems have been selected
248Logsys &1 ignored
249BWA not present
250Delta for DataSource &1 (&2) must be reinitialized in &3
251&1 RDA daemons could not be rescheduled (see BW transaction RSRDA)
252&1 &2: Last delta is old (&3). Ensure delta can be loaded, or delete init
253Delta for &1 (source system &2) must be reinitialized in &3
254You can only use one option: either 'Key date' or 'Older than [days]'
255Run &1 for process &2 of object &3 will be pushed down to &4
256Process chain &1 has been running since &2 &3. Investigate run &4.
257Task &1 must be executed in a dialog process.
258No RFC destination for TREX found (table RSADMINA, field TREX_RFC_DEST)
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