RSO_RES_ADSO - Datastore Object

The following messages are stored in message class RSO_RES_ADSO: Datastore Object.
It is part of development package RSO_RES_ADSO in software component BW-WHM-MTD. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "BW: ResourceDatastoreObject".
Message Nr
Message Text
000&1 &2 &3 &4
001DataStore object '&1' does not exist
002DataStore object '&1' already exists
003Version '&2' of DataStore object '&1' does not exist or cannot be loaded
004Version '&2' of DataStore object '&1' does not exist in database
005Enter a name for the DataStore object
006Wrong version '&1' found. Version '&2' was expected.
007Providers of type ADSO are only supported on SAP Hana: &1
008Illegal object version: &1
009M and A version of DataStore object '&1' are different
010Save DataStore object '&1'
011DataStore object '&1' saved
012Error while saving DataStore object '&1'
013Error while saving dependent object '&1'
014Characteristic &1: DataStore object &2 (master data check) does not exist
015DataStore object &1 (master data check) must contain characteristic &2
016DataStore object &1 (master data check) must not contain char. &2 in key
017No InfoObject name specified for element '&1'
018InfoObject '&1' does not exist
019Could not save: '&1'
020Check DatastoreObject '&1'
021DataStore object '&1' checked
022Error while checking DataStore object '&1'
030Activate DataStore object '&1'
031DataStore object '&1' activated
032Error while activating DataStore object '&1'
033Cannot activate: DataStore object '&1' has not been checked
034DataStore object '&1' needs to be activated; 'M' version exists
035&1 (&2) was set to inactive because of impact analysis
036DataStore object '&1': DB views recreated successfully
037DataStore object '&1': Error during recreation of DB views
040Deleting DataStore object '&1'
041DataStore object '&1' deleted
042Error while deleting DataStore object '&1'
043Cannot delete: DataStore object '&1' is still being used
050DataStore object '&1' is not locked
051DataStore object '&1' could not be locked
052DataStore object '&1' is locked by another user
053DataStore object '&1': lock handle failure
054DataStore object '&1' is already part of different transport
060Reset DataStore object '&1' to the active version
061DataStore object '&1' reset to active version
062Error while resetting DataStore object '&1' to active version
070You are not authorized to display DataStore object '&1'
071You are not authorized to change DataStore object '&1'
075Datastore object '&1': check for content merge is not supported
080Package of DataStore object '&1' is not transportable
081DataStore object '&1' is not transportable
090Error while changing the database tables (table &1)
091All data in DataStore object '&1' has been deleted
092Error while truncating database table '&1'
093Propagation of deletion is only possible for providers with Changelog
094Value of '&1' changed to '&2' due to propagation of deletion
095Overlap between deletion cirteria and archiving criteria
096DataStore object &1 is in planning mode. Selective deletion not possible.
097Filter object '&2' is not part of DataStore object '&1'
098Filter object '&2' is not part of the key (see long text)
099No 'selective deletion' possible (see long text)
100Invalid URI format. Cannot retrieve name of DataStore object.
101Model of DataStore object '&1' could not be loaded
105SIDs have to be checked during loading into DataStore object '&1'
106DataStore object '&1' contains non-cumulative key figure(s)
110Error while building the DTA structure of provider &1
111Error while building the DTA_PRO structure of field &2 of provider &1
112Metadata of InfoObject &2 of provider &1 not found
113Field &2 of provider &1 cannot be converted into transient InfoObject
114Error '&2' during metadata operation in function '&1'
115Metadata inconsistency in method '&1'. Location: '&2'
116Field name '&1' is too long
117Field '&1' is not visible in reporting
118Change data type from &1 to &2 for direct reporting
119Change length from &1 to &2 for direct reporting
120Invalid URI format. Unable to retrieve DataStore object (advanced) name.
121Change decimals from &1 to &2 for direct reporting
122InfoObject '&1' is not visible in reporting
123- set master data check <> 'No Master Data Check/No Reporting'
124Invalid value '&1' for '&2'
125- object is XXL-attribute
126Association of InfoObject '&1' could not be resolved
127- object is defined as attribute-only
128- the corresponding unit InfoObject ('&1') is defined as attribute-only
130Error while deleting the old remodeling rules for provider &1
131Error while creating a new remodeling rule for provider &1
132Error while adding an operation to a remodeling rule for provider &1
133Error during the activation of the remodeling rule for provider &1
134Remodelling rule &1 has been created instead of activation
135Error while scheduling the remodeling rule for provider &1
136DataStore object &1 cannot be changed because of pending remodeling rule
137Remodeling rule of DataStore object &1 deleted
138- DataStore activation has been switched off
139- SID materialization has been switched on for &1
140- &1 (not implemented)
141Illegal change of time-reference characteristic: old='&1' new='&2'
142Time is inconsistent => Non-cumulative handling cannot be switched on
143- non-cumulative handling has been switched on
144- validity object '&1' has been added/removed
145- time char. '&1' has been added to NCUM ADSO
146- &1: Masterdata check has been switched on or new IObj. is compounded
147'FISCVARNT' cannot be added to a NCUM-ADSO that already has entries
148- '&1' has been deleted from the key
149- '&1' has been added to the key
150- data type of '&1' has been changed
151- partitioning has been switched on
152- partitioning has been switched off
153- field for semantic partitioning has been changed
154- criteria for semantic partitioning has been changed
155Table '&1' filled from shadow table '&2' (#packages = &3)
156Table '&1' renamed as shadow table '&2'
157Table '&1' deleted (&2)
158Error '&2' while deleting table '&1' (&3)
159Table '&1' restored from shadow table '&2'
160- Conversion between these types of DataStore objects is not allowed
161Remodeling of &1 might be necessary after activation
162&1 cannot be activated if DataStore is not empty
163- key definition has been changed
164- hash definition has been changed
165- extended storage has been switched on
166- extended storage has been switched off
167Extended storage is configured but not online
168Restrictions on characteristics have been changed
169Restrictions on &1 are in conflict with posted data of table &2
170Table '&1' moved to extended storage
171- key field &1 has been added
172- key field &1 has been removed
173No source characteristic for time derivation
174InfoObject &1: There is no SID for value '&2'
175InfoObject &1: Incorrect materialized SID (&3) found for value '&2'
176Further errors will be skipped because of MAX-ERROR-COUNT = &1
177No finest characteristic for time derivation found
178No source characteristic for time derivation specified
179Source value '&1', Variant &2: Inconsistent derived times: &3
180Messages while checking table &1:
181Variant &1: Inconsistent time values: &2
182Remodeling required as compounding of &1 has changed. Check SID.
183Remodeling pending on &1 and must be completed before activation
184Table &1 already contains data. Cannot copy from shadow table &2.
185aDSO '&1' is a member of '&2': No group field name specified
186aDSO '&1' is a member of '&2': Deletion of '&3' not allowed
187aDSO '&1' is a member of '&2': Ranges on field '&3' must not be changed
188NLS not possible; aDSO '&1' contains fields with names greater than &2
189aDSO '&1' is reference object of semantic group '&2'
190Dynamic tiering changed: manual changes may be needed (see Note 2292664)
191Dynamic tiering is switched on: Usage depends on system settings
192Remodelling pending on &1 and must be completed before 'Reset to active'
193- extended storage has been changed from mode '&1' to mode '&2'
195DB-Views of aDSO '&1' are not up to date. Please run 'RSDG_ADSO_ACTIVATE'
198Activation not possible; semantic group specification has been changed
200Objects of type '&1' cannot be used as template
201Unit/curr. field &1 for field &2 has wrong data type/length: &3, &4
202Field &1, used as unit/currency field for field &2, could not be found
203Characteristic &1 has been added to key because of compounding with &2
204Error while deriving partition criteria
205Target flavor '&1' is not supported for template '&2' (TLOGO = '&3')
206Target flavor specification is not supported for template of type '&1'
210Running repair-algorithm '&1'
211Running repair-algorithm '&1' in simulation mode
212Inconsistency found for '&1': Fields are not only permuted
213DataStore object '&1': Start processing
214- Key changed in model definition
215- Key will be changed in model definition
216- Object activated
217- Object will be activated
218- Processing finished
219- Object '&1'(&2) set to inactive because of impact
220- Object '&1'(&2) will be set to inactive because of impact
221- Object '&1'(&2) activated because of impact
222- Object '&1'(&2) will be activated because of impact
223DataStore object '&1' (objvers &2): Start processing
224- No hash definition found on DB
225No simulation possible for repair algorithm '&1'
226- Info about semantic group '&1' removed in version '&2'
227- Info about semantic group '&1' will be removed in version '&2'
228- Info about semantic group '&1' added
229- Info about semantic group '&1' will be added
230Active version of DataStore object '&1' does not exist. Activate first.
231DataStore object '&1' does not exist. Update not possible.
232Info about semantic group cannot be changed in the productive system
233Correction might be incomplete as not all groups could be locked
234- Reference to UOM object '&2' will be added to aDSO '&1'
235- Reference to UOM object '&2' has been added to aDSO '&1'
236DB view for extraction of aDSO '&1' is corrupt
237DB view for reporting of aDSO '&1' is corrupt
238- SID Determination Mode of '&1' changed from '&2' to '&3'
239- SID Determination Mode of '&1' will be changed from '&2' to '&3'
240'&1': Multiple initialization of reference point
241'&1': Error when updating in the validity table
242'&1': Error when deleting from the validity table
243'&1': Error when inserting new reference point records
244'&1': Error when updating reference point records
245'&1': Error when writing initialization records to the change log
246'&1': Error when creating sequence for change log writing
247'&1': Error when dropping sequence for change log writing
248'&1': Error when deleting records from the reference point table
255Time derivation: Value '&1' of '0FISCVARNT' is not allowed.
266Field &1: Extending a field of type NUMC is not allowed
267Field &1: Changing the conversion routine is not allowed
268Field &1: Changing data type to or from NUMC is not allowed
269- Element '&1' has been deleted
270Description table: No dimension with name '&1' found
271Description table: No element with name '&1' found
274Restrictions on &1 conflict with new (initial) field of table &2
279'M'-version cannot be read because activation is running
280Conversion of flavor only possible as there is no delta DTP.
281Conversion of flavor not possible as a delta DTP exists.
300Element '&1' with criteria must not be shortened
301Partitioning element '&1' must not be shortened
306DSO &1: Table '&2' contains &3 duplicate entries
307DSO &1: all duplicate entries of table '&2' have been aggregated
644Unit of Measure DataStore &1 cannot be created/updated/deleted using API
651SQL Error Code &1 during creation of Table/View &2.
652Details of SQL Error:&1&2&3&4
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