RSO_SEGR - Messages for TLOGO = SEGR (Semantic Group of ADSOs)

The following messages are stored in message class RSO_SEGR: Messages for TLOGO = SEGR (Semantic Group of ADSOs).
It is part of development package RSO_RES_SEGR in software component BW-WHM-MTD. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Semantic Group (of ADSOs)".
Message Nr
Message Text
000&1 &2 &3 &4
001Semantic Group '&1' does not exist
002Semantic Group '&1' already exists
003Version '&2' of Semantic Group '&1' does not exist or cannot be loaded
004Version '&2' of Semantic Group '&1' does not exist in database
005Enter a name for the Semantic Group
006Wrong version '&1' found. Version '&2' was expected.
007Semantic Groups are only supported on SAP Hana: &1
008Illegal object version: &1
009M and A version of Semantic Group '&1' are different
010Save Semantic Group '&1'
011Semantic Group '&1' saved
012M and A Version of Semantic Group '&1' identical
020Check Semantic Group '&1'
021Semantic Group '&1' checked
022Error while checking Semantic Group '&1'
023The name of the semantic group is not valid
030Generation of semantic group '&1' started
031Semantic group '&1' has been generated
032Error while generating semantic group '&1'
033Cannot generate: Semantic Group '&1' has not been checked
034Semantic Group '&1' needs to be generated; 'M' version exists
035Semantic Group '&1' has already been generated
036Sem. Group '&1': DB-partitioning could not be adapted for member '&2'
037Semantic group '&1': DB partition criteria on '&2' cannot be transferred
038System is not changeable. Semantic group '&1' cannot be created.
040Deleting semantic group '&1'
041Semantic group '&1' deleted
042Error while deleting semantic group '&1'
043Cannot delete: Semantic group '&1' is still being used
050Semantic Group '&1' is not locked
051Semantic Group '&1' could not be locked
052Semantic Group '&1' is locked by another user
053Semantic Group '&1': lock handle failure
060Reset Semantic Group '&1' to the active version
061Semantic Group '&1' reset to active version
062Error while resetting Semantic Group '&1' to active version
070You are not authorized to display Semantic Group '&1'
071You are not authorized to change Semantic Group '&1'
090Error while changing the database tables (table &1)
110Error while building the DTA structure of provider &1
111Error while building the DTA_PRO structure of field &2 of provider &1
112Metadata of InfoObject &2 of provider &1 not found
114Error '&2' during metadata operation in function '&1'
115Metadata inconsistency in method '&1'. Location: '&2'
120Invalid URI format. Unable to retrieve name of Semantic Group.
121Error in deserialization for Semantic Group '&1'
122Error in serialization for Semantic Group '&1'
150Member '&1' has been created and added to semantic group
151Member '&1' has been added to semantic group
152Member '&1' has been updated
153Member '&1' has been removed from semantic group
154CompositeProvider '&1' has been created for semantic group
155CompositeProvider '&1' has been updated
156CompositeProvider '&1' has been removed from semantic group
157Member '&1' could not be added/updated because remodelling is required
158Error during the creation/update of member &1
159Error during operation on CompositeProvider &1
200Sem. Group '&1' is consistent
201Sem. Group '&1' is not consistent
202Name of semantic group is not specified in header
203Name of template DataStore object is not specified
204Metadata for template &1 not found
205'&1' has invalid TLOGO type '&2' (expected '&3')
206No InfoArea specified
207No CompositeProvider specified
208Inconsistent name in header: '&1'
209Inconsistent name in range table: '&1'
210Inconsistent objvers in header: '&2' (expected '&1')
211Inconsistent objvers in range table: '&2' (expected '&1')
212No ranges specified
213Error &1 when reading metadata for template '&2'
214Name of semantic group not specified in range table
215Name of DataStore object not specified in range table
216Name of data slice object not specified in range table
217Specified object '&1' is not part of the template '&2'
218Invalid 'option' '&1' in range
219Lower bound ('&1') is larger than upper bound ('&2')
220Restrictions on different objects are not allowed
221Overlap on the restrictions of '&1' and '&2'
222Upper bound ('&1') is specified for EQUAL condition
223DataStore object '&1' belongs to group but no field specified
224There are DataStore objects with different fields in the same group
225DataStore object '&1' will be removed from group
226Existing DataStore object '&1' will be added
227DataStore object '&1' will be created and added to group
228DataStore object '&1' already belongs to another group '&2'
229No ranges defined for member '&1'
230Data slice object '&1' is not part of DataStore object '&2'
231Criteria [&2] will be added to member '&1'
232Criteria [&2] will be removed from member '&1'
233aDSO '&1' belongs already to group
234Lower bound ('&1') equals upper bound. Please use option 'EQUAL'.
235No members specified
236Name of semantic group not specified in member table
237Inconsistent name in member table: '&1'
238Inconsistent objvers in member table: '&2' (expected '&1')
239Name of DataStore object is not specified in member table
240Illegal value '&1' for field '&2'
241DataStore object '&1' already exists
242Member '&1' does not exist anymore and will be removed during generation
243Structure of DataStore object '&1' will be overwritten
244New CompositeProvider '&1' will be created
245CompositeProvider '&1' will no longer be assigned to group
246CompositeProvider '&1' already exists
247No object specified for data slice
248Fields &1.&2 and &3.&4 have different types but have the same name
249Field &1.&2 and InfoObject &3.&4 have the same name
250CompositeProvider '&1' does not exist
251CompositeProvider specified even though 'unset' flag is set
252Only CompositeProviders without joins can be used in a semantic group
253CompositeProvider '&1' will be updated because of added/removed members
254Remodelling of DataStore object '&1' is pending. Please execute first.
255CompositeProvider '&1' (M version) will be overwritten
256Name of element is not specified
257Reference object can only be changed if CHANGE flag is set
258Could not convert '&2' of field '&1' from external to internal format
259Could not convert '&2' of field '&1' from internal to external format
260CompositeProvider '&1' will be updated due to added/removed elements
261aDSO '&1' will not be part of the group metadata anymore
262Specified object '&1' is not part of the aDSO '&2'
264Name '&1' is used for two different members
265Name '&1' is used for CompositeProvide and member
266Name of semantic group ('&1') contains illegal character: '/'
267Type of reference element '&1' has changed in template &2
269CompositeProvider specified although no members exist after generation
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