RSRA1 - Nachrichtenklasse f�r Exception-Reporting

The following messages are stored in message class RSRA1: Nachrichtenklasse f�r Exception-Reporting.
It is part of development package RSRB in software component BW-BEX-ET. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "BW: Batch Reporting".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Text for Reporting Agent setting &1 does not exist
001Invalid Node
002Place the cursor on a template
003No template selected
004No authorization for creating a setting
005Position the cursor on a query
006No query selected
007Characteristic &1 is invalid
008Setting contains errors: No characteristic selected
009Setting contains errors: No query selected
010Setting contatins errors: No characteristic or query selected
011No variants have been selected
012Default variables are not possible
013Enter a technical name for the variant
014This variant name is already being used
015Select the values and confirm with 'Execute'
016Setting has errors: Neither characteristics nor structures were selected
017No Authorization
018Follow-up action &: No alert data found
019Setting &1 is incorrect: Query does not exist
020Error in variable processing (BAD_VALUE_COMBINATION)
051Error reading the template
052Icon &1 is not available in MIME Repostiory
060Calculate variable record &1
061Start Precalculation Web Templates with Precalculated Data
100Loading reporting agent settings
101Loading reporting agent package
102No job steps could be created for &1 user(s)
120Select the line to which you want to add the variable
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