RSRTS_CDS - Messages Transient CDS Queries

The following messages are stored in message class RSRTS_CDS: Messages Transient CDS Queries.
It is part of development package RSRTS_CDS_QUERY in software component BW-BEX-OT. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Transformation CDS Query into BW Query".
Message Nr
Message Text
000&1 &2 &3 &4
001Right side of comparison expression must be literal value
002Error deriving the analytical model from CDS view &1
003Lower and upper value of between expression must be literal values
004Left side of comparison expresiion must refer to an element
005Condition expression did not lead to any select option entries
006Select option cannot be created; condition is too complex
007Could not read transient ODS provider &1 (for CDS view &2)
008Could not read SQL view name for CDS view &1
009Identifier &1 (on position &2) of select list cannot be resolved
010Restricted key figure could not be derived
011THEN clause (of case statement) is not a measure
012WHEN clause (of searched case statement) is not a select option table
013ELSE clause (of case statement) must contain NULL value
014Identifier &1 (on position &2 of select list) is not a key figure
015CASE clause (of simple case statement) must be a characteristic
016WHEN clause (of simple case statement) must be a characteristic value
017Case statement must have exactly one when clause
018Expression (at &1) could not be converted into formula
019Unresolved order by entry (at &1). Only select entries allowed.
020Expression could not be converted into parameter value
021Filters on texts/attributes will act on corresponding key field (at &1)
022Not supported for BW Query: &1 in path entry &2 (at &3)
023CDS view needs to be annotated as analytic query
024Error while parsing DDL source &1
025Error while analyzing DDL source &1
026Error while processing WHERE clause
027&1 (at &2): has unsupported path entry type
028Field &1 not part of InfoProvider derived from CDS view &2
029&1 is not a numeric value (at &2)
030Standard functions/cast functions not supported (at &1)
031Error while processing select entry number &1 (at &2)
032Parameter &1 parameter type not supported (at &2)
033Could not read CDS view for SQL view name &1
034CDS view has wrong data category &1; should be empty or #NONE
035Unsupported path entry &1 (at &2)
036Unsupported path expression (at &1)
037Cannot resolve name &2&3&4 for ODP &1
038Invalid type &1 in hierarchy binding
039Empty value in hierarchy binding for type &1
040Unknown parameter &1 is used in hierarchy binding (at &2)
041Unknown parameter &1 is used in filter hierarchy binding (at &2)
042Parameter &1 is not used and will be ignored
043Display hierarchy on attributes not supported (&1)
044CDS Feature &1 not supported for BW Query (at &2)
045Restricted measure, pos. &2: Invalid default agg. &1 - only &3 allowed
046Calc. measure, pos. &2: Invalid default agg. &1 - only #FORMULA allowed
047Default aggregation not supported (at position &1)
048Error while opening CDS-based query &1
049Filter is ignored: Field &1 is used in where clause
050Path filter supported only for parameters (path entry &1 at &2)
051Multiple key date parameters &1 and &2 (path entry &3 at &4)
052Parameter &1 cannot be used in path filter - see long text
053Path filter condition is no select option (path entry &1 at &2)
054Association &1 at &2 is ignored (not relevant for BW Query)
055Could not find active CDS View for DDL source &1
056InfoProvider &1 has no parameter &2
057Annotated formula for &1 could not be parsed: &2
058Annotated formula for &1: invalid &2 &3
059Derivation binding could not be parsed: &1
060Unsupported expression in derivation binding: &1
061No result for lookup of variable value &1
062Multiple results for lookup of variable value &1
063Exception during lookup of variable value &1
064Derivation of parameter &1 uses unknown parameter &2
065Unknown CDS view: &1 - only CDS view names allowed in FROM clause
066DDL source &1 is not a valid BW query. Check and adjust the DDL source.
067Derivation of &1 must not use itself
068Field (&1 at pos. &2) binding: &3 is not filtered to a single value
069Parameter &1 binding: Field &2 is not filtered to single values
070Invalid result element &1 (for view &2)
071Use of parameter &1 and value &2 for key date (path entry &3 at &4)
072Where clause for &1 cannot be interpreted as query key date
073Where clause for &1: Cannot interpret &2 as query key date
074Where clause for &1: Key date &2 different from existing key date &3
075Where clause for &1: Key date &2 conflicts with key date parameter &3
076Where clause for &1: Key date parameter &2 conflicts with key date &3
077Where clause for &1: Multiple key date parameters &2 and &3
078Where clause for &1: Unknown parameter &2
079Where clause for &1 Has multiple entries: cannot be key date
080Where clause for &1 &2: Second boundary missing for key date
081Key date &1 different from other key date &2 (path entry &3 at &4)
082Key date &1 conflicts with key date parameter &2 (path entry &3 at &4)
083Value &1 cannot be used in path filter - see long text
084Identifier &1 is not a characteristic
085Identifier &1 (exception aggregation of pos &2) occurs multiple times
086Parameter &1 in binding of index &2 is unknown
087Association &1 at &2: Error while analyzing ON condition
088Association &1 at &2: Only unmanaged associations supported
089Association &1 at &2: Error while analyzing parameter binding for &3
090Operator missing for multiple select option lines
091Multiple conditions for same element &1 must be combined with OR
092Conditions for different elements or negations must be combined with AND
093When mixing AND and OR operators: Wrap OR conditions in paranteses
094Only use parantheses for OR conditions
095Conditions for different elements must be combined with AND
096Nesting of logical operators only supported up to one level
097Invalid data source: No joins or unions supported
098Origin: Annotation &3 (value &4) in CDS view &1 (entry/parameter &2)
099Message origin: line &2 column &3 in CDS view &1
100Default value "&1" for parameter &2 is invalid and will be ignored
101Check of report &1 (CDS view &2) finished with no messages
102Check of report &1 (CDS view &2) produced messages; see below
103Invalid restriction (at pos. &1): &2 is not a characteristic key
104Where clause: &1 is not a characteristic key
105Hierarchy binding entry &1: Unsupported data type &2
106Hierarchy binding entry &1: No hierarchy key component found
107All key fields &1 of hierarchy directory view &2 have to be bound
108CDS formula (at pos. &1) will be ignored: Formula annotation present
109Error while processing parameter &1 (at &2)
110Derivation of filter for &1 uses unknown parameter &2
111Derivation of filter for &1 must not use itself
112No default for filter on &1 provided: Filter cannot be hidden
113No filter defined: Derivation for &1 will be ignored
114Select entry &1 ignored (parameter &2 already has annotations)
115No default for parameter &1 provided: Parameter cannot be hidden
116Fix default for parameter &1 provided: Additional defaults are ignored
117Default for parameter &1 provided: Derivation is ignored
118Parameter &1 is hidden. Input help information will be ignored.
119Custom function &1 not supported (at &2)
120Entry &1: Invalid value &2 for decimals (0..9 are valid)
121Entry &1: Invalid value &2 for scaling (0..9 are valid)
122Parameter &1 will become hidden variable for current date, lang. or user
123Derivation of &1 leads to circular dependence (via &2)
124Field (&1 at pos. &2) derivation: Field &3 not filtered to single values
125Field (&1 at pos. &2) binding: Unknown alias &3
126Parameter &1 binding: Unknown alias &2
127Parameter &1: Default cannot be determined (depends on user input)
128Filter &1: Default cannot be determined (depends on user input)
129Test for derivation of parameter &1 failed
130Test for derivation of filter &1 failed
131Could not find CDS View &1 (used for lookup or derivation)
132Parameter &1: input help is ignored - unknown association &2
133Exception aggregation ignored (at entry &1). Only possible for formulas.
134Error while reading DDL source &1 including extends
135Condition expression not allowed at &1 in forumla
136Only two conditions allowed in boolean expression (at &1)
137Default for high value will be ignored: No interval supported (&1)
138"derivationresultElementHigh" will be ignored: no interval supported (&1)
139Field (&1 at pos. &2) distribution properties: unknown alias &3
140Entry &1: disaggregation value &2 ignored (not planning enabled)
141Entry &1: distribution value &2 ignored (not planning enabled)
142Entry &1: reference required for distribution value &2
143Annotation resultValueSource not supported for attributes (&1)
144Entry &1: planning properties ignored (not supported for formulas)
145Annotated formula for &1: &2 cannot be used (must be based on measure)
146Annotated formula for &1: &2 cannot be used (only measures allowed)
147Field &1 is not available as an Infoobject in InfoProvider &2
148Annotations of &1 use hierarchies, but &1 does not have any
149Too many arguments (at least &3) for BW operator &1 (up to &2 operands)
150Hierarchy expansion level ignored (no display hierarchy active for &1)
151Version/time dependence not supported for hierarchies (InfoObject &1 )
152Field &1: "display" ignored - only relevant for key fields
153Field &1: "display" ignored - text field specified as alias &2
154CAST expression (&1): Data type not supported for measure
155CAST (&1) only evaluated for label (formula annotation available)
156Filter for field &1 (at &2): Invalid default value &3
157Parameter &1: invalid default value &2 (when used for infoobject &3)
158SortDirection ignored: already defined for characteristic &1 by field &2
159Parameter &1: Default value &2 ignored (not valid for infoobject &3)
160Field &1 is hidden already: @AnalyticsDetails.query.hidden ignored
161Field &1: Filter will be ignored as characteristic &2 already filtered
162Annotated formula for &1: Formula must not use itself (recursion)
163Annotated formula for &1: Recursion detected (via &2)
164Exception aggregation &1 at position &2 not allowed for InfoProvider &3
165Exception aggregation &1 at position &2: &3 elements in total, &4 allowed
166Unknown system value &1 in hierarchy binding
167Invalid type &1 in derivation binding
168Unknown system value &1 in derivation binding
169Alias &1: nesting CAST expressions is not supported
170Alias &1: nested functions (for example, conversion) are not supported
171Alias &1: nested CASE expressions are not supported
172Unsupported function parameter in conversion: &1
173Unsupported binding in conversion function: parameter &1
174Conversion: Could not resolve field &2 (for InfoProvider &1)
175Conversion: source unit/currency &1 cannot be used for function &2
176Conversion: &1 cannot be used as source unit/currency for &2
177Conversion: &1 is no valid unit/currency
178Conversion: parameter &1 does not exist
179Conversion: &1 is no valid date
180Conversion: &1 is no valid exchange rate type
181CAST (&1) is ignored: label is provided via annotation @EndUserText.label
182Conversion: &1 must be a hidden parameter for the system client
183Language parameter &1 used in path filter must be hidden
184Filter annot.: defaultHierarchyNode is ignored: defaultValue provided
185Filter annot.: defaultHierarchyNode is ignored: No hierarchy selection
186Filter annot.: Invalid node type &1 for default hierarchy node
187Default hierarchy node for filter (&1 at pos. &2): Invalid element &3
188Filter annotation: No node types found for infoobject &1
189Derivation for default node is ignored: No hierarchy selection
190Derivation for default node: Invalid element &1 for hierarchy node
191Derivation for default node: Invalid hierarchy node type &1
192Unknown parameter &1
193Key date parameter &1 must be of type date
194Use of parameter &1 and &2 for key date (path entry &3 at &4)
195Key date &1 conflicts with key date &2 (path entry &3 at &4)
196Where clause for &1; conflicting key dates &2 and &3
197Hierarchy display settings ignored; no display hierarchy active for &1
198Element hierarchy parent will be ignored: unknown alias &1
199Element hierarchy parent &1 will be ignored: element or parent is hidden
200Parameter &1: value help ignored. Association &2 must be local.
201Parameter &1: value help ignored. Value help field not specified.
202Field &1 will be ignored in BW query. Data contained in field &2.
203&1 (at &2): local associations not allowed (when @Analytics.query: true)
204Parameter &1: valueHelpDefinition ignored: @Consumption.valueHelp present
205Parameter &1: all entries except valueHelpdefinition entries are ignored
206Parameter &1: valueHelpDefinition.additionalBinding.usage is ignored
207Value help definition of parameter &1 uses unknown parameter &2
208Parameter &1 value help: field &2 must to be a single value filter
209Parameter &1 value help: unknown alias &2
210Value help definition for parameter &1: entity or association required
211Value help for parameter &1: element or parameter required
212Value help for parameter &1: localElement or localParameter required
213Zero suppression is ignored: value for zeroValues.handling missing
214Entry &1: Fixed unit &2 ignored (only supported for formulas)
215Entry &1: Fixed currency &2 ignored (only supported for formulas)
216Entry &1: Unit &2 (alias &3) is not used and will be ignored
217Entry &1: Currency &2 (alias &3) is not used and will be ignored
218Entry &1: Currencies/units can only be provided as fixed values
219Alias &1: Invalid currency &2
220Alias &1: Invalid unit &2
221Multiple key date parameters &1 and &2
222Derivation: resultHierarchyNode ignored - resultElement is present (&1)
223PFCG mapping &1 does not contain field &2 (part of hierarchy ID)
224PFCG-based derivation of filter values: Only for hierarchy nodes (&1)
225PFCG-based derivation of filter values: No resultElement allowed (&1)
226PFCG-based derivation of filter values: Invalid mapping &1
227PFCG-based derivation for parameter &1: resultElement is missing
228&1 metadata extension(s) present: messages might be caused by extensions!
229Function &1 has &2 argument(s), but needs &3
230Function &1 has &2 arugments, but can have only &3
231Function &1: Expression not supported as argument
232Function &1: Result element (with display hierarchy) required
233Function &1 Argument on position &2: Unsupported expression
234Unknown result element &2 (as argument of function &1)
235&2 (as argument of function &1) needs to have display hierarchy
236No hierarchy binding specified: first hierarchy will be used (&1)
237Field &1 uses measure &2: cannot be used in characteristic structure
238Annotated formula for &1: &2 cannot be used (not from same structure)
239Annotated formula for &1: &2 cannot be used (characteristic structure)
240Element hierarchy parent will be ignored: different structure
241Field (&1 at pos. 2) distribution: &3 must be on same structure
242Characteristic &1 must not be used in both structures (alias &2 and &3)
243Parameter &1 is used in too many different contexts (maximum is &2)
244Annotation &1 only possible together with &2
245Parameter &1 can only be used for filtering element &2
246Parameter &1 of type node has to be hidden if view supports OData.publish
247Hierarchy node parameter &1 can only be used with EQUAL and NOT-EQUAL
248Parameter &1 in binding of index &2 is not allowed (Hierarchy Node)
249Annotation &1 for selection type &2 not supported
250WHEN clause (of CASE) must use measures in context of a formula
251Class &1 doesn't exist or doesn't implement IF_RSRTS_CDS_VARIABLE_CHECK
252Annotation &1 ignored. It can only be used together with &2
253Annotation &1 ignored: &2 is not part of the query
254Annotation &1 ignored: &2 is not assigned to axis "&3"
255Totals for &1 should be shown, due to hierarchical display
256Extend view &1 can't run directly. Please run orignal view &2
257Element/parameter &1 not contained in view &2
258Annotation ignored since it is covered by annotation &1
259Element &1 is not a dimension
260Annotation &1 ignored - text element &2 not found
261Annotation &1 ignored - field &2 not a proper text for &3
262Field &1: Filter is not a hierarchy node. Hierarchy binding is ignored
263Field &1: No hierarchy defined in filter definition
264Access control for view &1 will be ignored by the Analytical Engine.
265DB hints from view &1 will be ignored by the Analytical Engine
401CDS function &1 is not supported
402CDS function &1: Use annotation: @AnalyticsDetails.query.formula: &2 + &3
403Annotation &1 is not supported in this environment and ignored: &2, &3
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