RSTT0 - Trace-Tool: Nachrichtenklasse Engine-Layer

The following messages are stored in message class RSTT0: Trace-Tool: Nachrichtenklasse Engine-Layer.
It is part of development package RSTT_ENGINE in software component BW-BEX-OT. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Trace Tool for SAP Netweaver 2005 (BW): Engine Layer".
Message Nr
Message Text
001&1 &2 &3 &4
002Canceled by user
004Traces started
006Traces of function module &1 started
007Traces of function module &1 ended
009Traces of method &1 started
010Traces of method &1 ended
012Traces ended
013Error while reading OLAP message handler
014Playing the trace &1
015Processing of traces &1 started
016Execution of function module &1
017Processing of function module &1 started
018Processing of function module &1 ended
019Execution of method &1
020Processing of method &1 started
021Processing of method &1 ended
022OLAP message handler messages
023Processing ended
024Cancel because no trace loaded
025Error in basic module
026Function module &1 (item &2) was not ended correctly
027Module &1 (position &2) triggered an exception with number &3
028Module &1 (position &2) executed successfully
029Critical errors: Function cannot be executed
030Internal error in &1; reason/SUBRC: &2
031No trace selected
032Trace ID already exists
033No results found
034Trace deleted
035Trace not found
036Unexpected answer
037Trace saved
038Memory error
039Error during trace conversion - function terminated
040Only traces of type CATT (or more specific) can be processed
041Tree display could not be created
042Tree display could not be adapted
043Save not possible, trace reference does not exist
044Save not possible, package reference does not exist
045Trace could not be loaded
046Invalid entry for call position
047Invalid entry for check position
048The package could not be deleted due to an error
049Package deleted successfully
050You are not authorized for this action (&1, object &2, aktivity &3)
051Trace &1 is locked
052Test package &1 is currently locked
053Test job &1 is currently locked
054Test package ID already exists
055Test job ID already exists
056Unable to save; job reference does not exist
057You are not authorized to jump to this transaction
058Only CATT traces can be edited
059Only standard traces cannot be edited with the wizard
060User does not exist
061Executing (authorization) user does not exist
062User already activated
063User '&1' is activated for trace recording
064User '&1' was deactivated for trace recording
065User '&1' is not activated for trace recording
066Row &1
067Content of '&1'
068User '&1' activated
069User '&1' does not have authorization to record traces
070Header data for the trace '&1' saved succesfully
071Saving the header data of the trace '&1' failed
072Description of trace '&1' saved successfully
073Save of description of trace '&1' incorrect
074Sequence descriptions (number &1) of trace '&2' saved successfully
075Save of sequence descriptions of trace '&1' incorrect
076Header data of CATT trace '&1' saved successfully
077Save of header data for CATT trace '&1' incorrect
078Test topics (number &1) of trace '&2' saved successfully
079Save of test topics for trace '&1' incorrect
080Data objects for checking the trace '&1' saved successfully
081Save of data objects for check of trace '&1' incorrect
082Test reference data of trace '&1' (variant &2) saved successfully
083Save of test reference data for trace '&1' (variant &2) incorrect
084Check instance not connected
085Context of program object or CATT trace does not exist
086Position number of check for program module '&1' not found
087No parameter for checking found at position &1
088Test reference data for check position &1 loaded successfully
089Test reference data for variant '&1' loaded successfully
090Test reference data for variant '&1' loaded with errors
091Check instance is bound
092Test package saved
093Test job saved
094Sequence descriptions are possibly inconsistent
095Test job with no assigned test package cannot be saved
096Unable to process function module &1 (&2) due to invalid interface
097Unable to process method &1 (&2) due to invalid interface
098Reference data variant already exists
099Select a row
100Test objects of trace '&1' ('&2') locked. Execution postponed
101Problems while locking the test objects of trace '&1' ('&2')
102Execution of trace '&1' (play variant '&2') started
103Execution of trace '&1' (play variant '&2') finished successfully
104Problems while executing trace '&1' (play variant '&2')
105Test objects of trace '&1' ('&2') locked successfully
106Trace job '&1' started
107Trace '&1' (play variant '&2') executed successfully
108Trace '&1' (play variant '&2') temporarily postponed
109Trace '&1' (play variant '&2') terminated!
110Error during asynchronous RFC call of trace '&1' ('&2')
111Session terminated while executing of trace '&1' ('&2')
112Result parameter of test not set!
113User '&1' is not authorized to execute traces
114Trace is cannot be interpreted as CATT trace. Processing terminated
115No test reference data for variant '&1' present at test position &2
116Position number of check for call position &1 not found!
117Problems while unlocking of test objects for trace '&1' ('&2')
118No trace package selected
119Trace package &1 does not yet exist
120Trace package &1 exists
121Test results (number '&1') succesfully saved
122Error occurred while saving the test results
123Trace is not interpretable as OLAP trace; processing terminated
124Position number is invalid
125Replacement value missing, function cannot be performed
126Dispay for complex structures not possible
127Data object or parameter not found in tree
128No data object created, no data can be displayed
130Mode terminated during execution
131Test of CATT trace was successful
132No reference data for test exists
133Position number of check not found
134Data structures for test position &1
135&1 - Test of CATT trace '&2' ('&3') started
136&1 - Test of CATT trace '&2' ('&3') ended
137Test run of trace job '&1' started; number of tests: &2
138Test not successful; data contents changed
139Log GUID: &1
140Trace with ID '&1' deleted successfully
141Errors occurred during processing; unable to delete trace with ID '&1'
142Select a valid element
143Element '&1' is not intended for a selection
144Copying of trace '&1' successful
145Error occurred while copying trace '&1'. Process terminated
146Test reference data variant '&1' already exists
147Test reference data variant '&1' saved successfully
148Trace '&1' saved successfully
149Errors occurred while saving trace '&1'. Action terminated
150Data structure '&1' contains no data
151Error while saving variant '&1'
153Parameter table for object display empty
154Data object of check not available, &1 table cannot be created
155Warnings occurred while checking trace '&1'
156Copying of trace not possible. Trace &1 already exists
157Internal error occurred during action for item '&1'
158Error during verification: item &1, ID &2, cell (&3, &4)
159Successful verification of &1 data cells for item '&2'
160OLAP trace header data updated successfully
161OLAP trace verification data updated successfully
162Transformation from internal to reporting structure contains errors
163Test run for trace '&1' started. Trace mode: &2
164&1 entries in InfoProvider '&2' enhanced or updated
165Trace '&1' terminated during verification run
166Trace '&1' ended verification run
167Verification run of trace '&1' with REF variant '&2' started
168Verification of item &1
169Cells for item &1 verified successfully
170Verification query at cell (&1;&2) terminated
171Termination: Verification run of trace '&1' not executable due to errors
172Trace '&1' exported successfully
173Error while exporting trace '&1'
174Directory '&1' is not permitted
175Error during serialization
176Test object &1 (&2) of type &3 does not exist actively in system
177Trace ID '&1' is not unique; ID will be replaced by '&2'
178Error while saving call table
179Error while saving check table
180Export of trace '&1'
181Import of trace '&1'
182Trace '&1' imported successfully
183Error during import
184Trace file saved successfully with file name '&1'
185Trace serialized successfully
186Error during deserialization
187Trace deserialized successfully
188Trace (&1) to be imported already exists in system; no import performed
189Error while saving trace '&1'
190Application area: &1
191Multiple selection for &1
192&1 - Execution of trace '&2' ('&3') started
193&1 - Execution of trace '&2' ('&3') ended
194Restricted user &1 does not exist; execution ended
195Reference data recorded
196Error while recording reference data
200Test of CATT trace '&1' (with run variant '&2') successful
201Test of CATT trace '&1' (with run variant '&2') not successful
202Check for step '&1' on &2 '&3' (position '&4') successful
203Check for step '&1' at &2 '&3' (position '&4') returns deviations
204Execution of step '&1' at &2 '&3' was incorrect
205Check of parameter '&1' shows no deviations
206Content of parameter &1 is different to reference data
207Component '&1' with ID '&2' returns '&3' deviations
208Component '&2' with ID '&2' returns a deviation
209Component '&1' with ID '&2' returns multiple deviations
210Row '&1' has different result values
211Parameter '&1' has at least one component with varying number of rows
212Component '&1': Current value (CATT) '&2' against reference va (REF) '&3'
213The test is not executable in the current state
220Error ID '&1' is invalid
221Attributes of error ID '&1' saved successfully
222Errors while saving error ID '&1'
223Error ID '&1' is locked by user '&2'
224Error ID '&1' does not exist
225Error ID '&1' already exists
226&1 entries enchanced in message archive
227&1 active errors determined and stored for test job '&2'
228&1 new errors enhanced and archived for reporting
229Evaluation entries (amount: &1) saved successfully
230No entries enhanced in message archive
231No active errors determined
232No new errors enhanced
233Internal error while saving evaluation entries
234Evaluation terminated: DataStore object '&1' does not exist actively
235Saving not possible: Evaluation did not complete fully
236No test unit for error assignment selected
237Database problem
238Internal termination at test item &1
239Initial check structures for test item &1
240CATT structure not fixed for test item &1
241Reference structure not fixed for test item &1
242Checking data consistency of trace '&1'
243Executing trace '&1'
244Item &1: CATT data and reference data are consistent
245Item &1: CATT data and reference data are not consistent
246Texts for characteristic &1 loaded successfully
247BI object '&1' is not active in the system
248It is not necessary to update the data in BI object '&1'
249Test evaluation for test run '&1' saved successfully
250Activation of evaluation of test run '&1' scheduled successfully
251Evaluation of test run '&1' not yet complete
252Activation of test run '&1' is in progress
253Activation of test run '&1' finished with errors
254Activation of test run '&1' finished successfully
255Activation of test run '&1' scheduled
256Activation of test run '&1' released
257Activation of test run '&1' terminated
258Activation of test run '&1' ready
259Cannot activate test run '&1'; version does not exist
260&1 text entries for characteristic '&2' have to be updated
261&1 attribute entries for characteristic '&2' have to be updated
262Temporary store of test run '&1' deleted successfully
263Test run is already being evaluated by user '&1'
264Test run '&1' locked successfully
265Test run '&1' unlocked successfully
266Test run '&1' successfully loaded from temporary store
267Cell (&1,&2) for item &3 (data provider &1) verified successfully
268Verification problems for cell (&1,&2) for item &3 (data provider &1)
269Number of new requests collected: &1
270Number of transported objects determined: &1
271InfoCube &1 is not compatible with standard InfoCube 0RSTT_C04
272SCOV variant &1 does not exist
273InfoCube 0RSTT_C04 cannot be used for this evaluation variant
274Use copy of InfoCube 0RSTT_C04
275&1 evaluation entries successfully updated to InfoCube &2
276No new evaluation entries found
277Error while updating data to BW object &1
278Time details for job scheduling are invalid; scheduling will not occur
279Cannot generate bookmark for &1 due to BICS JAVA connection problem
280Test analysis is not possible. Please select a valid execution log.
297&1 is not a valid read mode
298&1 is not a valid cache mode
299&1 is not a valid aggregate mode
300Test package ID already exists
301Test package not found
307No test job selected
308Unable to delete job due to error
309Job deleted successfully
310Test job ID already exists
311Test job not found
312Test job &1 does not yet exist
313Test job &1 exists
314Test job &1 saved and scheduled successfully
315Test job &1 saved successfully
316Unable to save test job &1 successfully
317Test job &1 is not permitted
318Trace type &1 not permitted for this processing
319Job definition terminated; unable to create job
320Job definition terminated; illegal job parameter
321Job definition terminated; illegal job name
322Error during job scheduling
323Error while ending job definition
324Error while deleting batch job '&1' (number '&2'); job is active
325Error while deleting batch job '&1' (number '&2')
326Batch job '&1' (number '&2') deleted successfully
327Batch job '&1' (number '&2') released successfully
328Error while deleting trace job
329Trace job (including batch job) deleted successfully
330Saving of header data of test job failed
331Test job '&1' (number '&2') successfully released for batch
332Test run with log GUID '&1' already analyzed
333Texts for characteristic &1 loaded successfully
334Error while loading texts for characteristic &1
335Invalid input parameters
336Attributes for characteristic &1 loaded successfully
337Error while loading attributes for characteristic &1
338Test request &1 cannot be deleted; no authorization
339Test request &1 deleted successfully
340Error job &1 already exists
341Error job &1 created successfully
342Invalid process mode
343Trace job &1 currently contains no traces
350No error parameters changed
351Error ID '&1' locked by user '&2'
352New error saved successfully with ID '&1'
353Error with ID '&1' saved successfully
360Test request with ID '&1' saved successfully
361Error while saving test request with ID '&1'
362Test request with ID '&1' is being edited by user &2
363Assigning ID '&1' to test request
364Header data for test request updated successfully
365Texts for test request updated successfully
366No attributes changed
367Test request with ID '&1' does not exist
368Status of test request '&1' changed to 'Completed'
369Status of test request '&1' changed to 'In Processing'
370Test request with ID '&1' is already being edited by user &2
371Analysis run for test coverage started. Number of individual analyses: &1
372No trace available for analysis
373Analysis of test coverage is currently locked by user '&1'
374Analysis run for test coverage locked successfully
375Basis coverage analysis is not fully configured
376Analysis terminated; errors in basis coverage analysis
377&1/&2: Test coverage analysis started: trace '&3' - play variant '&4'
378Test coverage analysis terminated: trace '&1' - play variant '&2'
379Test coverage analysis executed: trace '&1' - play variant '&2'
380 Number of updated analysis versions for trace: &1
381Number of updated program object entries: &1
382Trace package: &1
383Analysis run for test coverage unlocked successfully
384Trace tool has not yet been assigned a test group
385Test group &1 set up in trace tool is not active
386Test group &1 has not been assigned users
387Coverage analysis configured fully
388Test group &1 assigned successfully to trace tool
389Trace: &1
390&1 entries successfully added to evaluation archive for test coverage
391Processing terminated; too many failed attempts
392Internal error during document processing of characteristic value &1 (&2)
393&1 documents from characteristic &2 updated successfully
394Update run for object &1 terminated
395No object selected
396Release job for update run
397No tests available; status changed to 'in Processing'
398Support package information updated
399Buffer test request statuses locked; additions not possible
400Buffer for test request statuses modified successfully
401&1 entries deleted successfully from buffer for test request statuses
402Cannot serialize hierarchy &1 for characteristic &2
403Hierarchy &1 for characteristic &2 serialized successfully
404Texts for characteristic &1 serialized successfully
405Attributes for characteristic &1 serialized successfully
406Cannot serialize texts for characteristic &2
407Cannot serialized attributes for characteristic &2
408Transaction data for InfoProvider &1 serialized successfully
409Cannot serialize transaction data for InfoProvider &1
410Cannot deserialize hierarchy &1 for characteristic &2
411Hierarchy &1 for characteristic &2 deserialized successfully
412Texts for characteristic &1 deserialized successfully
413Attributes for characteristic &1 deserialized successfully
414Cannot deserialize texts for characteristic &2
415Cannot deserialize attributes for characteristic &2
416Transaction data for InfoProvider &1 deserialized successfully
417Cannot deserialize transaction data for InfoProvider &1
418Data for InfoProvider &1 exported successfully
419Error while exporting data for InfoProvider &1
420Data for InfoProvider &1 imported successfully
421Error while importing data for InfoProvider &1
422Structure to be imported from object &1 is not compatible
423Hierarchy &1 for characteristic &1 already exsits. No data loaded
424Structure to be imported from object &1 (&2) is not compatible
425Only standard traces with activation for test generation can be edited
426Internal error: cannot save file &1
427Internal error: cannot load file &1
428Error during serialization of check data from position &1 (&2)
429Error during serialization of check parameters from position &1 (&2)
430Export of test data from position &1 failed
431Export of check parameters from position &1 failed
432Export of trace parameters for trace &1 failed
433Import of check data from position &1 failed
434Import of check parameters from position &1 failed
435Import of trace parameters failed
436Deserialization of check data from position &1 (&2) failed
437Deserialization of check parameters from position &1 (&2) failed
438Export of test reference data failed
439Import of test reference data failed
440Trace &1 cannot be executed on portal
441No execution authorization for restricted user &1
442&1 error IDs updated to status 'Corrected'
443&1 error IDs updated to status 'In Processing'
444Responsible person with user name '&1' does not exist
445Export error for object &1 (&2); error code: &3
446Object &1 (&2) exported successfully
447Import error for object &1 (&2); error code: &3
448Object &1 (&2) imported successfully
449Test object &1 (&2) saved successfully
450Could not save test object &1 (&2)
451Data for test object &1 (&2) loaded successfully
452Could not load data for test object &1 (&2)
453Current state of test object &1 (&2) is inconsistent
454Data for test object &1 (&2) already stored; skip action
455Data for test object &1 (&2) not found
456Data for test object written successfully to request &1
457Error while writing data for test object to request &1
458You are not authorized to generate archive entries for test data
459Invalid transport request type
460Data for test object &1 (&2) not found; action terminated
461Data for test object &1 (&2) rolled up successfully
462Could not roll up data for test object &1 (&2)
463Data for test object &1 (&2) compressed successfully
464Could not compress data for test object &1 (&2)
465Data already exists for test object &1 (&2); data will not be saved
466Data for test object &1 (&2) overwritten successfully
467Test data type &1 has no data type assignment; processing ended
468Data for test object &1 (&2) was overwritten successfully
469Central test data folder '&1' not found; processing terminated
470File for test data for object &1 (&2) not found
471Could not switch load status of InfoCube &1 to '&2'
472Header data for test sequence '&1' updated
473Data object for &1 (&2) cannot be used for testing; no status stored
474Data object testing for &1 (&2) unsuccessful; no status stored
475You are not authorized to create data for test object &1 (&2)
476Format of test data for object &1 (&2) has changed; no processing
477Parameter values for testing match
478Expected floating point number &1 differs significantly from &2
479Pattern &1 not found in expression &2
480Pattern &1 found in expression &2
481Return code &1 does not match code &2
482Check parameter is initial
483Check parameter is not initial
484Test sequence &1 created successfully
485Test sequence &1 saved successfully
486&1 MIME objects removed successfully from store
487&1 MIME objects added successfully to store
488&1 links stored successfully
489Maximum test run time &1 (in seconds) is invalid
490Collective job for test results with job number &1 released
491Collective job for test results with job number &1 contains errors
492Test run &1 not found
493Collection for test run &1 started on test object &2 (&3)
494Collection for test run &1 on test object &2 (&3 entries) ended
495Mandatory parameter (&1) for test sequence not set. No data saved
496Object &1 not yet saved
497All unsaved changes will be lost when you quit
498ID for test run (BW test result repository): &1
499Object &1 (&2) is locked by user '&3'
500Changes have been made to the object. Do you want to save these changes?
501Report &1 does not have an active version
502Trace processing in source system &1
503The traces (&1) are not compatible
504No data inconsistencies occurred during the regression test
505Data inconsistencies occurred during the regression test
506Execute trace '&1' with play variant '&2'
507Amount of data transferred (for metadata): & bytes
508Amount of data transferred (for test data): & bytes
509&1 test instances must be transferred
510Portal trace &1 played from JAVA Web runtime
511Error while playing portal trace &1
512The start time must be in the future
513The end time cannot be more than one year after the present time
514Job ID &1 already exists
515The job ID is not valid
516Processing is blocked
517&1 - Test sequence '&2' started
518Test run started for job '&1'. Number of test sequences: &2
519No processes are currently available to run object &1
520Activation currently not possible due to locked objects
521No test data instances needs to be transferred
522&1 is a pure meta object. No test data needs to be transferred
523Database statistics built successfully for InfoCube &1
524Unable to create database statistics for InfoCube &1
525Object &1 will be deleted indefinitely. Do you want to proceed?
526Transfer for object type &1 (&2) not supported
527Application instance &1 updated
528BW object &1 (&2) does not exist in an active version
529Application instance &1 (&2) is not completely maintained
530Work package information for test run &1 (&2) updated
531Test analysis for test run &1 (&2) updated
532Object &1 has not changed. It does not need to be saved
533Status of extraction for instance &1 (sequence &2): &3 (&4 entries)
534Status of BW publishing for instance &1 (sequence &2): &3 (&4 entries)
535Status of delta update for instance &1 (sequence &2): &3 (&4 entries)
536Extraction job &1 released with job number &2
537Welcome to &2 &1
538Variant &1 saved
539Error. Variant &1 could not be saved.
540Query GUID modification (call): &1 to &2. Number of replacements: &3
541Query GUID modification (ref. data): &1 to &2. Number of replacements: &3
542Instance &1 (&2) of class &3 has not been registered correctly
543Individual check result handling
544Individual check result handling for type &1 (class &2)
545The current highest index &1 is located in system &2
546Starter method &1 executed successfully (&2)
547Could not execute starter method &1 (&2)
548Input parameters are invalid (&1)
549Test duration must be set between one and 120 minutes
550Number of processes must not exceed 100
551Error while changing the execution order
552Statistic session UUID &1
553Trace execution of throughput test ended with errors
554Number of failed processes exeeded 200. Throughput test stopped.
555Throughput test completed successfully
556No valid selections found for the test log deletion
557Log entries deleted successfully (&1 / &2)
558Log deletion failed (&1)
559Type of package &1 is inconsistent to process type of test
560Type of trace &1 is inconsistent to process type of test
561Query &1 contains mandatory variables. Query cannot be handled.
562No valid trace could be found
563Query &1 is not defined correctly. Query cannot be handled.
564New Trace created based on Query &1: &2
565Trace ID for Bookmark &1 does not exist
566New Trace created based on JAVA Bookmark &1: &2
567Statistic data update failed: &1 (&2)
568Statistic entries saved successfully in table: &1 (&2)
569Statistic entries copied successfully: &1
570Test result entries saved successfully: &1
571Statistic entries deleted successfully in table: &1 (&2)
572Statistic data deletion failed: &1 (&2)
573Statistic entries deleted successfully: &1
574Trace execution has been stopped by current application
575Test &1 saved successfully
576Test &1 not saved correctly (&2)
577Test &1 not found
578Test &1 deleted successfully
579RSTT trace job deleted (&1)
580Trace could not be generated for Java bookmark &1
581Task step already proccessed
582Test handler type: &1
583Successful tests cannot be analyzed
600Exception &1 raised
601Invalid execution settings
602Invalid test reference settings
603Test &1 failed during remote execution via destination &2
604Destination &1 does not support remote test executions
605Test context not well defined
606Test parameter missing: &1
607No locations for test execution maintained
608Type for test result handling is invalid: &1
609Entries for test results saved (&1/&2)
610Error occurred while saving defect pattern
611Test log GUID: &1
615&1 ended with exception
620Time for test scheduling is invalid. Please choose a time in the future.
630Test execution process &1 finished successfully (ok: &2; notok: &3)
631Test execution process &1 finished with errors (ok: &2; notok: &3)
632Authorization missing for RSTT processing. Please check auth. object &1.
633Trace package &1 for reference data recording created successfully
634Creation of trace package &1 for reference data recording failed
635Trace package &1 for reference data recording updated successfully
636Update of trace package &1 for reference data recording failed
637Test reference &1 created successfully
638Trace job &1 for reference data recording created successfully
639Trace job &1 for reference data recording released successfully
640Creation of test reference &1 failed
641Name &1 starts with an invalid character
642Name &1 must be between 1 and 20 characters long
643Test name &1 already exists
700Check handler type &1 does not exist
710External service &1 does not exist
711External service &1 is not active yet
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