RSWADBACKEND - Message for Backend Web-Designtime Operation

The following messages are stored in message class RSWADBACKEND: Message for Backend Web-Designtime Operation.
It is part of development package RS_WEB_DESIGNTIME in software component BW-BEX-ET. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "BW Web DesignTime and Metadata as of BW Release 7.x".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Template &1 contains NetWeaver data; edit using RS_TEMPLATE_MAINT40
001&1 &2 &3 &4
002Cannot find folder: &1 (&2)
003Cannot find file: &1
004File &1 is empty
006Portal is not available: &1&2&3&4
007Failed to create instance of template &1; (transport problem?)
008Portal system failure: &1&2&3&4
009No default in RSPOR_T_PORTAL and no user parameter RSPOR_DEFAULT_PORTAL
010Maintain entry corresponding to RSPOR_DEFAULT_PORTAL &1 in RSPOR_T_PORTAL
011Error while performing a shell execute on the URL
013Portal call deliberately skipped (RSWAD_SKIP_JAVA)
014Failed to create instance of item &1; (transport problem?)
015You are not authorized to execute this report
016Error during conversion - no detailed message text was supplied.
017Maintain entry 'Name of System' in RSPOR_T_PORTAL
020Save to database and save from database without operation not supported
021Copying directly from database to database is currently disabled
022No definition found for function module &1
023Function module &1 does not match definition
024Pattern-based templates will be regenerated; XSLT must be available
025Input and output to identical file system folder &1 not allowed
026Input and output to identical file name list &1 not allowed
027Template is well-formed but has issues (SUBRC=&1)
031Transformation for type &1 cannot be retrieved ( RSWAD_FRAME_&1 )
032Fatal: Transformation &1 contains syntax errors &2 &3 &4
033Template &1 is locked by user &2.
040Authorization check for maintaining template &1 failed
041Authorization check for creating template &1 failed
050Java pre-execution messages
051Cannot obtain query &1
052Cannot obtain query view &1
060(Over)writing in simulation mode is not possible.
061Role &1 does not exist. Enter a valid role name.
062A default role can not be used if role assignments are ignored.
063Attention! You have selected everything. This may take very long.
070No data for Web Template (3.x) &1 (&2) present on database.
090Portal unavailable or no portal connected. Original error: &1 &2 &3.
101Fatal error; unexpected condition in program (BEX-ET-WEB)
200Web template &1 contains JavaScript in item &2
201Web template &1 contains ABAP class &2 in item &3
202Web template &1 could not be read
203Web template &1: Data provider &2 (&3 &4) not found
204Web template &1 contains Xpath replacement in command &2
205Web template &1: InfoProvider &2 not found
206Web template &1 contains template &2 in item &3
207Web template &1 contains Web item &2 in item &3
208Web template &1: InfoProvider &2 will be replaced by &3
209Web template &1: InfoObject &2 not found in InfoProvider &3
210Web template &1: InfoObject &2 will be replaced by &3
211Web template &1: InfoObject &2 has been replaced by &3
212Web template &1: InfoProvider &2 has been replaced by &3
213Web template &1 saved in object version '&2'
214Web template &1 deleted in object version '&2'
215Web template &1 could not be saved in object version '&2'
216Web template &1 could not be deleted in object version '&2'
217Web template &1 transferred successfully to BW/4HANA
218Web template &1 could not be transferred to BW/4HANA
219Web template &1 restored successfully from backup version
220Web template &1: Check/transfer the referenced Web template &2
221Web template &1 could not be restored from backup version
222Web template &1 might require manual adjustment after transfer
223Web template &1: Transfer not possible. Transfer InfoProvider &2 first.
224Bookmark &1 saved in object version '&2'
225Bookmark &1 deleted in object version '&2'
226Bookmark &1 transferred successfully to BW/4HANA
227Trasfer of selected Web templates to BW/4HANA not required
228Transfer of bookmarks not possible. Transfer Web Template &1 first.
229Transfer of Web template &1 to BW/4HANA started...
230Query view &1 saved in object version '&2'
231Query view &1 deleted in object version '&2'
232Query view &1 transferred successfully to BW/4HANA
233Transfer of Web objects to BW/4HANA not required for InfoProvider &1
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