RS_B4H_IPRO2ADSO - bring data from old infoproviders to ADSOs

The following messages are stored in message class RS_B4H_IPRO2ADSO: bring data from old infoproviders to ADSOs.
It is part of development package RS_B4HANA_TRANSFER in software component BW-WHM-DBA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Object transfer".
Message Nr
Message Text
001start copy of table &1 to table &2
002copy of table &1 to table &2 finished
003start copy of request &1 to request &2
004copy of request &1 to request &2 finished
005start copy of package &1
006copy of package &1 finished
007cleaning up status and target table &1 after aborted previous copy
015could not acquire lock for table &1
016could not determine fieldlist of table &1
017fieldlist of table &1 does not contain field &2
018fieldlists of tables &1 and &2 are not equal
019copy to same target from different sources not allowed
020error during truncate of table &1 (returncode &2)
021error during determination of request-mapping
022error during actual data copy (table &1, request &2, package &3)
023error during select on table &1
024error in PSA metadata for &1
025Field &1 has different types in tables &2 and &3
026Error while triggering database merge (for object &1)
041data for request &2 (package &3) already present in table &1
042final check of copy of table &1 to table &2 failed
043Could not copy request &1 to table &2
044Could not copy from InfoCube &1 to table &2
045Current packages differ from packages of last run
046Number of records copied from validity table &2 to &1 is incorrect
051Start retrieving data for DSO (advanced) &1 (source was &2)
052Change log of &1 successfully retrieved
053Inbound table of &1 successfully retrieved
054Active table of &1 successfully dropped
055Active table of &1 successfully renamed
056Active table of &1 successfully activated
057Temporary tables for &1 successfully dropped
058Retrieving data for DSO (advanced) &1 (source was &2) finished
059Table &1 renamed to &2
060Temporary tables for &1 kept for restoration
061Indexes of table &1 successfully renamed
062Active table of &1 successfully retrieved
063Reference point table of &1 successfully retrieved
064Validity table of &1 successfully retrieved
065InfoProvider of type &1 not supported for BW4HANA transfer (&2)
066&1 is not an InfoCube
067Data of open hub destination &1 does not need to be saved
068Data of open hub destination is on remote database and will be lost
069Multi-segment-DataSources (&1 (&2)) not supported for BW4HANA transfer
070PartProvider (&1) of SPOs not supported for BW4HANA transfer
071Non-HANA-optimized InfoCubes (&1) not supported for BW4HANA transfer
072HANA-optimized DataStore objects (&1) not supported for BW4HANA transfer
073Data for &1 already saved by another process
074Data for &1 (&2) already saved by another process
075Table &1 not found on database
076Could not invent a temporary name for &1
077Could not rename table &1 as &2. Return code: &3
078Could not find fact table for InfoCube &1
079Could not find package dimension table for InfoCube &1
080Could not drop table & 1
081Data for DataStore object (advanced) &1 already retrieved
082Could not find saved data for &1
083Could not acquire lock for ADSO &1
084Copying to the same target from different sources is not allowed
085DataStore object (advanced) &1 not found
086DataStore object (advanced) &1 has non-supported properties
087Type of DSO (advanced) &1 does not match type of InfoProvider &2
088Could not find table of type &2 in DataStore object (advanced) &1
089Could not retrieve change log of &1
090Could not retrieve inbound table of &1
091Could not drop active table of &1
092Could not rename active table of &1
093Could not activate active table of &1
094Could not drop temporary tables for &1
095Could not find saved data for datasource &1 (&2)
096Type of DSO (advanced) &1 does not match a DataSource
097Dropping of active table of &1 refused, because it is not empty
098InfoCube &1 not found
099Transfer of InfoCubes (&1) in planning mode not supported
100Previous step for &1 &2 missing
101Could not delete calculation scenario &1
102Error while checking calculation scenario &1
103Could not rename index &2 of table &1 to &3 (return code &4)
104Index of table &1 with unexpected name (&2) found
105Could not retrieve active table of &1
106Could not retrieve reference point table of &1
107Could not determine package dimension field name for cube &1
108Could not modify location of table &1 in line with table &2
109Could not activate table &1
110Could not retrieval of active table of &1
111Could not retrieve reference point table of &1
112Reference point table of &1 does not exist and cannot be copied
113Could not activate requests for DSO (classic) &1
114Could not find validity-table for InfoCube &1
115DSO (advanced) &1 is non-cumulative but InfoCube &2 is not.
116InfoCube &2 is non-cumulative but DSO (advanced) &1 is not.
117Validity table of &1 not there, hence not copied
118Could not retrieve validity table of &1
119Not all requests of &1 are activated
120Could not create calculation scenario &2 (for cube &1)
121Metadata inconsistency for cube &1
122Error while trying to define packages
123Column view for DSO (advanced) &1 created successfully
124Table &1 successfully dropped
125Calculation scenario &2 created (for cube &1)
126Requests in DSO (advanced) &1 need to be activated for reporting
130Calculation scenario &1 for DSO (advanced) &2 created
131Start copying from InfoCube &1 to table &2
132Finished copying from InfoCube &1 to table &2 finished
133Start copying from InfoCube &1 to DSO (advanced) &2
134Finished copying from InfoCube &1 to DSO (advanced) &2
140Could not find task &1
141Status of task &1 is &2
142Set status of task &1 to &2
151Could not find details for InfoProvider &1
152Could not get DDIC information for table &1
153Could not find index on database for table &1, index &2
154Unexpected SUPERTLOGO (&2) for InfoProvider &1
155Parts (&1) of Hybrid Providers not supported for BW4HANA transfer
156InfoProvider &1 skipped because it is the master provider of an SPO.
157Primary key of table &1 has changed.
158Table &1 has database indexes without counterparts in the data dictionary
159Table &1: Creation of primary index failed (sy-subrc = &2, l_subrc = &3).
160Background task (see following messages) for &1 &2 failed.
170SQL exception when working with cube &1
171DIMID &2 in facttab of cube &1, but not in package dimension
172Field name for InfoObject &2 in cube &1 not found
173InfoObject &1 not found
174InfoObject &1 is allegedly of type &2
175InfoObject &1 is not a characteristic
176SID &3 in facttab of cube &1, but not in sidtab &2
177Facttab of cube &1 contains duplicate keys
178Cube &1 successfully checked for missing SIDs and facttab duplicates
200Follow link for details of data comparison.
201Error during data comparison.
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