RS_HCPR_MODEL - Messages related to the HANA Composite Provider Backend
The following messages are stored in message class RS_HCPR_MODEL: Messages related to the HANA Composite Provider Backend.
It is part of development package RSO_HCPR_MODEL in software component BW-WHM-MTD. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "BW: Backend Model for HANA Composite Provider".
It is part of development package RSO_HCPR_MODEL in software component BW-WHM-MTD. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "BW: Backend Model for HANA Composite Provider".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | &1 &2 &3 &4 |
001 | The input XML does not contain any model information |
002 | Required XML attribute '&1' not found in element '&2' |
003 | Could not perform CompositeProvider deserialization |
004 | Could not perform CompositeProvider serialization |
005 | The model has no name |
006 | The CompositeProvider claims to be &1 but model content refers to &2 |
007 | The model must be of type &1 but has currently no type |
008 | The model must be of type &1 but has currently type &2 |
009 | The model for CompositeProvider &1 has no default view node |
010 | CompositeProvider &1 is consistent |
011 | Field '&1' is not compatible with a BW InfoObject |
012 | Compounding parent &1 of navigation attribute &2 is not active |
013 | Navigation attribute '&1' for field '&2' is not valid |
014 | Compounding parent '&1' for nav. attribute '&2' missing (field '&3') |
015 | Temporal join: No Union allowed |
016 | Temporal join: &1, &2 not allowed |
017 | Temporal join: SAP HANA objects not allowed (&2, &1) |
018 | Temporal join: Unassigned target field &1 |
019 | Temporal join: Constant mapping not allowed (field &1, value &2) |
020 | Temporal join: Internal error: &1 &2 &3 &4 |
021 | Temporal join: CompositeProvider model contains navigation attributes & |
022 | Temporal join: Derived fields cannot be joined (&1) |
023 | Temporal join: Model inconsistent. Replace PartProvider &1 with itself. |
024 | Temporal join: Key Date defined, but join is not time-dependent |
025 | Temporal join: Time-dependency of &1 changed. &1 is now time-independent. |
026 | Temporal join: Time-dependency of &1 changed. &1 is now time-dependent. |
027 | Temporal join: InfoProvider &1 does not contain temporal field &2 anymore |
028 | Temporal join: Cannot map time-dependent navigational attribute &1 |
029 | Temporal join: Cannot map navigational attribute &1 |
030 | Temporal join: Left outer chains are not allowed (&1) |
031 | Temporal join: Unexpected node name (&1); name must follow pattern J<nnn> |
032 | Temporal join: Non-cumulative key figure &1 (&2) cannot be mapped |
033 | Temporal join: Stock coverage key figure &1 (&2) cannot be mapped |
034 | Temporal join: Characteristic as key &1 (&2) cannot be mapped |
035 | Temporal join: Referencing key figure &1 (&2) cannot be mapped |
036 | Temporal join: Key dates not allowed in combination with SAP HANA objects |
037 | Temporal join: Field list does not contain InfoObject &1 |
038 | Temporal join: Field list still contains InfoObject &1 |
039 | Temporal join: No support Nav. attr. - source &1 (&2), target: &3 |
040 | Temporal join: InfoObject is time-dependent, not in the CompositeProvider |
048 | Inconsistent object model: no inline type for field '&1' |
049 | Invalid XSD schema version '&1' |
050 | Name must not be empty |
051 | Name '&1' contains invalid character '&2' at position &3 |
052 | Name '&1' must not contain a substring '__' |
053 | Length of name '&1' exceeds &2 characters |
054 | Field name '&1' is not unique |
055 | InfoObject '&1' does not exist |
056 | Global name '&1' not unique (used by fields '&2' and '&3') |
057 | Field '&1' cannot be used as currency/unit field for '&2' |
058 | Value '&1' is not valid for characteristic '&2' |
059 | No currency information for amount key figure '&1' |
060 | No unit information for quantity key figure '&1' |
061 | Invalid compounding parent given by field '&1' (InfoObject '&2') |
062 | Compounding parent '&1' missing for field '&2' (InfoObject '&3') |
063 | Invalid aggregation '&1' for key figure '&2' |
064 | Open ODS view '&1' does not exist |
065 | InfoObject name must not be empty |
066 | Open ODS view name must not be empty |
067 | Compounded value '&1' in constant mapping for field '&2' is not valid |
068 | Compounded value '&1' in filter for field '&2' is not valid |
069 | Value '&1' is not valid for field '&2' |
070 | Missing source data for '&1' |
071 | Node name '&1' is not unique |
072 | No target fields in '&1' |
073 | Compounding parent '&1' of '&2' needs constant mapping too |
074 | Source field '&1' and target field '&2' do not have compatible data types |
075 | Obsolete assignment: Target field '&1' does not exist |
076 | Obsolete assignment: Source field '&1' does not exist |
077 | No assignments exist to target field '&1' from source '&2' |
078 | More than one assignment exists to target field '&1' |
079 | No assignments exist to target field '&1' |
080 | Type ('&2') of InfoProvider '&1' not supported |
081 | InfoProvider '&1' not allowed |
082 | InfoProvider '&1' of type '&2' not allowed (because joins exist) |
083 | Semantically partitioned objects not allowed in right join partner |
084 | CompositeProviders not allowed in right join partner |
085 | Source '&1' not allowed in union '&2' |
086 | Inner join '&1' must not contain outer joins |
087 | Precision or scale of target field '&2' is too small |
088 | Target field '&2' (length &4) shorter than source field '&1' (length &3) |
089 | Conversion problems possible for source field '&1' / target field '&2' |
090 | Source field '&1' and join field '&2' do not have the same length |
091 | No assignments exist (to any target field) |
092 | HANA view '&1' is not allowed because it has been generated by BW |
093 | Active version of SAP HANA view '&1' does not exist |
094 | SAP HANA view '&1' is an attribute view (not supported) |
095 | InfoProvider '&1' not allowed for reporting |
096 | It is not possible to create an external SAP HANA view |
097 | SAP HANA view '&1' has mandatory variables '&2' (not supported) |
098 | Field '&1': Nav. attributes allowed only when using object '&2' by name |
099 | Precision or scale of target field '&1' does not match source field '&2' |
100 | CompositeProvider runtime execution not possible for PartProvider '&1' |
101 | Cannot read near-line storage for PartProvider &1 |
102 | Cannot use navigation attribute &1 from PartProvider &2 |
103 | Aggregation '&2' of key figure &1 is not possible |
104 | Join '&1' does not have two join partners |
105 | Obsolete join field '&1' (&2) |
106 | Join field '&1' (&2) has to be assigned to a target field |
107 | Target field '&1' has an invalid number of assignments |
108 | Join conditions missing for join '&1' |
109 | Compounding parent '&2' of join field '&1' is not a join field |
110 | CompositeProvider '&1' cannot be added to other CompositeProviders |
111 | Cycle detected in definition of CompositeProvider '&1' |
112 | PartProvider '&1' is used more than once in CompositeProvider '&2' |
113 | Join not allowed for CompositeProviders which can be used as PartProvider |
114 | CompositeProvider '&1' cannot be added (it contains CompositeProviders) |
115 | "Assign constant" is not allowed for key figures ('&1') |
116 | Target field '&1' is not a parameter (but compounding parent '&2' is) |
117 | Field '&1' is a mandatory input parameter ('&2') and has to be assigned |
118 | Currency field of amount '&2' has to be connected with '&4' of &3 |
119 | Unit field of quantity '&2' has to be connected with '&4' of &3 |
120 | Mapping of InfoObject '&1' from PartProvider '&2' is not allowed |
121 | Persistent OLAP cache is switched off because of PartProvider '&2' |
122 | PartProvider '&2' disables delta updating of OLAP cache objects |
123 | Invalid internal type '&2' for field '&1' (length = &3, decimals = &4) |
124 | Field '&1' (&2) cannot be assigned to field '&3' (&4) |
125 | InfoSet runtime is used for CompositeProvider |
126 | Open ODS View '&1' not allowed (because joins exist) |
127 | Field '&1' is based on '&2' but PartProvider field '&3' is not |
128 | Navigation attribute '&1' not active in &3 (field '&2') |
129 | CompositeProvider '&1' not valid as left join partner (see details) |
130 | Nav. attr. '&1' of Comp.Prov. &2 does not exist in all PartProviders |
131 | SQL type &3 of column '&1' of &2 is not supported |
132 | No assignments to target field '&1' (output field '&2' affected) |
133 | Imported model version '&1' for CompositeProvider &2 is not supported |
134 | Mixed union/join scenario not allowed for reusable PartProviders |
135 | CompositeProvider &1 with union part not allowed as right join partner |
136 | Please run report RSO_HCPR_FILL_HCPRX to update the metadata |
137 | CompositeProvider with union part cannot contain time-dep. PartProvider & |
138 | Reusable PartProvider &1 not allowed. See long text. |
139 | CompositeProvider with temporal join (&1) can only be used in Union node |
140 | Field '&1': Constant assignment not supported by &2 |
141 | Field '&1': InfoObject '&2' is a reserved name and cannot be used |
142 | Mandatory variable '&1' ('&2') will be ignored |
143 | Complex aggregation level '&1' not supported as PartProvider |
144 | Field '&1': Open ODS view '&2' not allowed for association (see details) |
145 | Field name &1 already used by InfoObject &2. Please use a different name. |
146 | Enter a local name for navigation attribute '&1' of field '&2' |
147 | Local name '&1' for nav. attribute '&2' is already used (see field '&3') |
148 | InfoObject type '&2' not allowed for field '&1' |
149 | Source field '&1' needs the same parameter type as target field '&2' |
150 | Truncation: The length of source field '&1' (&2) exceeds BW maximum (250) |
151 | |
152 | Currency field '&1' of amount '&2' must not be an input parameter |
153 | Unit field '&1' of quantity '&2' must not be an input parameter |
154 | Field '&1' of HANA ODP '&2' is not supported in BW |
180 | CompositeProvider '&1' must not contain itself as PartProvider |
200 | Join field '&1': data type &2 not allowed |
201 | Different data types of join fields ('&1' assigned to '&2') |
202 | Incompatible data types of join fields ('&1' assigned to '&2') |
203 | Cannot satisfy join condition due to data types ('&1' assigned to '&2') |
204 | Join operations not allowed in MultiProvider Compatibility Mode |
205 | CompositeProvider cannot be reusable in MultiProvider Compatibility Mode |
206 | Field '&1' associated with navigation attribute '&2' |
207 | Time char. '&1' of non-cumulative provider '&2' not allowed in join |
208 | &1 with non-cumulatives must not be right join partner |
225 | HCPR &1 has PartProv. ADSO &2 which needs remodelling. Activation skipped |