The following messages are stored in message class RS_SMA: .
It is part of development package RS_SMA in software component BW-WHM-DST-ARC. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Split And Merge Monitor".
It is part of development package RS_SMA in software component BW-WHM-DST-ARC. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Split And Merge Monitor".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | Splitting and merging with Package &1 and rule &2 |
001 | Simulation only |
002 | Altering the tables |
003 | The report has to run in batch mode, (use F9 instead of F8) |
004 | Reading cube & |
005 | Only Basic Info Cubes can be processed. &1 is not a basic cube. |
006 | The Cube &1 is not Hana Optimized. |
007 | The table &1 has &2 rows and &4 parts. Max part size: &3 rec. |
008 | Reading dso & |
009 | The table pair &1 has &2 rows and &4 parts. Max part size: &3 rec. |
010 | The HANA system is not distributed |
011 | Cube &1 does not exist |
012 | Cube &1 is not a basic cube |
043 | Job '&1' scheduled |
044 | The database user is not authorized to execute REORG_GENERATE |
098 | Will merge all partitions of &1 to the host &2 |
099 | The table pair &1 has the partition spec: &2 |
100 | Cube &1 is already part of the package &2 |
101 | Split merge package &1 does not exist |
102 | Package & already exists |
103 | Split Merge Package & saved. |
104 | Data Store object &1 is already part of package &2 |
105 | Table &1 is already part of package &2 |
106 | The Split Merge Rule &1 does not exist |
107 | Rule & already exists |
108 | Rule & saved |
109 | Delete Rule &1? |
110 | Save Rule &1? |
111 | Fact table &1 has the partition spec: &2 |
112 | Table &1 has an invalid partition spec &2 |
113 | Partition spec of table & is already correct |
114 | New partition spec of &1 is &2 |
115 | Can only execute on HANA |
116 | Split Merge Package (&1) |
117 | Split Merge Rule (&1) |
118 | If at least one partition has more than &1 records |
119 | Merge Delta of table &1 |
120 | Will merge all partitions of &1 to the host &2 |
121 | Locking table &1 |
122 | Partition Spec of &1 adjusted |
123 | Invalid number of partitions &1, only &2 active slaves |
124 | Validation Rule &1 on &2 cubes |
125 | Table &1 processed sucessfully |
126 | Reducing rule base number of partitions &1 to number of active slaves |
127 | No Cube added |
128 | & cubes added to package |
129 | & data store objects added to package |
130 | Error when creating uuid: & |
131 | No data store object added |
132 | The PSA &1 is already part of the package &2 |
133 | No table added |
134 | &1 tables added |
135 | Split table into at least &1 parts. (tolerance &2%) |
136 | One Cube added |
137 | One data store object added |
138 | & data store objects added |
139 | Table will not be splitted: Only & hosts, but &2 would be required |
140 | Scheduling cancelled by user |
141 | Periodical scheduling changed to non-periodical |
142 | Error when processing in background with command: '&1' |
143 | Job &1 scheduled |
144 | Rule &1 is of type "move". Currently such rules are not supported. |
145 | Table placement of cube &1 is correct |
146 | Cannot fullfill move rule. No hosts available. |
147 | The table &1 is already placed on the valid host &2 |
148 | The table &1 is placed on a host that does not fulfill the rule &2 |
176 | &1 (&2) |
177 | Object does not exist! (&1) |
178 | Cannot navigate to InfoProvider as no InfoProvider specified |
179 | Cannot navigate to InfoProvider &1 as InfoProvider &1 does not exist |
180 | Cannot navigate to DAP as since no InfoProvider is specified |
181 | Could not create dap for InfoProvider &1 |
182 | Could not display dap &1 |
183 | Could not navigate to &1 (&2) |
194 | Navigationstep &1 |
195 | Checking data targets for mass data archiving process generation... |
196 | Checking InfoProvider &1... |
197 | InfoProvider & is of type &2. No DAPs can be created for this type. |
198 | Cube & is of cube type &2. No DAPs can be created for this cube type. |
199 | Stop at &1 |
200 | Save & ? |
201 | Do you want to delete the package &1? |
212 | Variant &1 is not used in any process chains |
227 | No table added |
228 | & tables added |
229 | 1 table added |
231 | No Data Source added |
237 | One Data Source added |
238 | & Data Sources added |
244 | Moving partition &2 of table &1 to host &3 |
245 | Changing partition spec of table &1 to &2 |
246 | Do Commit |
247 | Commit Done |
248 | Run without stop time |
249 | Excecuting "&1" |
250 | Statement "&1" executed |
255 | Executing &1 statements in batch |
300 | There are more than one master indexserver in the landscape |
301 | There is no master indexserver in the landscape |
302 | There is no slave indexserver ==> everything will be moved to the master |
401 | SQL Error: &1 Statement: &2 in method &3 |
455 | Processing &1 cubes |
456 | Rule &1 is invalid, switching to default definition. |
457 | Processing &1 Data Sources |
458 | Could not find DataSource &1 |
459 | Processing &1 customer tables |
460 | Processing &1 data store objects |
492 | The parts of & reside on different hosts. |
500 | Executing reorg plan &1 |
501 | Stopping at &1 |
502 | No stop time |
503 | Porcessing step &2, table &1. |
504 | Skipping step &3 table &1 , since the schema &2 is not the BW schema |
505 | Executed the whole plan. |
506 | Merge delta |
507 | Altering part spec of &1 to &2. |
508 | Move partition &1 of table &2 to host &3 |
509 | Navigation could not be executed. The navigation step does not exist. |
510 | Found &1 |
511 | Cube &1 has more partitions than active slaves |
512 | No host to move compressed fact table partition &2 from host &1 to |
513 | Cubes repaired |
514 | Starting to repair cube &1... |
515 | Error in InfoProvider &1: Number of F parts different to no. of E parts |
516 | No InfoProvider in filter |
587 | The tables &1 and &2 have unequal partition spec: &3 <> &4 |
654 | The table &1 is already distributed correctly. |
778 | Maximum part size must be at least more the double the min part size |
779 | The maximum part size is not positive. |
780 | Specify at least one host. (Either max host or split partition) |
781 | Reorg plan &1 already exists |
789 | Stop split/merge process since it is already &1 (stop time:&2) |
790 | The changelog table &1 has not as many partitions as the active table &2. |
791 | Could not find active table of dso &. Skip processing. |
792 | Could not find activation queue table of dso &. Skip processing. |
793 | Active table and activation queue of dso &1 differ in partiton count. |
794 | Currently editing reorg plan &1 |
795 | Currently not implemented |
801 | InfoProvider &1 does not contain time characteristic &2 |
802 | InfoProvider &1 already contains a data archiving process |
803 | No statistic are collected for InfoProvider &1 |
804 | Statistics for InfoProvider &1 only recorded since &3 |
805 | Selection statistic is not extracted since &1 |
806 | &1 percent of the data manager selection on &2 not before &3 |
807 | No selections on InfoProvider &1 between &2 and &3 |
879 | No authorization to use the Split Merge Admin (S_RZL_ADMIN) Activity: &1 |
888 | &1 is not a cusomer table (does not start with a Z or a Y) |