The following messages are stored in message class RS_SMA: .
It is part of development package RS_SMA in software component BW-WHM-DST-ARC. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Split And Merge Monitor".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Splitting and merging with Package &1 and rule &2
001Simulation only
002Altering the tables
003The report has to run in batch mode, (use F9 instead of F8)
004Reading cube &
005Only Basic Info Cubes can be processed. &1 is not a basic cube.
006The Cube &1 is not Hana Optimized.
007The table &1 has &2 rows and &4 parts. Max part size: &3 rec.
008Reading dso &
009The table pair &1 has &2 rows and &4 parts. Max part size: &3 rec.
010The HANA system is not distributed
011Cube &1 does not exist
012Cube &1 is not a basic cube
043Job '&1' scheduled
044The database user is not authorized to execute REORG_GENERATE
098Will merge all partitions of &1 to the host &2
099The table pair &1 has the partition spec: &2
100Cube &1 is already part of the package &2
101Split merge package &1 does not exist
102Package & already exists
103Split Merge Package & saved.
104Data Store object &1 is already part of package &2
105Table &1 is already part of package &2
106The Split Merge Rule &1 does not exist
107Rule & already exists
108Rule & saved
109Delete Rule &1?
110Save Rule &1?
111Fact table &1 has the partition spec: &2
112Table &1 has an invalid partition spec &2
113Partition spec of table & is already correct
114New partition spec of &1 is &2
115Can only execute on HANA
116Split Merge Package (&1)
117Split Merge Rule (&1)
118If at least one partition has more than &1 records
119Merge Delta of table &1
120Will merge all partitions of &1 to the host &2
121Locking table &1
122Partition Spec of &1 adjusted
123Invalid number of partitions &1, only &2 active slaves
124Validation Rule &1 on &2 cubes
125Table &1 processed sucessfully
126Reducing rule base number of partitions &1 to number of active slaves
127No Cube added
128& cubes added to package
129& data store objects added to package
130Error when creating uuid: &
131No data store object added
132The PSA &1 is already part of the package &2
133No table added
134&1 tables added
135Split table into at least &1 parts. (tolerance &2%)
136One Cube added
137One data store object added
138& data store objects added
139Table will not be splitted: Only & hosts, but &2 would be required
140Scheduling cancelled by user
141Periodical scheduling changed to non-periodical
142Error when processing in background with command: '&1'
143Job &1 scheduled
144Rule &1 is of type "move". Currently such rules are not supported.
145Table placement of cube &1 is correct
146Cannot fullfill move rule. No hosts available.
147The table &1 is already placed on the valid host &2
148The table &1 is placed on a host that does not fulfill the rule &2
176&1 (&2)
177Object does not exist! (&1)
178Cannot navigate to InfoProvider as no InfoProvider specified
179Cannot navigate to InfoProvider &1 as InfoProvider &1 does not exist
180Cannot navigate to DAP as since no InfoProvider is specified
181Could not create dap for InfoProvider &1
182Could not display dap &1
183Could not navigate to &1 (&2)
194Navigationstep &1
195Checking data targets for mass data archiving process generation...
196Checking InfoProvider &1...
197InfoProvider & is of type &2. No DAPs can be created for this type.
198Cube & is of cube type &2. No DAPs can be created for this cube type.
199Stop at &1
200Save & ?
201Do you want to delete the package &1?
212Variant &1 is not used in any process chains
227No table added
228& tables added
2291 table added
231No Data Source added
237One Data Source added
238& Data Sources added
244Moving partition &2 of table &1 to host &3
245Changing partition spec of table &1 to &2
246Do Commit
247Commit Done
248Run without stop time
249Excecuting "&1"
250Statement "&1" executed
255Executing &1 statements in batch
300There are more than one master indexserver in the landscape
301There is no master indexserver in the landscape
302There is no slave indexserver ==> everything will be moved to the master
401SQL Error: &1 Statement: &2 in method &3
455Processing &1 cubes
456Rule &1 is invalid, switching to default definition.
457Processing &1 Data Sources
458Could not find DataSource &1
459Processing &1 customer tables
460Processing &1 data store objects
492The parts of & reside on different hosts.
500Executing reorg plan &1
501Stopping at &1
502No stop time
503Porcessing step &2, table &1.
504Skipping step &3 table &1 , since the schema &2 is not the BW schema
505Executed the whole plan.
506Merge delta
507Altering part spec of &1 to &2.
508Move partition &1 of table &2 to host &3
509Navigation could not be executed. The navigation step does not exist.
510Found &1
511Cube &1 has more partitions than active slaves
512No host to move compressed fact table partition &2 from host &1 to
513Cubes repaired
514Starting to repair cube &1...
515Error in InfoProvider &1: Number of F parts different to no. of E parts
516No InfoProvider in filter
587The tables &1 and &2 have unequal partition spec: &3 <> &4
654The table &1 is already distributed correctly.
778Maximum part size must be at least more the double the min part size
779The maximum part size is not positive.
780Specify at least one host. (Either max host or split partition)
781Reorg plan &1 already exists
789Stop split/merge process since it is already &1 (stop time:&2)
790The changelog table &1 has not as many partitions as the active table &2.
791Could not find active table of dso &. Skip processing.
792Could not find activation queue table of dso &. Skip processing.
793Active table and activation queue of dso &1 differ in partiton count.
794Currently editing reorg plan &1
795Currently not implemented
801InfoProvider &1 does not contain time characteristic &2
802InfoProvider &1 already contains a data archiving process
803No statistic are collected for InfoProvider &1
804Statistics for InfoProvider &1 only recorded since &3
805Selection statistic is not extracted since &1
806&1 percent of the data manager selection on &2 not before &3
807No selections on InfoProvider &1 between &2 and &3
879No authorization to use the Split Merge Admin (S_RZL_ADMIN) Activity: &1
888&1 is not a cusomer table (does not start with a Z or a Y)
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