RTC_CT_01 - Real consolidation - currency translation

The following messages are stored in message class RTC_CT_01: Real consolidation - currency translation.
It is part of development package FINS_RTC_CT in software component FIN-RTC. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Real-Time Consolidation: Currency Translation".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Excel row(&3) column(&4) field: '&1' value: '&2' is not in SAP system
002Excel row(&3) column(&4) field: '&1' value: '&2' is not a number
003Failed to update &1 &2
004Data will be lost. Save before exiting?
005Template &1 saved
006Document &1 created
008Enter a model
009Enter a document type
010Task type of the document type must be '10'
011No entities found under &1 / &2 / &3 / &4
038Exchange rate indicator(s) saved
039Enter an exchange rate type
040Exchange rate indicator duplicated
041Exchange rate type does not exist
042Exchange rate indicator cannot be empty
043&1 head object is not bound
044Method &1 does not exist in model &2
045Model &1 not active or does not exist.
046Method &1 already exists in model &2
047Entry &1 already exists in method &2
048Database Error: &1&2&3&4
049Entry &1 does not exist
050Differential item &1 does not exist
051Method &1 deleted
052Base view in entry &1 selection &2 does not match consolidation view
053Base view in round &1 selection &2 does not match consolidation view
054Error occurred between entry &1 and &2 when checking entry overlap
055Entries overlap
056Selection and rounding type are in conflict in rounding entry &1
057Active method &1 generated
058No change
059Active method &1 generation failed
060Method &1 saved
061Entry table generation failed
062AMDP generation failed
063No available column(s); check your consolidation view
064Do not select more than one line to add rounding
065Differential table generation failed
066Rounding table generation failed
067Error during initialization of entry grid
068Error during initialization of rounding grid
069Error during initialization of differential items grid
070Error deleting differential item
071Debit &1 does not exist
072Credit &1 does not exist
073&1 cannot be empty
074Error occurred while marking previous translation documents as deleted
075LC balance = &1; check failed for rounding method &2 / sequence &3
076Differential item for account cannot be deleted
077Selection &1 does not exist
078The model of selection &1 is not matched with this method
079Selection &1 does not have account field
080Rounding &1 contains two identical selections
081Investment reconciliation check error: &1 (FI) and &2 (AFD) for &3 in &4
082Group amount not found in investment (AFD) for &1 in &2 with &3
083Differential item 'RACCT' in &1 &2 cannot contain empty fields
084Error while retrieving entities from model &1
085Fill all required fields
086Data submit request will be raised automatically for &1; see long text
087&1 list cannot be empty
088Data submit request has been raised for entity &1
089You are not authorized to create translation method in model &1
090You are not authorized to change translation method in model &1
091You are not authorized to display translation method in model &1
092You are not authorized to activate translation method in model &1
093You are not authorized to delete translation method in model &1
094Missing &1 authorization for &2 / &3 / &4
095Rollup &1 for BPC &2
096Translation to &1 &2
097Missing test authorization for &1 / &2 / &3
098Missing post authorization for &1 / &2 / &3
099Selection &1 is not a single selection
101Selection in entry &1 contains error; check selection and activate again
121Unexpected error occurred reading entity and group currency from BPC
122Unexpected error occurred in currency translation repetitive run for &1
123Unexpected error occurred in raising data submit request for &1
124Unexpected error occurred; contact system administrator
125Unexpected error occurred writing task log for current run
126Unexpected error occurred repairing repetitive crcy translation documents
127Repair finished successfully
128No data found for &1
129Unexpected error occurred saving currency translation detail log
130Data submit request will be raised automatically for &1
131Currency translation for entity &1
132Translate to target currency: &1
133Document &1 created
134Rollup local currency (LC) for BPC
135Error occurred; stop processing for this entity
136No detail log available
137Missing Target Currency Key
138Unexpected error while posting documents to ACDOCC
139Currency translation runtime parameter not initialized before execution
140Currency translation runtime parameter initialization failed
141Currency translation runtime error for &1 / &2
143Equity reconciliation check error: &1 (FI) and &2 (AFD) for &3 in &4
144Group amount not found in equity (AFD) for &1 in &2 with &3
145Validation check and currency translation in process.
146No available data or no new data changes. No translation document posted.
147Translation method not found for entity &1 under model &2
148Reconstruction will delete previously translated records.
149Check failed. Investment data is not correctly maintained for &1.
150Check failed. Equity data is not correctly maintained for &1.
151No translation method available.
152Customized currency translation key &1 is invalid. Check long text.
153Check failed for investment for &1, alternative translation option used.
154Check failed for equity for &1, alternative translation option used.
200Model &1, version ID &2 does not exist; check version ID definition
201Model &1, entity &2 is not valid; check entity mapping
202Enter a valid period
203Currency key &1 is not valid
204Group account &1 is not valid
205Transaction type &1 is not valid
206Transaction currency &1 is not valid
207Activity ID cannot be empty
208Group currency cannot be empty
209Maintain different entities for investee and investor
210Changes saved
211No changes
212Apply permissions to display or change the investment information
213Cannot determine CDS view for model &1
214Determined view &1 cannot be found in the ABAP Dictionary
215Error when extracting data from view &1
216Currency key &1 is already maintained
217Group amount cannot be negative
218Changes in investments table contains one or more ambiguous entries
219Enter a local amount
220Enter a partner entity
221Enter local amount before entering group currency amount
222Complete all mandatory fields
223Cannot determine local currency code for entity &1
224Changes in investee equity table contains one or more ambiguous entries
225Cannot determine organizational unit for entity &1
226Enter the filter and group currency code
228Enter the type of additional financial data
230Partner entity &1, group account &2, transaction type &3 has no &4 amount
231Group account &1, transaction type &2 has no &3 amount
232Error while validating additional financial data
233Request permissions to show additional financial data
234Request permissions to create additional financial data
235Reconciliation error: investee &1, group account &2, transaction type &3
236Reconciliation error: group account &1, transaction type &2
237Request permissions to change additional financial data
238Value cannot be saved
239Local amount cannot be negative; maintain the correct debit/cr. indicator
240Debit or credit indicator &1 is not valid; enter a valid value
242No error
301Unexpected error when reading data from database
302Exchange rate indicator &1 does not exist
303Currency translation key &1 does not exist
304Currency translation indicator &1 does not exist
305Rounding method &1 not activated or does not exist
306Method &1 does not have an entry; enter change mode to add an entry
307Error when trying to update admin info of method &1
308Database error occurred: &1
309Unexpected error when loading &1; check if the data is corrupted
310Selection is empty under entry &1; enter a selection
311Selection of entry &1 must have an account field
312Selection &2 of entry &1 must have a transaction type field
313Selection of entry &1 must only have account or transaction type field
314Error with selection under entry &1: &2
315Select one line on which to operate
316Configured selection &1 does not exist; switch to default selection
317&1 of entry &2 must not be empty
318Error with differential item of entry &1: &2
319Selection under entry &1 must contain at least a column
320Differential item under entry &1 must have &2 field
321Invalid account value &1 in differential item of entry &2
322&1 field of entry &2's differential item must not be empty
323Enter MODLE field first
324Selection of entry &1 does not exist; will switch to embedded selection
325Critical error: differential item of entry &1 does not exist
326Add an entry
327Differential items of entry &1 must be in range of the selections
328Differential item of entry &1 is empty
329Differential item of entry &1 contains empty value for column name &2
330Selection of entry &1 does not exist
332Model &1 does not contain document type &2; enter a valid document type
333Enter a document type
334Migrate existing data using the migration program &1
335Method name should only contain letters, numbers and underscores.
336Entity &1 is missing Target Currency Key
401The Method &1 with type &2 doesn't not exist.
402Ledger &1 doesn't exist.
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