RTC_HRF - Message class for RTC HRF

The following messages are stored in message class RTC_HRF: Message class for RTC HRF.
It is part of development package FINS_RTC_VE in software component FIN-RTC. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Real-Time Consolidation: Validation Engine".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Creation of resource &1 unsuccessful (status code &2, reason &3)
001URL &1 does not start with base pattern &2
002URL is empty
003Package to be deleted does not exist
004Deletion of folder &1 unsuccessful (status code &2, reason &3)
005Deletion of resource &1 unsuccessful (status code &2, reason &3)
006Resource &1 under &2 already exists
007Resource &1 under &2 does not exist for deletion
008Resource &1 under &2 does not exist for activation
009Active resource &1 under &2 does not exist
010Resource &1 under &2 does not exist for update
011Cost center &1 is valid
012Cost center &1 is invalid
013Actual amount is less than planned amount
014Actual amount is greater than planned amount
015Info of key fields is not enough
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