RTP - Message class for retirement plans (US enhancement)

The following messages are stored in message class RTP: Message class for retirement plans (US enhancement).
It is part of development package BCA_US in software component IS-B-BCA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "BCA modification for US specific requirements".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Number range interval could not be read.
002The number range interval is internal: leave the plan number empty.
003The number range interval is external: enter a value for a plan number
005The plan number &1 does not fall within the predefined range.
006Plan number &1 is not unique.
007Plan number &1 is currently being modified by another user.
008Business partner &1 is not stored in database yet. Please refresh.
009Business partner with number &1 does not exist.
010Business partner category &1 is not allowed.
011Business partner &1 does not have the role of accountholder.
012Business partner &1 is not released.
013No authorization to perform action &1 in bank area &2 for plan type &3.
014No authorization to perform action &1 for authorization group &2.
015No authorization to perform action &1 for accountholder &2.
017Business partner &1 does not have the role of &2.
018Business partner &1 is both primary and contingent beneficiary
019Inconsistent data! Accountnumber does not exist.
020Accountholder category &1 only valid for inherited retirement plans.
021There are &1 contingent beneficiaries. Enter 1 primary beneficiary.
022The number range interval could not be read.
023The issued plan number lies within the critical range.
024The issed plan number is the last number in the interval.
025A new plan number could not be issed
026Type code &1 does not exist.
027Please enter a valid currency.
028Please enter the nature of the retirement plan.
030The closing date &1 cannot be before the opening date &2.
031Please enter a valid status.
032Accountnumber &1 is still active.
033Please enter a business partner number for the accountholder.
034Please enter a business partner in the role of &1.
035Partner &1 is not a natural person.
037The role &1 is invalid.
038Partner &1 does not have the role &2.
039Please enter both a business partner number and a role.
040The total percentage is unequal to 100.
042Please select a non-empty line from the table
043Table TRTP_US_PLAN_INF not maintained for plan type &1 and bankarea &2
044Plan number &1 does not exist in bankarea &2.
045Plan number &1 in bank area &2 does not have a business partner.
046Plan number &1 in bank area &2 does not have beneficiaries.
047Number of beneficiaries inconsistent with businesspartners.
048Error when &1 table &2.
049Retirement plan &1 has been successfully created.
050Retirement plan &1 has been successfully modified.
051Please enter a valid role.
052Failure when calling the business partner maintenance application.
053Bank area does not exist.
054At date &1, accountnumber &2 is still open.
055Error while verifying the plan number.
056There are accounts in a different currency than the plan currency.
057List contains no data
058The value of the fair market value is incorrect.
060The value of &1 is not equal to one of the fixed values.
061Please enter a value between &1 and &2.
062Unable to obtain field information for application object &1
063Please enter a valid bank area
064Bank area &1 does not exist.
065Please enter a type code
067Data saved.
068Data already saved.
069No F4 help available.
070Business partner &1 is also the accountholder
071Field value has not been checked.
072Partner &1 has been entered more than once in the same role.
100The retirement plan does not belong to the account holder.
101Account open date cannot be prior to the retirement plan open date.
102Account currency must be the same as the retirement plan currency.
103Account status cannot be active if retirement plans status is inactive.
104There are no BCA accounts under this retirement plan.
105BCA account &1 does not belong to a retirement plan
106BCA account &1 does not belong to retirement plan number &2
110Recipient account &1 belongs to retirement plan number &2
201Default Tax year &1 is considered for posting
202Business partner &1 is dead on &2
203Total contribution &1 exceeds the defined limit &2 by &3 in currency &4
204Contribution ID should be mentioned
205Distribution code should be mentioned
206Retirement plan data should not be mentioned for non retirement accounts
207Insert error for table RTP_US_HIST
208Posting is not possible before birth date for business partner &1
209Birth date information not available for business partner &1
210Withholding percentage cannot exceed 100%
211Total withholding must be less than transaction amount
212Distribution sub code &1 is invalid for primary distribution code &2
213Withholding transaction type is not maintained for transaction type &1
214&1 is invalid tax year
215Recharacterization error between plan &1 of type &2 and plan &3 of type&4
216Error during payment between education IRA and IRA type &3 in plan &2
217Error during distr. from trad. plan &1 and contr. into Roth plan &2
218Error during distr. from Roth plan &1 and contr. into trad plan &2
219Contribution ID &1 is invalid
220Contribution limits not defined for type &1 - &2
221Lock error for retirement plan history table RTP_US_HIST
222Invalid data during contribution
223Contribution ID &1 should not be filled for distribution
224Maintain Amount ID for posting category &1
225Enter a distribution code first before entering a sub-code.
226No F4 help available.
227Contribution ID &1 should not be mentioned for transfer
228Invalid data during transfer distribution
229Distribution code &1 is invalid
230Invalid parameter while calling function &1
231Transaction amount will be reduced with total withholding amount
232Amount identifier must be provided
233Amount identifier &1 cannot be used for payment posting
234Invalid amount identifier &1 for contribution
235Invalid amount identifier &1 for distribution
236Contribution ID &1 is irrelevant for interests or charges
237Reason codes or with holding amount irrelevant for interests and charges
300Please enter a year
301Year &1 is beyond the current year.
302Bank area &1 does not exist.
303Plan number &1 could not be verified.
304Plan number &1 does not exist in bank area &2.
305Type code &1 is an invalid type code.
306Business partner &1 does not exist in the role of &2.
307Error in RFC call up function module &1
309Amounts for plan &1 in bankarea &2 are stored in different currencies.
310Programming error: Contact SAP
311You do not have authorization for transaction &1
320Unable to gather data with the current selection criteria.
321An error occurred when attempting to create the grid control.
322An error occurred when attempting to display the data.
330+++++++++++++Calculating Fair Market Value (Simulation run)++++++++++++++
331+++++++++Calculating Fair Market Value (Actual run, no printing)+++++++++
332+++++++++Calculating Fair Market Value (Actual run and printing)+++++++++
333---------------Summary of Fair market value calculation------------------
334&1 Fair Market Values of as many retirement plans have been updated.
335&1 Fair Market Values have been newly calculated and stored
336&1 Fair Market Values records have been selected
341&1 &2
342&1 &2
350Please select a valid line.
351Bank area and/or plan number does not have a value.
352The retirement plan in bankarea &1 and plan number &2 cannot be shown.
353The value for the business partner is unknown.
354The business partner information for business partner &1 cannot be shown.
355Error when creating the dialogbox.
356Error when transporting the information to the dialogbox.
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