S04 - CCMS Monitoring Konsole

The following messages are stored in message class S04: CCMS Monitoring Konsole.
It is part of development package SCMC_BACKEND in software component BC-CCM-MON. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "CCMS Monitoring Console Backend Functions".
Message Nr
Message Text
000&1 &2 &3 &4
001No authorization: &1 &2 &3 &4
002Authorization check successful: &1 &2 &3 &4
010Monitor (system "&1", database "&2") successfully generated
011Monitor not generated, error ["&1"/"&2"]
012XML template read, &1 lines
013XML template is empty
014XML template selection "&1" found
015XML template selection "&1" not found
016Landscape definition: "&1" "&2" "&3" "&4"
019&1 started, parameters "&2", "&3"
020Program &1 started
021&1 entries deleted from table &2
022Entry &1 deleted from table &2
023&1 &2 deleted
030PING to SLD host failed (&1)
031SLD: &1
032SLD API Exception: &1
033Error &1 at SCSM_SYSTEM_LIST
034Error: Landscape name &1 already exists
035Landscape name &1 was successfully created
036Landscape &1: Error &2 at MODIFY SCMS_LNDKEY
037Could not enter alias name in the database
038Assignment &1 to &2 already exists
039Landscape (GUID=&1) does not exist
040System (GUID=&1) does not exist
041System &1 successfully assigned to landscape &2
042Cannot find locally configured system &1 in SLD
043New system &1 found in SLD and stored in local database
044System &1 successfully removed from landscape &2
045Landscape &1 was successfully deleted
046Could not delete landscape &1 (sy-subrc = &2)
047Could not remove system &1 from landscape &2
048SLD comparison started
049SLD comparison completed; &1 systems read
050Landscape still contains at least one system
051Invalid entry deleted from SCMC_LANDSCAPES (L-GUID &1)
052Exception &1 at cl_spi_ui_api=>get_url_process_list()
053PMI process found: &1
054PMI process found: &1
055SLD: No result for enumerate_instances('SAP_BCSystem')
056Local system &1 found in SLD list
060ICMAN is not active
061HTTP log not configured
062Error when starting the BSP application (URL: &1)
070&1 successfully completed
071Initialization failed
072No result
073Error occurred when connecting to SLD (SLD not accessible)
074Unknown error occurred when connecting to SLD
080System &1 successfully entered
081System &1 could not be entered (already exists?)
082You are not authorized to enter system &1
100&1 : Background process &2 started
101&1 : Background process &2 completed : Client does not exist
102&1 : Background process &2 completed : Client ended
103&1 : Background process &2 is being awoken
104&1 : Background process &2 : Processing of monitors started
105&1 : Background process &2 : Processing of monitors completed
106&1 : Background process &2 : Processing of &3:&4 started
107&1 : Background process &2 : Cache updated of &3:&4 started
108&1 : Background process &2 : Cache update of &3:&4 completed
109&1 : Processing monitor &2:&3 : Requesting lock
110&1 : Processing monitor &2:&3 : Processing input data
111&1 : Processing monitor &2:&3 : Storing the data
112&1 : Processing monitor &2:&3 : Deleting invalid data
113&1 : Processing monitor &2:&3 : Setting monitor update time
114&1 : Processing monitor &2:&3 : Releasing lock
115&1 : Processing monitor &2:&3 : Processing complete
116&1 : Background process &2 completed
117&1 : Instance created for CL_SCMC_CACHE_UPDATE_PROCESS
118&1 : Request enqueue for &2
119&1 : Enqueue requested for &2 : SY-SUBRC &3
120&1 : Enqueue released for &2
121&1 : Object &2 -> &3 not found
122&1 : Deleting data for &2:&3
123&1 : Deleting data for &2:&3 (except change time stamp &4)
124&1 : Deleting all data
125&1 : Background process &2 : Deleting obsolete changes
126&1 : Background process &2 : Deletion of obsolete chagnes completed
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