SAC_DESIGNTIME - Message Class for ABAP Channel DesignTime

The following messages are stored in message class SAC_DESIGNTIME: Message Class for ABAP Channel DesignTime.
It is part of development package SAC_DESIGNTIME in software component BC-MID-AC. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "DesignTime for ABAP Channels".
Message Nr
Message Text
000&1 &2 &3 &4
002No Data could be retrieved from application.
003TCP Framing is not valid.
004Entered Language '&1' is invalid.
005User does not have enough authorization for activity '&1'.
006Entered package '&1' does not exist.
007Entered AMC application ID '&1' does not exist.
008Entered program type '&1' does not exist.
009Entered transport request number '&1' does not exist.
010Entered Scope '&1' is not valid.
011Entered Message Type '&1' is not valid.
012Entered Virus Scan Profile '&1' is not valid.
013Entered program name '&1' does not exist.
014Entered Channel ID '&1' does not exist yet.
015Entered Activity '&1' is not valid.
016Method SET_APPLICATION_HEADER must be called before.
017Entered superclass is not supported.
018Entered APC application ID '&1' already exist.
019Channel ID is initial.
020AMC Application ID is initial.
021Entered APC application ID '&1' does not exist.
022Rejected lock object is '&1'. Conflict with user '&2' detected.
023System failure occurred while accessing enqueue service.
024Channel ID '&1' in AMC application ID '&2' already exists.
025Create channel ID '&1' for AMC application ID '&2' before.
026Channel authorization '&1' in AMC application ID '&2' already exists.
027Entered Application ID '&1' exists.
028Entered class '&1' is invalid.
029Database operation for table '&1' failed.
030Activation of path '&1' failed.
031Transport failure: '&1'
032Prerequisite for virus scan '&1' was not met.
033Channels begins with '/' and contains valid characters (see long text).
034Channel list is initial!
035Channel authorization list is initial!
036Entered function group name '&1' does not exist.
037Application &1 has been checked. No inconsistency found.
038Namespace &1 is invalid
039&1 Applications have been checked. No inconsistencies found.
040Package of program ID &1 does not match to package of application
041Program &1 is not transportable
042No data found
043This system is not an SAP Cloud Plattform (CP) system
044Unexpected error occurred.
045No authorization to start program '&1'.
046Unsupported program type '&1' in SAP Cloud Platform Environment
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