The following messages are stored in message class SADL_CONSUMP_SERVICE: SADL Consumption Service.
It is part of development package SADL_ENTITY_CONSUMP_SERVICE in software component BC-ESI-ESF-BSA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "SADL Entity based consumption service".
It is part of development package SADL_ENTITY_CONSUMP_SERVICE in software component BC-ESI-ESF-BSA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "SADL Entity based consumption service".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | Association '&1' has no valid join condition |
001 | Element '&1' cannot be mapped to persistency |
002 | Entity '&1' cannot be mapped to persistency |
003 | Association '&1' target entity '&2' cannot be mapped to DB |
004 | Element '&1' of association '&2' join condition cannot be mapped to DB |
005 | Association '&1' in path cannot be mapped to DB |
006 | Authorization check not possible for entity '&1' |
007 | Entity '&1' has no primary key |
008 | Primary key '&1' of entity &2' cannot be mapped to DB |
009 | DDIC content of type '&1' is not supported |
010 | Alternative key '&1' of entity '&2' cannot be mapped to DB |
011 | Entity '&1' does not provide a row type |
012 | Element '&1' has an unknown data type |
013 | Text search is not supported on type '&1' of element '&2' |
014 | Variable '&1' of association '&2' join condition cannot be determined |
015 | Association '&1' is missing |
016 | Business entity '&1' is an analytical query |
017 | Type '&1' of element '&2' not supported. Only type kind element supported |
100 | Error related to &1 entity '&2' |
101 | Transactional entity has no primary key |
103 | Data source &1 is not a transactional CDS view |
104 | Draft enabled entity &1 does not contain draft table annotation |
105 | Draft enabled entity &1 is not transactional |
106 | Aggregate functions are not allowed in transactional views |
107 | Non-hidden view parameters are not allowed in transactional entity &1 |
108 | CDS view &1 contains parameter with SY-MANDT, which is not hidden |
109 | Text association (&1) annotation cannot use path as its value |
110 | Association &1 is unknown |