SADL_GW_MDE_TABLE - SADL Gateway: Pushdown texts

The following messages are stored in message class SADL_GW_MDE_TABLE: SADL Gateway: Pushdown texts.
It is part of development package SADL_GW_REST_ANNO_PUSHDOWN_UTL in software component BC-ESI-ESF-GW. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "SADL Gateway Integration: MDE Gen. Pushdown Utilities".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Index & already exists in &
002Index & not found in &
003Property & already exists in &
004Property & not found in &
005Gap between & and &
006Type & is not compatible with & in &
007Type & is unknown.
008Empty element in &
009Property & cannot contain any objects inside.
010Property & exists with type &. & is not compatible.
011Value & cannot be assigned to &
012Value already assigned for index & in &
013Generic error.
014Type & is not supported for &
015Value & of & is not compatible with type &.
016Value of & must not be empty.
017Annotation & is unknown.
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