SADT_TOOLS_CORE - Messages for package SADT_TOOLS_CORE
The following messages are stored in message class SADT_TOOLS_CORE: Messages for package SADT_TOOLS_CORE.
It is part of development package SADT_TOOLS_CORE in software component BC-DWB-AIE. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "ADT Tools Core".
It is part of development package SADT_TOOLS_CORE in software component BC-DWB-AIE. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "ADT Tools Core".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | No URI-Mapping defined for object type &1 and object name &2 |
001 | No URI-Mapping defined for URI &1 |
002 | URI-Mapping failed due to exception |
003 | URI-Mapping cannot be performed due to invalid workbench request |
004 | URI-Mapping cannot be performed due to invalid URI: &1 |
005 | URI-Mapping cannot be performed due to invalid workbench object |
006 | URI-Mapping cannot be performed due to invalid fragment &1 |
007 | Master program &1 is invalid for include &2 |
008 | Function group &1 is invalid for function module &2 |
009 | Select a master program for include &1 in the properties view |
010 | Creation of URI has failed for object type &1 and object name &2 |
011 | Creation of URI has failed due to initial workbench request |
012 | Creation of URI has failed due to initial workbench object |
013 | Mandatory property values cannot be empty |