SAI_PROXY_PUBLIC - Nachrichten f�r Testumgebung der Proxies

The following messages are stored in message class SAI_PROXY_PUBLIC: Nachrichten f�r Testumgebung der Proxies.
It is part of development package SAI_PROXY_PUBLIC in software component BC-DWB-PRX. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Proxy Generation: Public Interfaces".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Parameter &3 of Method &1 &2 not found
002Error when generating the XML data stream
003Interface method &1 &2 not found
004Exception class &1 not found
005Interface &1 &2 not found
020Problem on IS: &1
100An object with the name &1 already exists in target package &2.
101The object &1 &2 could not be found in source package &3.
102Duplicate external key &1 &2 for source object &3 and target object &4.
103Missing object &1 causes relation violation for object &2.
104Missing SRVC object &2 causes a relation violation.
200Package move not possible due to an obsolote proxy node.
201Object could not be locked. Package move not possible.
202Error during determination of dependend objects. Move not possible.
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