SALV_BOQT - Nachrichten f�r SALV_BO*

The following messages are stored in message class SALV_BOQT: Nachrichten f�r SALV_BO*.
It is part of development package SALV_BOQT in software component BC-SRV-ALV. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Customizing and Logging Services (Translation Relevant)".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Crystal reports cannot be displayed: &1 (&3)
001No visible columns. Crystal reports cannot be displayed
002Stream &1 is missing. Crystal report cannot be displayed
003Crystal reports not installed on your system
004Crystal reports cannot be displayed: &1 (&3)
005Crystal reports cannot be displayed
006Crystal reports not installed on your system
007Crystal reports cannot be displayed
010Column '&1' contains cell variants and cannot be displayed
011Aggregation in column '&1' cannot be displayed
013Crystal report layout version not supported
014Crystal reports is deactivated on your system
015Invalid generic report
016Crystal Reports is not supported in the browser in use
017Display with Crystal Reports is no longer supported.
100No generic Crystal reports exist
101Select a generic Crystal report
102Generic Crystal report '&1' does not exist
104TADIR entry already exists for Crystal Report '&1'
105Logical transport object '&1' does not exist
110Display authorization missing for generic Crystal reports
111Maintenance authorization missing for generic Crystal reports
120No name given for generic Crystal report
121Invalid name (only letters, digits, and _ allowed)
122Name '&1' is reserved and protected against changes
123Name '&1' is reserved cannot be deleted
124Selected Crystal report belongs to SAP and cannot be deleted
125No file was specified
126Specified file is empty
200SALV BOG internal error: &1 &2 &3 &4
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