SAMDT_VALIDATIONS - Validations errors in S&AM design time
The following messages are stored in message class SAMDT_VALIDATIONS: Validations errors in S&AM design time.
It is part of development package SESF_SAM_DT_MANAGER in software component BC-ESI-SAM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "S&AM Desing time core".
It is part of development package SESF_SAM_DT_MANAGER in software component BC-ESI-SAM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "S&AM Desing time core".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | Relation between elements &1 and &2 is invalid |
001 | Synchronizer between elements &1 and &2 forms loop |
002 | Synchronizer to &1 &2 is invalid as &3 &4 has inbound derivation |
003 | Synchronizer to non initial &1 &2 is invalid as &3 &4 has state guard |
004 | Synchronizer is invalid as status variable &1 has inbound derivation |
005 | Synchronizer btn status values of same status variable &1 is invalid |
006 | Synchronizer to target status variable &1 exists from same source |
007 | Synchronizer from initial status value &1 is invalid |
008 | Business Object &1 does not exist |
009 | Node &1 does not exist |
010 | Schema element &1 does not exist |
011 | Derivation to &1 &2 is invalid as it has already inbound derivation &3 |
012 | Derivation to &1 &2 is invalid,it has inbound transition/synchronizer |
013 | Derivation to &1 &2 is invalid as it has state guard |
014 | More than one outgoing derivation from derivative &1 is invalid |
015 | Derivation having same source and target status variable &1 is invalid |
016 | Derivation to &1 &2 is invalid as derivative &3 has inbound derivation |
017 | More than one inbound derivation to derivative &1 is invalid |
018 | Derivation from &1 &2 is invalid,derivative &3 has outbound derivation |
020 | variable value &1 for variable &2 does not exist |
021 | Transition from action &1 to status variable &2 is invalid |
022 | Transition to status variable &1 is invalid, it has inbound derivation |
023 | Schema saved successfully |
024 | Schema save failed |
026 | Inhibhiting edge from inhibhiting status value &1 is invalid |
031 | Relation &1 between elements &2 and &3 already exists |
032 | Element &1 already exists |
033 | &1 &2 does not have any &3 edge |
034 | Status variable &1 does not have any edge |
035 | Derivative &1 does not have any incoming or outgoing edge |
036 | Status variable &1 should have atleast one initial status value |
037 | Status variable &1 should have atleast two status values |
041 | Action &1 must have atleast one enabling precondition |
051 | Operators must have at least one outgoing edge |
052 | Operators should not have less than two neutral edges |
061 | State guard on status var &1 is invalid as there is inb derivation |
071 | Status value &1 has outbound inhibhiting relation |
081 | Depends on relation ship in sub process &1 forms loop |
090 | The schema already exists |
091 | The schema &1 does not exist |
092 | JNet not installed |
093 | No errors found |
094 | Please enter schema name |
095 | Parent BO schema cannot be edited in Child BO |
096 | Runtime proxy generated successfully |
097 | Schema &1 copied successfully to &2 |
098 | Runtime proxy generation failed |