SAWE_BO_SA - Message class for BO Staff Assignment

The following messages are stored in message class SAWE_BO_SA: Message class for BO Staff Assignment.
It is part of development package PSAWE_SA_BL in software component IS-PRS-LS. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "".
Message Nr
Message Text
000* Validation messages
001Enter an employee ID
002Enter a start date
003Enter an end date
004Start date can no longer be changed; revert to original date &1
005Start date must be earlier than the end date
006Enter a task type
007Duplicate assignment for employee &1 exists in period &2 to &3
008Header already exists; existing header GUID is &1
009Maximum days must be greater than expected days
010&1 &2 is not valid
011Employee &1 &2 &3 &4 does not exist
012Wrong currency &1 specified
013Assignment cannot be deleted: &1/&2/&3. Working time already entered
014Assignment cannot be deleted: &1/&2/&3. Forecast entry is locked
015End date &1 is not in the future
016Start date &1 must not be later than end date
017Start date &1 must be the same as the end date
018Object cannot be locked, since locked by &1
019Assignment period cannot be shortened: &1/&2/&3
020Task level &1 not valid for task type &2
021Assignment cannot be changed: &1/&2/&3
022Inconsistent skill in assignments grouped for forecast: &1/&2/&3
023DO NOT USE, Example for no 24: &1<Sales Document> &2 is locked by &3
024&1 &2 is locked by &3
025End date must be greater or equal than &1
026Assignment cannot be deleted: &1/&2/&3
027Task type must be initial
028Enter a task type
029Start date cannot be changed to &1; original date &2 is reset
030Enter maximum days
031Start date has to be earlier or the same as &1
032Change not possible as CATS data exists in the original interval
033The &2 &1 is different from that of the assignment
034The dates do not fall within the valid assignment date ranges
035Actuals of &1 &2 exceed maximum days &3
036Actuals of &1 &2 exceed expected days &3
037&1 earlier than start date of assignment to &2 &3
038&1 is beyond end date of assignment to &2 &3
039Actuals of &1 exceed staff assignment hours per work day
040Activity type not allowed for staff assignment &1
041Task type, task level and components not allowed for staff assignment &1
042Enter a task level
043Task component &1 not valid for task type &2
044Changing this customizing might corrupt existing lean staffing data
045Staff assignment candidate list saved
046Staff assignment candidate list has not been changed
047Duplicate entries in candidate list
048User-specific candidate list saved
049Work engagement-specific candidate list saved
050Invalid staffing stage
051Time recording not allowed for the WBS element &1
052Employee &1 is already assigned to engagement object &2 of type &3
100* 100 - 130 Archiving
101Cannot archive staff assignment
102No assignments found
103Cannot reload staff assigment
104Staff assignment can be archived, but error in setting archive flag
105Enter retention period days or a retention period date
106To-date for archiving must be earlier than current date
107Select an engagement object
108Only one engagement object can be selected
109No assignments exist for this object
110Error in method get_id_by_external_id
150* CATS
151Assignment object does not exist
152Assignment does not exist for &1 &2
153&1 &2: Valid period &3 to &4
154Work date &1 is not valid for &2 &3
155Employee &1 does not match
156Limit exceeded for &3 &4
157Expected days exceeded for &3 &4
158No hours per workday defined in customizing for company code &1
159No receiver exists
200Under construction "&1&2&3&4"
201No employee found
202Only &1 of &2 employees have the requested skills
203Period to determine available time invalid (&1 greater &2)
204Attributes to determine available time incomplete
205Only &1 of &2 employees have the requested available time
206No contact information maintained for employee &1
207Evaluation start date in the past is not supported
208Employee &1 has no skills assigned
209Available time only calculated for up to one year
210Period too long
211No employee assigned to user &1
212&1 &2: Not possible to determine CATS data
213None of the selected employees have the requested available time
301Engagement type &1 not defined in Customizing
302Switch &2 of engagement type &1 not active in the system
303BAdI implementation for engagement type &1 missing
304Error during instance creation of engagement type &1
305No text table entry available for engagement type &1
306Pattern search not supported for search criteria &1
310Combination of 'no key field' and 'relevant for forecasting' not allowed
400* Reporting
402Selection screen: only organizational unit or controlling area allowed
403Enter a date
404&1 &2: Not possible to determine forecast data
405From-date must be earlier than the to-date
406Select organizational unit or controlling area
407Assignment found with initial object type (object ID = &1; Sub ID = &2)
408Assignment found with initial object ID (object type = &1; Sub ID = &2)
409You are not authorized to read CATS data for employee &1
410Either Salesdocument-Id or Project-Id can be used
501No data available
600* API messages **********************************************************
601Specify object type, object ID, and employee ID
602Specify date period
603No staff assignment found
604More than 1 instance with the same BO key exists
605Staff assignment created
606Staff assignment deleted
607Staff assignment changed
608Error in Business Object Processing Framework (BOPF)
609You are not authorized to display complete result
610Specify object type and object ID or employee ID
611No data available to be modified
612Specify either object type, object ID, and employee ID or DB key
613Employee &1 cannot be replaced; assignment expired
614Invalid assignment object
615Company code &1 does not exist
616Personnel area &1 does not exist
617Business area &1 does not exist
618Cost center &1 does not exist or is no longer valid
619Organizational unit &1 does not exist or is no longer valid
620Employee group &1 does not exist
621Cost center &1 for controlling area &2 does not exist or is not valid
622Controlling area &1 does not exist
623Profit Center &1 does not exist
700*UI-Staff Assignment
701Select one or more lines from candidates list
702Enter object ID
703Object ID &1 does not exist
704Choose candidates from candidates list
705Select employee to be replaced in the assignment list
706E-mail will be sent automatically for company code &1
707Enter employee to be removed from assignment list
708Select employee in assignment list to send e-mail
709Only one employee can be replaced at a time
710You are not authorized to change object &1
711You are not authorized to display object &1
712You are not authorized to delete object &1
713You are not authorized to create object &1
714Object type &1 not allowed for staff assignment
715&1 staff assignments are not authorised to display
716Data saved successfully
717Select one employee from the list
718Error occurred while sending e-mail; check status
719E-mail sent successfully
720Object &1 &2 has been archived and cannot be changed
721Maintain template name for all actions
722Template &1 does not exist
723Application does not exist
724E-mail not sent due to data error
725E-mail to employee &1 (removed from object id/type &2) not sent
726All e-mails sent successfully. Mail(s)/receiving employee(s): &1/&2
727E-mail(s) to &1 employee(s) not sent due to data error; see mail status
728E-mail(s) are only dispatched on save
729Replacement date &1 must be later than or same as current date
730&1 deleted forecast objects removed from enhanced forecast objects
731Sales order type for forecast objects not maintained for company code &1
732Int. order type for forecast objects not mainatained for company code &1
733Project profile for forecast objects not maintained for company code &1
734Maintain either cost center or org unit for a forecast object
735No forecast objects exists for company code &1, project profile type &2
736No forecast objects exists for company code &1, sales order type &2
737No forecast objects exists for company code &1, internal order type &2
738Remove duplicate entries for company code &1 and project profile
739You are not authorized to maintain enhanced forecast objects
740You are not authorized to run trans. to maintain enhanced forecast objs
741&1 forecast objects inserted to enhanced forecast objects
742&1 deleted forecast objects not removed from enhanced forecast objects
743&1 forecast objects not inserted to enhanced forecast objects
744Remove duplicate entries for company code &1 and sales order
745Remove duplicate entries for company code &1 and internal order
746Valid assignment or enhanced forecast object does not exist for &1 &2
747Enhanced forecast object &1 &2 is not CATS relevant
748Enhanced forecast object &1 &2 is not assigned to employee cost center &3
749Enhanced forecast object &1 &2 is not assigned to employee org unit &3
750Work date &1 lies before start date of enhanced forecast object &2 &3
751Work date &1 lies beyond end date of enhanced forecast object &2 &3
752Set all items or sub object or both for object &1 to allow copy staffing
753Project Manager Role must not be deleted
754This default Staffing Stage must not be deleted
755Select an assignment for copy staffing
756&1 candidates have been copied
757&1 assignments have been copied
758Copy staffing cannot happen when source and target objects are the same
759No assignments exists for &1 for copy staffing
800Customer &1 is blocked; see long text
801Sold-to party &1 is blocked; see long text
802Search results do not include blocked data
803&1 obsolete candidate list records found
804Obsolete candidate list records deleted
805Calculated SoRT records: &1
806Update triggered
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