SBD_MESSAGES - Messages for source based DDIC

The following messages are stored in message class SBD_MESSAGES: Messages for source based DDIC.
It is part of development package SDDIC_ADT_SBD in software component BC-DWB-AIE-DIC. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Resources and Registration for Source Based Dictionary".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Object name &1 differs from type &2 in source code
002Token "&1" in line &2 does not match dictionary syntax rules
003Mandatory annotation "&1" for structure &2 is missing
004Annotation "&1" is redundant. First one wins on save
005Annotation "&1" is not a valid annotation and will disappear on save
006Invalid value "&1" assigned to annotation "&2"
007Can't save due to errors in source; execute check for details
008Structure name &1 is longer than 30 characters
009Redundant annotations for field &1 exist
010Object type &1 is not supported by the dictionary navigation service
011Navigation not possible for the current cursor position
012Cardinality &1 is invalid; valid values are "1","0..1","0..*","1..*"
013Cardinality &1 is invalid; valid values at this position are "1","0..1"
014The editor does not support certain elements of this object
016Annotation &1 is invalid or does not allow the given value
017Message Class and Message Number annotations must exist both or none
018Internal error while executing code completion for "1"
019Annotation Type "&1" is not supported
020Description of field is too long; only 60 characters are allowed
021Description of structure &1 is too long; only 60 characters are allowed
023Enhancement category &1 of extended object &2 is incompatible
024Compatible enhancement categories for &1 are: &2 &3 &4
025Extended object &1 prevents appending new fields in &2
026The attribute '&2' of the appended field &1 will not be used
027Original language &1 differs from logon language &2
028Text from DDIC type is used instead. Annotation will disappear on save
029Annotation &1 is useless in this context and will disappear on save
030Value help parameter &1 is used multiple times; first one wins on save
031Field &1 of checktable &2 is used multiple times; first one wins on save
032Length addition for predefined ABAP types is limited to 6 digits
033Decimals addition in predefined ABAP types is limited to 6 digits
034Identifiers containing special characters must be written in "quotes"
035Predefined ABAP type &1 does not exist
037Annotation with reference to currency code for field &1 is missing
038Annotation with reference to unit code for field &1 is missing
039Use message for foreign key field &1 only with an enabled screen check
040Referenced field &2 in &1 does not exist
041Referenced field &2 in &1 is not typed correctly
042Referenced field &2 in &1 does not exist or is not typed correctly
043Type &1 does not exist or has no active version
044Field name &1 is longer than 30 characters; it will be adjusted on save
045Type &1 is a generated proxy type; use Proxy Editor for editing
046syntax error use "define structure" to define structure &1
047syntax error use "define table" to define table &1
048Annotation with reference to currency code for field &1 is uncomplete
049Annotation with reference to unit code for field &1 is uncomplete
051Property &1 is not supported
052Check Table is missing
053Property &1 is not complete
054Search Help is missing
055Type &1 is not supported
056Abap predefined type 'CUKY' is expected
057Context &1 is invalid
058Multiple object types are not supported
059&1 is empty
070-------Messages of Versioning---------------------------
071Version &1 of Structure &2 can not be read
080-------Messages of Documentation---------------------------
081Documentation type &1 is not supported
082Internal error when reading documentation status
201&1 is still used and could not be deleted
299-------Messages of Annotations---------------------------
300Enhancement Category
301Can be enhanced in any way
302Can be enhanced and character-like or numeric
303Can be enhanced character-like
304Cannot be enhanced
310Delivery Class
311Application table for master data and transaction data
312Customer table for data entered only by the customer
313Table used as a repository for temporary data
314Customizing table, protected against SAP Update
315Control table, SAP and customer have separate key areas
316System table, maint. only by SAP, change = modification
317System table, contents transportable by separate TR objects
320Display and Maintenance
321Display/maintenance allowed
322Display/maintenance not allowed
323Display/maintenance allowed with restrictions
324Display only
330Table Category
331Transparent Database Table
334Global Temporary Table
340Activation Type
341Can be activated directly from the ABAP Dictionary
342The runtime object must be generated using a C program
343Must be adjusted manually in the C program when the table is changed
344Required before R3TRANS runs
350Short Description
362Primary key as INVERTED HASH
363Foreign Key Short Description
364Foreign Key Type
365Input Value Check on Dynpro
366Message Class
367Message Number
368Currency Field
369Unit Field
370Key fields/key candidates
371No key fields/key candidates
372Key fields of a text table
373Replacement Object
374Spatial Reference System Identifier
380Output Style for Decfloat Types
381Normal Output Style
382Sign right Output Style
383Scale-preserving Output Style
384Scientific Output Style
385Scientific with leading zero Output Style
386Scale-preserving scientific Output Style
387Engineering Output Style
390Anonymization Indicator for User Field
391Annotation @AbapCatalog.anonymizedWhenDelivered missing for field &1
392Annotation @AbapCatalog.anonymizedWhenDelivered missing in structrue &1
393Adjustment of table &1 was aborted
394Adjustment of table &1 is running
395Indicator for a Language Field
396Table still contains data
397Field Suffix
398Quota Maximum Fields
399Quota Maximum Bytes
400Quota Share Partner
401Quota Share Customer
402Field Suffix &1 is too long; only 3 characters are allowed
403&1 should be a numeric value with the length &2
404Annotation "&1" is empty and will disappear on save
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