SCBO_MODEL - Custom Business Objects: Model Errors

The following messages are stored in message class SCBO_MODEL: Custom Business Objects: Model Errors.
It is part of development package S_CBO_MESSAGES in software component BC-SRV-APS-EXT-BO. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Custom Business Objects: Messages".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Business object with ID &1 and version &2 does not exist.
001Node with ID &1 and version &2 does not exist.
002Field with ID &1 and version &2 does not exist.
003Business object with ID &1 and version &2 already exists.
004Node with ID &1 and version &2 already exists.
005Field with ID &1 and version &2 already exists.
006Root node for business object with ID &1 and version &2 already exists.
007A draft version of business object with ID &1 already exists.
008A draft ID cannot be derived for business object ID &1.
009ID is missing.
010Version cannot be created for business object ID &1 with version &2.
011System is not configured for creating or changing business objects.
012Internal error. Please try again or report an incident.
013Business object with ID &1 and version &2 has not been published.
014Business object with ID &1 is not a draft version.
015Only metadata of the latest business object version can be changed.
016Published business object can be changed only in draft version.
017Business object identifier &1 is not unique. Choose another name.
018Runtime object names cannot be derived for business object with ID &1.
019Business object ID &1 could not be created.
020Please report an incident on component BC-SRV-APS-EXT-BO.
021Request for retrieving history of business object data is ambiguous.
022Business object & was migrated to latest release.
023Direct migration from release & to new release is not supported.
024Node ID is missing.
025Field ID is missing.
026Action ID is missing.
027Action with ID &1 and version &2 already exists.
028Action with ID &1 and version &2 does not exist.
029Business object &1 is not prepared for publishing.
030Business object &1 is locked by user &2.
031Published business objects cannot be deleted.
032Cannot be reset. Please use deletion.
033Cannot be reset. Draft or active business object does not exist.
034Transported business objects cannot be deleted.
036Custom logic for node &1 already exists. Please report an incident.
037Business object identifier &1 is too long. Please shorten.
038Business object identifier &1 does not start with namespace.
039Business object identifier &1 shall not end with an underscore.
040Publishing of business object &1 started.
041Business object &1 could not be published.
042Business object &1 published
043Deletion of business object &1 started.
044Business object &1 could not be deleted.
045Business object &1 deleted
046Cleanup of business object &1 started.
047Business object &1 could not be cleaned up.
048Business object &1 cleaned up
049Business object &1 can be detached only in an on-premise environment.
050Only published business objects can be detached.
051Business objects with draft cannot be detached. Publish the object first.
052Only published business objects can be copied.
053Business object &1 can be associated, detach not allowed.
054Consistency check can only be performed on published business objects.
055Business object with status &1 cannot be checked.
056Business object with status &1 cannot be cleaned up.
057Business object with status &1 cannot be deleted.
058Business object with status &1 cannot be published.
059Business object with status &1 cannot be regenerated.
060This action cannot be performed on business object with status &1.
061Business object &1 cannot be associated.
062Business object identifier &1 is too short.
100You're not authorized to create business object &1.
101You're not authorized to change business object &1.
102You're not authorized to publish business object &1.
103You're not authorized to delete business object &1.
104System is not configured to create or change business objects.
105You're not authorized to display business object &1.
106The Language you are trying to add already exists.
107The Language you are trying to delete, does not exist.
108This Language is not available in SAP.
109Translation row could not be deleted.
110Translation could not be deleted.
111Business Object modifications for translations could not be updated.
112Translation row could not be created.
113Scenario &1 does not exist.
114Scenario &1 can not be added.
115Once set scenarios cannot be changed.
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