SCBO_RUNTIME - Runtime errors
The following messages are stored in message class SCBO_RUNTIME: Runtime errors.
It is part of development package S_CBO_MESSAGES in software component BC-SRV-APS-EXT-BO. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Custom Business Objects: Messages".
It is part of development package S_CBO_MESSAGES in software component BC-SRV-APS-EXT-BO. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Custom Business Objects: Messages".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | Test data for node &1 is invalid. |
001 | Key fields must not be changed. |
002 | &1 is not a valid email address. |
003 | &1 is not a valid web address. |
004 | &1 is not a valid phone number. |
005 | Business object &1 does not exist |
006 | The root node of business object &1 does not contain a key definition. |
007 | Root node of business object &1 could not be created. |
008 | Root node of business object &1 could not be retrieved. |
009 | Structure type &1 does not correspond to node &2. |
010 | Node &1 does not have child node with id &2. |
011 | Node &1 does not have a parent. |
012 | Failed to create instance for child node &1. |
013 | Action &1 of node &2 does not exist. |
014 | Child node &1 of node &2 does not exist. |
015 | Node &1 of business object &2 does not exist. |
016 | Failed to delete node instance for &1. |
017 | Failed to execute action &1 on node &2. |
018 | Failed to lock requested instance of business object &1 node &2. |
019 | Failed to update node instance for &1. |
020 | Node &1 of business object &2 could not be retrieved. |
021 | Write context does not exist. |
022 | &1 is not a custom business object. |
023 | Business object &1 has not been published successfully. |
024 | The business object node instance does not exist. |
025 | Root nodes of business object &1 could not be deleted. |
026 | Structure type &1 does not correspond to key of business object &2. |
028 | &1 is not a valid boolean value. |
029 | &1 is not a valid date. |
030 | &1 is not a valid time. |
031 | &1 is not a valid timestamp. |
032 | The key of business object &1 is wrongly specified. |
033 | A node instance with the same key already exists |
034 | The parent node instance with the specified key does not exist |
035 | &1 is not a valid lifecycle status. |
036 | Failed to set lifecycle status for node &1. |
037 | Business partner is blocked. You can not activate instance. |
038 | &1 is not a valid association value |
039 | Parent is blocked. You can not activate instance. |