SCBO_SYSTEM - Custom Business Objects: System

The following messages are stored in message class SCBO_SYSTEM: Custom Business Objects: System.
It is part of development package S_CBO_MESSAGES in software component BC-SRV-APS-EXT-BO. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Custom Business Objects: Messages".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Please report an incident on component BC-SRV-APS-EXT-BO.
001Not allowed to disable the multiple hierarchy as such BO exists.
002The deletion of shipped BO is only allowed in on premise scenario.
003The business object is in older release version, re-publish to upgrade.
004Not allowed to disable data extraction as extracted BOs exist.
005Data extraction feature cannot be enabled in productive systems.
006Not allowed to disable data extraction as extracted code lists exist.
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