SCCR - Client copy log messages

The following messages are stored in message class SCCR: Client copy log messages.
It is part of development package STRM_CC_UTILS in software component BC-CTS-CCO. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Client copy utility objects".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Caution: Exit &1 uses the obsolete function module TR_APPEND_LOG
002Action cancelled by user
003The Client 1 and Client 2 values might change according to the RunId
004Client &1 logon locked
005Reset Lock
006Keep Lock
007Transport request & does not exist
026Cancellation is already requested. Please wait..
027Process cannot be cancelled
028&1 seconds
029No Authority to run exits in target client
030No data present for the specified time period
034Method &1 (instance &2) &3 ms
035 Phase &1 &2 ms
037 Exit-Class &1 &2 ms
038 Phase &1 &2 ms
041 Process cancellation was requested!
042 Exit class decided to disable itself!
044 Requested table changes
045 ..Table &1 / Requested action: &2 / Number of E071 Keys &3
046Exit definition
047Definition of exit &1
048Exit runtime of method &1 (instance &2)
049Data copied into client &1.Check SE09/SE01 for logs.
050New Transport &1 created.
062Table &1 was being edited by at least two exits; Operation cancelled
070Reset of number range &1 failed
074Cannot open log: &
075Please use transaction SCC3
084Please enter a Client Copy Timestamp
085Client &1 not existing
086Client Copy started with Run ID: &1
087&1 finished successfully
088&1 execution started, Run ID: &2.
089Table &1 removed due to inconistency in remote system
090Table &1 removed due to inconistency in local system
091Profile &1 is not allowed in Client copy mode &2
092Exit &1 and &2 return different actions for table &3; 2nd exit ignored
093Exit &1 and &2 returned the same actions for table &3
100Exit &1 successfully executed in &2
101Exit &1 ended with warning (&2)
102Exit &1 ended with error (&2)
103&1: Phase &2 was running for &3
105No transport number found
106Exit &1 was not found in the system
107Syntax error in exit &1 in phase &2
108The SELTAB was changed by exit &1 in the cleanup phase
109System error occurred while carrying out exit &1 in phase &2
110Cannot change table CCCFLOW (&1 in &2)
111The exit class & cannot be instantiated/not found in the system &.
112Specified client is not yet ready for Import Post-Processing
113Source destination/Communication system is mandatory
114No clients in the system are available for import
115Client &1 is not yet ready for Import Post-Processing
116Exit &1 requested &2 for table &3
117No Authorization to run report
118Please enter a valid table name
119Please select a date greater than 30 days from the current date
120Exit &1 Method &2 finished with &3 runtime &4 ms
121To see data, log on to one of the compared clients
122Client Import Postprocessing started; Detailed Log available in SCC3
123Termination requested. This may take a while.
124Table is too big for Inline-Display (Maximum of 100000 lines)
125No authorization to maintain client copy profiles
126No authorization to display table
127Container &1 deletion has been started in background
128Container &1 has been deleted completely
129Generated Transport: &1
131Runtime parameter rdisp/scheduler/prio_low/max_runtime is set
132Unknown error. Return-Code: &1
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