The following messages are stored in message class SCMI_CP_WL_MSG: .
It is part of development package S_CMI_CP_WL in software component BC-INS-TC-CMI. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Definitions of include/exclude list for client containers".
Message Nr
Message Text
000&1 &2 &3 &4
001No product found for include list
002No usage identified for include list
003Table &1 is not present in the system
004View &1 is not present in the system
005Package &1 is not present in the system or has no relevant tables
006The Include_Member must contain the name of the &1
007Select at least one option.
008Maintenance of include member and key behaviour is not allowed
009Entry already present in include list
010Entry already present in exclude list
011Provide a usage type for include member &
012Provide a product name for include member &
013Specify a key range type for include member &
014Provide key range values for include member &
015Provide a valid product name for include member &
016No relevant include member for specified key range definition found
017Include member & is not relevant for specified key range definition
018ID &1 already present in include list
019ID &1 already present in exclude list
020Provide a table or view name for include list key range maintenance
021Key range can only be maintained for members with key behaviour 'W'
022Maintain the key range values for different tables separately
023ID &1 already present in reference table
024Allowed values flag: '' for active and 'X' for inactive
025The usage type & is not listed in table SCMI_CP_USE_SCEN
026& tables were added to the registration table of include/exclude list
027& views were added to the registration table of include/exclude list
028&1 entries were added to &2 List
029Includelist tables for usage "&1" : &2
030The Usage Type &1 is not listed in table SCMI_CP_USE_SCEN
031There is no entry for the table &1 in the includelist and excludelist
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