The following messages are stored in message class SCMI_CP_WL_MSG: .
It is part of development package S_CMI_CP_WL in software component BC-INS-TC-CMI. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Definitions of include/exclude list for client containers".
It is part of development package S_CMI_CP_WL in software component BC-INS-TC-CMI. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Definitions of include/exclude list for client containers".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | &1 &2 &3 &4 |
001 | No product found for include list |
002 | No usage identified for include list |
003 | Table &1 is not present in the system |
004 | View &1 is not present in the system |
005 | Package &1 is not present in the system or has no relevant tables |
006 | The Include_Member must contain the name of the &1 |
007 | Select at least one option. |
008 | Maintenance of include member and key behaviour is not allowed |
009 | Entry already present in include list |
010 | Entry already present in exclude list |
011 | Provide a usage type for include member & |
012 | Provide a product name for include member & |
013 | Specify a key range type for include member & |
014 | Provide key range values for include member & |
015 | Provide a valid product name for include member & |
016 | No relevant include member for specified key range definition found |
017 | Include member & is not relevant for specified key range definition |
018 | ID &1 already present in include list |
019 | ID &1 already present in exclude list |
020 | Provide a table or view name for include list key range maintenance |
021 | Key range can only be maintained for members with key behaviour 'W' |
022 | Maintain the key range values for different tables separately |
023 | ID &1 already present in reference table |
024 | Allowed values flag: '' for active and 'X' for inactive |
025 | The usage type & is not listed in table SCMI_CP_USE_SCEN |
026 | & tables were added to the registration table of include/exclude list |
027 | & views were added to the registration table of include/exclude list |
028 | &1 entries were added to &2 List |
029 | Includelist tables for usage "&1" : &2 |
030 | The Usage Type &1 is not listed in table SCMI_CP_USE_SCEN |
031 | There is no entry for the table &1 in the includelist and excludelist |