SCRL - Messages for custom resuse libraries
The following messages are stored in message class SCRL: Messages for custom resuse libraries.
It is part of development package S_CRL_COMMON in software component BC-SRV-APS-EXT-BL. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Custom Reuse Library: Common objects".
It is part of development package S_CRL_COMMON in software component BC-SRV-APS-EXT-BL. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Custom Reuse Library: Common objects".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
210 | Generation of class &1 started. |
211 | Deletion of class &1 started. |
212 | Generation of classification for class &1 started. |
213 | Deletion of classification for class &1 started. |
214 | Deletion of model for custom reuse library &1 started. |
215 | User &1 confirmed execution of library action for library &2 (ETag=&3). |
216 | Asynchronous publish execution triggered. |
217 | Asynchronous delete execution triggered. |
350 | Set scenario &1 for library &2. |
351 | Create library &1. |
352 | Create method &1 for library &2. |
353 | Create structure &1 for library &2. |
354 | Create table &1 for library &2. |
400 | Invalid input provided. |
401 | You are not authorized to create custom reuse libraries. |
402 | You are not authorized to publish custom reuse libraries. |
403 | You are not authorized to delete custom reuse libraries. |
404 | You are not authorized to change custom reuse libraries. |
405 | You are not authorized to execute the requested activity. |
410 | Enter a Library ID. |
411 | A library ID must only contain contain uppercase characters, digits or _. |
412 | ID &1 is already in use. |
413 | This system is not an extensibility development system. |
414 | Action &1 not allowed for custom reuse library &2. |
415 | A Library ID must not have more than &1 characters. |
416 | The method ID &1 exceeds the maximum length of &2 characters. |
417 | The Method ID &1 must only contain uppercase characters, digits or _. |
419 | Library IDs must only contain uppercase letters. |
420 | The current publish state of the library &1 does not allow publishing. |
421 | The current publish state of the library &1 does not allow deleting. |
423 | Publishing of library &1 is currently not allowed. |
424 | The method ID &1 must start with an uppercase character or _. |
430 | Library &1 cannnot be deleted as it has already been transported. |
440 | Missing confirmation. |
450 | Method ID &1 is not unique. Choose a different Method ID. |
451 | Parameter ID &1 of method &2 is not unique. |
452 | Enter a Method ID. |
453 | Enter a Parameter ID. |
454 | The parameter ID &1 exceeds the max. length of &2 characters. |
456 | The parameter ID &1 must only contain uppercase characters, digits or _. |
458 | Enter a description for method &1. |
459 | Enter a description for parameter &1. |
460 | Enter a library name. |
461 | The parameter ID &1 must start with an uppercase character or _. |
462 | The namespace of the library ID is not correct. |
463 | Provide a valid code list for parameter &1 of method &2. |
464 | Provide a valid data source for parameter &1 of method &2. |
465 | Code List &1 of parameter &2 is invalid. |
466 | Data Source &1 of parameter &2 is invalid. |
467 | Enter a Structure ID. |
468 | Structure ID &1 is not unique. Choose a different Structure ID. |
469 | Enter a Component ID. |
470 | Component ID &1 of structure &2 is not unique. Choose a different ID. |
471 | The Structure ID &1 must only contain uppercase characters, digits or _. |
472 | The Structure ID &1 must start with an uppercase character or _. |
473 | Structures must not start with SAP. (Caused by Structure ID &1) |
474 | Structure &1 has no components. |
475 | The Component ID &1 must only contain uppercase characters, digits or _. |
476 | The Component ID &1 must start with an uppercase character or _. |
478 | The components of the structure &1 changed in an incompatible way. |
479 | Provide a valid structure for parameter &1 of method &2. |
500 | An internal error occured. Report an incident for BC-SRV-APS-EXT-BL. |
510 | Library '&1' is currently locked by user '&2'. |
511 | Library '&1' is currently locked. |
512 | Library ID or Method ID is missing. |
513 | Draft for method &1 of library &2 does not exist. |
514 | The draft logic is outdated. |
515 | Restricted ABAP is switched off, test is not allowed. |
516 | Business code contains syntax errors. |
517 | Test could not be executed. |
518 | Parameter &1 contains an invalid value. |
552 | The release of the library is outdated. Please republish. |
555 | Only importing parameters may be declared optional. |
556 | Parameter '&1' of method '&2' is inconsistent. |
557 | Kind of parameter &1 in method &2 was changed in an incompatible way. |
558 | Optional value of param. &1 in meth. &2 was changed in an incomp. way |
559 | Type of parameter &1 in method &2 was changed in an incompatible way. |
560 | Length of parameter &1 in method &2 was changed in an incompat. way. |
561 | Scale of parameter &1 in method &2 was changed in an incompat. way. |
562 | Method &1 has more than one RETURNING parameter. |
563 | The parameters of the method &1 changed in an incompatible way. |
564 | The parameter &1 was removed from method &2. |
566 | The methods have changed in an incompatible way. |
567 | The method &1 has been removed. |
568 | Parameter &1 of method &2 is not marked as optional. |
569 | Transported libraries may not be deleted. |
570 | Methods must not start with SAP. (Caused by method ID &1) |
572 | 'CLASS_CONSTRUCTOR' is not allowed as a method ID. |
573 | 'CONSTRUCTOR' is not allowed as a method ID. |
574 | Method &1 has been renamed to &2. Draft implementations will be lost. |
575 | The Library ID input must not start with SAP. |
576 | Component &1 of structure &2 is inconsistent. |
577 | Provide a valid code list for component &1 of structure &2. |
578 | Provide a valid data source for component &1 of structure &2. |
580 | The eTag is outdated. |
581 | Method IDs must not start with TY_. (Caused by Method ID &1) |
582 | Method IDs must not start with TS_. (Caused by Method ID &1) |
583 | Method IDs must not start with TT_. (Caused by Method ID &1) |
584 | Method IDs must not start with TL_. (Caused by Method ID &1) |
585 | Library IDs must not be longer than &1 characters. |
586 | Structure IDs must not be longer than &1 characters. (Caused by &2) |
590 | Library &1 is not published. It cannot be exported. |
591 | Library &1 contains syntax errors. It cannot be exported. |
592 | Type of component &1 of structure &2 was changed in an incompatible way. |
593 | Length of component &1 of structure &2 was changed in an incomp. way. |
594 | Scale of component &1 of structure &2 was changed in an incomp. way. |
595 | Code list of component &1 of structure &2 was changed in an incomp. way. |
596 | Data source of comp. &1 of structure &2 was changed in an incomp. way. |
597 | Code list of parameter &1 in method &2 was changed in an incomp. way. |
598 | Data source of parameter &1 in method &2 was changed in an incomp. way. |
599 | Structure of parameter &1 in method &2 was changed in an incomp. way. |
600 | The component &1 was removed from structure &2. |
601 | The structures have changed in an incompatible way. |
602 | The structure &1 has been removed. |
604 | Type properties of param. &1 of method &2 were changed in an incomp. way. |
605 | Type properties of comp. &1 of struc. &2 were changed in an incomp. way. |
606 | Instance &1 not found in table &2. |
607 | Asynchronous operation execution has been prepared. |
608 | Failed to submit report &1 with parameters &2 (Return Code: &3) |
609 | You are not authorized to display custom reuse libraries. |
610 | Metadata missing for library &1. |
611 | Metadata missing for method &1 of library &2. |
612 | Custom Library &1 is still in use by &2 &3. |
613 | Class &1 contains syntax errors. |
614 | Data source &1 used by parameter &2 of method &3 is in foreign namespace. |
615 | Data source &1 used by comp. &2 of structure &3 is in foreign namespace. |
616 | Code list &1 used by parameter &2 of method &3 is in foreign namespace. |
617 | Code list &1 used by comp. &2 of structure &3 is in foreign namespace. |
618 | Table ID &1 is not unique. Choose a different Table ID. |
619 | Enter a Table ID. |
620 | The Table ID &1 must only contain uppercase characters, digits or _. |
621 | The Table ID &1 must start with an uppercase character or _. |
622 | Table IDs must not be longer than &1 characters. (Caused by &2) |
623 | Tables must not start with SAP. (Caused by Table ID &1) |
624 | Table '&1' is inconsistent. |
625 | Provide a valid structure for table &1. |
626 | Provide a valid code list for table &1. |
627 | Code list &1 used by table &2 is in foreign namespace. |
628 | Provide a valid data source for table &1. |
629 | Data source &1 used by table &2 is in foreign namespace. |
630 | The table &1 has been removed. |
631 | Type of table &1 was changed in an incompatible way. |
632 | Type properties of table &1 were changed in an incompatible way. |
633 | Provide a valid table for parameter &1 of method &2. |
634 | Not authorized to execute the background report. |
635 | Scenario &1 does not exist. |
636 | Method &1 already exists. |
637 | Structure &1 alread exists. |
638 | Table &1 already exists. |
639 | Scenario cannot be changed. |
640 | An internal error occured. Report an incident for &1. |
641 | Data ID &1 is not unique. Choose a different Data ID. |
642 | Enter a Data ID. |
643 | The Data ID &1 must only contain uppercase characters, digits or _. |
644 | The Data ID &1 must start with an uppercase character or _. |
646 | Data IDs must not start with SAP. (Caused by Data ID &1) |
647 | Provide a valid structure for data &1. |
648 | Provide a valid table for data &1. |
649 | Data '&1' is inconsistent. |
650 | Provide a valid data source for data &1. |
651 | Provide a valid code list for data &1. |
652 | Data source &1 used by data &2 is in foreign namespace. |
653 | Code list &1 used by data &2 is in foreign namespace. |
654 | The data &1 has been removed. |
655 | Type of data &1 was changed in an incompatible way. |
656 | Type properties of data &1 were changed in an incompatible way. |
657 | Create data &1 for library &2. |
658 | Data &1 already exists. |
659 | Data ID &1 cannot be used because method with same name exists. |
660 | Data IDs must not start with SAP. (Caused by data ID &1) |
661 | Data IDs must not start with TY_. (Caused by data ID &1) |
662 | Data IDs must not start with TS_. (Caused by data ID &1) |
663 | Data IDs must not start with TT_. (Caused by data ID &1) |
664 | Data IDs must not start with TL_. (Caused by data ID &1) |
665 | 'CLASS_CONSTRUCTOR' is not allowed as a data ID. |
666 | 'CONSTRUCTOR' is not allowed as a data ID. |