The following messages are stored in message class SCTS_ABAP_VCS_MSG: .
It is part of development package SCTS_ABAP_AND_VCS_API in software component BC-CTS-GIT. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Package for gCTS API".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Repository not found
002System configuration incomplete
003System not found
004Creation of default system failed
005No relation between system and repository
006Relation between system and repository already exists
007Repository creation error (Database)
008Repository creation error (Folder structure)
009Repository deletion error (Database)
010Repository deletion error (Folder structure)
011System creation error (Folder structure)
012Client CMD creation error
013Client CMD execute error
014File handler cannot read file
015File handler cannot write file
016Transport & Export error
017Repository already exists
018Client error: &
019Database error
020Client error
021Repository & was already created by user &
022Event & could not be triggered (sy-subrc &)
023Either the parameter '&' was not supplied or its value was initial
024Workspace directory must end with 'gcts'. Workspace '&' is invalid
025URL for repository & was not provided
026Namespace could not be determined from URL &
027Name could not be determined from URL &
028The parameter '&1' has an invalid value: '&2'
029Lock object '&1': A lock already exists for the argument '&2'
401Unauthorized or bad credentials for user &
403Insufficient authorization
404Not found
410Some prerequisites for repository have failed
411Import of commit has failed
500Internal Error: &
501gCTS is not available for this release. Contact development support.
600&: Start action & & &
601&: End action & & &
602&: Error action & & &
603&: Info action & & &
604Decoding from '&1' to '&2' failed
605Encoding from '&1' to '&2' failed
606The remote repository of repository '&1' is not a 'GitHub' repository
607Repository '&1' is empty
608The name of the remote repository cannot be derived from the URL '&1'
609The owner of the remote repository cannot be derived from the URL '&1'
610Encoding schema '&1' is not supported
611Decoding schema '&1' is not supported
618No commit ID has been specified
619The commit ID '&1' is not valid
620No prefix has been specified
621The specified prefix '&1' is not valid
622No repository has been specified
623The specified repository '&1' is not valid
624No object type has been specified
625The specified object type '&1' is not valid
626No object name has been specified
627The specified object name '&1' is not valid
628No file name has been specified
629The specified file name '&1' is not valid
630The remote repository type is not supported
631The action '&1' is not supported for the specified prefix '&2'
632'&1' retrieval failed on database
633No repositories in registry server
637Could not retrieve repository from database.
638Could not retrieve object from the database.
639No objects registered for the repository.
640No branch registered for the repository.
642The hash value of the URL does not match repository ID
643Cannot retrieve email for '&1'.
644Cannot retrieve registration date.
645Repository exists. Cannot register.
646Cannot register repository.
647Repository does not exist. Cannot register branch.
648Branch exists. Cannot register.
649Cannot register branch.
650Repository does not exist. Cannot modify.
651Modifying repository failed. Wrong body.
652Modifying repository failed.
653URL already in registry. Cannot modify repository.
654Branch does not exist. Cannot modify.
656Modifying branch failed.
657Branch already in registry. Cannot modify.
658Repository does not exist. Cannot unregister.
659Branch does not exist. Cannot unregister.
660Object is not part of the branch. Cannot unregister.
661Wrong body format for searching objects
662External Command Not Defined
663Parameters Too Long
664Command Rejected for Security Reasons
665Command already exists
666Invalid subdirectory
667Could not calculate path to directory.
668Could not read path to directory.
669Too many read errors
670Could not read directory.
671Could not display files for specified object.
672Could not calculate file path.
673Could not open file for input.
674Could not read attributes.
675Could not read one block from file.
676Could not read transport file.
677File already exists
678Could not open file for output.
679Could not write one block into file.
680Could not close file.
681Could not create transport file.
682Could not create manifest file.
683Could not read manifest file.
684Could not set configuration parameter.
685Could not set current commit.
686Objects exist for repository. Cannot unregister.
687Objects exist for branch. Cannot unregister.
688Function sapgparam failed
689Could not display local version of file.
690Could not retrieve files.
691Could not validate repository.
692Cannot switch branch of local repository to selected branch.
693Could not save local version of file.
694Could not create property file.
695Could not create dependency.
696Could not create prerequisite.
697Could not delete dependency.
698Could not delete prerequisite.
699Could not set repository layout.
700Could not initialize property.
701Could not commit changes.
702Could not create XML file for transport request '&1'.
703Could not create repository '&1'.
704Commit source to remote failed
705Could not create SSH file.
706Could not clone Repository.
707'Pull by commit' failed.
708'Get current commit' failed.
709Could not calculate object difference between commits.
710Could not display objects for repository '&1'.
711Could not display remote version of file.
712Creating tag failed.
713Deleting tag failed.
714Retrieving tag list failed.
715Could not insert object into database.
716Could not delete object from database.
717Could not create configuration.
718No permission for repository &1
719Branch information missing: &1
720Repository information missing: &1
721Destination for registry is empty
722Full Package Deletion not possible, sub object missing in repo
723Full Package Deletion not possible, sub objects in other repo
724Tadir entry could not be found.
725No path has been specified
726No 'Logical File Name' has been specified
727Could not find the 'Logical File Name' '&1'
728The 'Logical File Path' '&1' is unknown
729The file format '&1' is invalid. Expected file format is '&2'
730No file format has been defined
731No 'Physical File Name' defined for the 'Logical File Name' '&1'
732Getting the 'Physical File Name' for the 'Logical File Name' '&1' failed
733Validating the path '&1' failed
734Validating the path did not produce any results
735Assembling the path did not produce any results
736Opening the file '&' for input failed
737Opening the file '&' for output failed
738Reading the file '&' failed
739Writing the file '&' failed
740Closing the file '&' failed
741No &1 permission for repository &2
742No &1 permission for system
743Creation and deletion of repositories is not allowed
744Uninstall of repository from the system failed
745Uninstall failed : TP Umode not set to 26
746Team '&1' was not found
747User '&1' was not found
748Invalid state for commit operation, remote changes need to be pulled
749Objects Not Registered : The Transport Request doesnt have an object list
750Objects Not Registered : No objects for the package
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