SCTS_HDI - Messages for CTS HDI API

The following messages are stored in message class SCTS_HDI: Messages for CTS HDI API.
It is part of development package SCTS_HTA_HDI_MISC in software component BC-CTS-HTA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Miscellaneous for HTA for HDI".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Error in preparation of HDI call: &1&2&3&4
001Error in execution of HDI call: &1&2&3&4
002Error when connecting to database
003Error while reading results: &1&2&3&4
004Error in configuration; no HDI transports possible
005The name of container group &1&2&3&4 contains invalid literals
006HDI namespace for transport object &1 does not exist in HTA
007Could not create HDI namespace &1&2&3 for container &4
008System does not run on SAP HANA; HDI API cannot be used
009 Start 'Configure Container Parameters'
010 End 'Config. Cont. Parameters'. HDI RC &1, HDI request ID &2
011 Start 'Create Container'
012 End of 'Create Container'. HDI return code &1, HDI request ID &2
013 Start of 'Configure Libraries'
014 End of 'Configure Libraries'. HDI return code &1, HDI request ID &2
015 Start of 'Grant Container API Privileges'
016 End of 'Grant Container API Privileges'. HDI RC &1, HDI request ID &2
017 Start of 'Grant Container Schema Roles'
018 End of 'Grant Container Schema Roles'. HDI RC &1, HDI request ID &2
019Internal error; DDL statement contains invalid literals
020Name of the logical HDI container contains invalid literals
021HDI container deployment started
022Deployment for HDI container &1 started
023Deployment for HDI container &1 ended
024HDI container deployment ended
025Start of 'Force Drop Container' for &1
026End of 'Force Drop Container'. HDI return code &1, HDI request ID &2
027 Start 'Drop Container'
028 End of 'Drop Container'. HDI return code: &1, HDI request ID: &2
029Object already exists in development environment
030HDI call ended with error for container &2; see HDI log of request ID &1
031HDI call ended with fatal error for cont. &2;see HDI log of request ID &1
032HDI call ended with warning for cont. &2; see HDI log of request ID &1
033Cannot check out object (it does not exist in HTA)
034Error in check-out
035Error when creating project in development environment for &1
036Cannot check in objects from different HDI namespaces
037Cannot check out objects from different HDI namespaces
038HDI object for transport object &1&2&3 does not exist in HTA
039 Start of 'Make &1'
040 End of 'Make &3'. HDI return code &1, HDI request ID &2
041Start of 'Delete &1'
042End of 'Delete &3'. HDI return code: &1, HDI request ID: &2
043 Start of 'Write &1'
044 End of 'Write &3'. HDI return code &1, HDI request ID &2
045HDI namespace &1&2 contains invalid characters; use [A-Z][a-z][0-9].-_
046HDI namespace &1&2&3 already exists in container &4
047Logical HDI container &1 does not exist
048Name of the logical container cannot start with an underscore
049You do not have authorization for this action (see long text)
050Object not the same in HDI and WebIDE; deploy &1&2&3&4 first
051Object &1 &2&3 is not yet locked in an open task
052HDI namespace &1&2 in container &3 too long for transport system
053File .hdinamespace cannot be modified or created manually
054HDI object path &1&2&3&4 is invalid
055Error in preparation for creating user provided services
056User provided service not created; container &1 is not active
057Error when checking existence of user provided service &1
058Error when deleting user provided service user &1
059Error when creating user provided service user &1
060Error when checking existence of user provided service user &1
061Error when granting HDI rights for user provided service user &1
062Error when granting read rights for user provided service user &1
063Error when granting read rights for SAP_ABAP for UPS user &1
064Error when creating user provided service &1
065Development environment not configured for HDI namespace &1
066No project for HDI namespace &1 found in development environment
067Could not check existence of project in development environment for &1
068Error in check-in
069Error in assignment of role HTA_UPS_COMMON for UPS user &1
070Invalid value for configuration parameter CREATE_USER_PROCEDURE_OWNER
071System is not configured for the development of HDI objects
072Container contains &1 active objects and cannot be deleted
073Upgrade running (changes to HDI objects are not allowed)
074Container contains &1 inactive objects and cannot be deleted
075Container exists in HTA and cannot be deleted
076 Container already exists in HDI as &1 (no deployment required)
077Container &1 deleted
078Physical container name &1 does not match logical name &2
079Not all containers have the same activation state
080Specify a logical HDI container
081&1 is not a valid name of a logical HDI container
082Container name can contain characters 'A'-'Z', '0'-'9', and '_' only
083Error when sorting containers
084Container &1 with status &2 does not exist
085A logical database schema with the name &1 already exists
087Inactive version of object in HTA Repository (activate/delete it first)
088Object was created manually in Web IDE but not yet checked out
089Object was changed in HTA Repository and Web IDE (check it out first)
090Object cannot be checked in in status &1 (check it out first)
091Container &1 can be used for generated objects only
092Generated objects cannot be changed manually
093Logical HDI container &1 does not exist or is not active
094Error when deleting user provided service &1
095Error in assignment of read rights on schema &1 for UPS user &2
096Error while removing the HDI rights for UPS user &1
097Error in the assignment of role &1 for UPS user &2
098Container name must not be empty
099Runtime name could not be read from HDI for calcuation view &1&2&3&4
101You do not have authorization for this action
102You do not have "create" authorization
103You are not authorized to make changes
104You do not have display authorization
105You do not have activate authorization
106You do not have deletion authorization
107 Granting access rights finished with errors
108Start granting acc. rights on phys. schemas to DB user &1 by DB user &2
109End granting access rights on phys. schemas to DB user &1 by DB user &2
111&1 does not exist (check your input)
112Function is not supported - HANA is too old. Please update your HANA DB
200============ HDI Object Deployment ===================================
201Start of deployment of HDI objects: &1
202End of deployment of HDI objects: &1
203 Start of import of &1 HDI objects for container &2: &3
204 End of import for container &2: &3
205 Mapping of transport object names to HDI object names:
206 Skipped transport objects: &1
207 The following transport objects were skipped:
208 Objects with activation errors: &1
209 Objects with errors when deleted: &1
210 Activated objects: &1
211 Deleted objects: &1
212 Start of HDI log messages
213 End of HDI log messages
214 Start of 'Make' with &1/&2 objects to activate, &3/&4 to delete
215 End of 'Make' (HDI return code &1, HDI request ID &2)
216 &1/&2 objects activated, &3/&4 objects deleted
217 &1/&2 objects with activation error, &3/&4 objects with delete error
218 Start of 'Write' with &1/&2 HDI objects and &3 folders
219 End of 'Write' (HDI return code &1, HDI request ID &2)
220 &1/&2 objects imported, &3/&4 objects with import errors
221 Imported objects: &1
222 Objects with import errors: &1
223 Start of 'Delete' with &1/&2 HDI objects
224 End of 'Delete' (HDI return code &1, HDI request ID &2)
225 &1/&2 objects deleted inactively, &3/&4 objects with errors
226 Deleted objects: &1
227 Objects already active: &1
228 Objects with errors when deleted: &1
229 End of 'Configure Container' (HDI return code &1, HDI request ID &2)
230 End of 'Status' (HDI return code &1, HDI request ID &2)
231 Objects with errors:
232 Start of 'Status' with &1/&2 objects to activate, &3/&4 to delete
233 Error in activation phase &1 (maximum &2) for container &3
234 Activation phase &1 (maximum &2)
235 Objects contain errors due to error in HDI call: &1
236 No details for activation phase &1 (maximum &2) in this log
237 Start of activation of &1 HDI objects for container &2: &3
238 End of activation for container &2: &3
239 Skipped objects since container &1 is not active: &2
240 Skipping HDI object deployment for HDI container &1
241 Ignoring cycle in HDI container &1 and attempting object deployment
242 Activation canceled. Maximum number of retries reached.
243 Activation canceled. Object set to activate remains constant.
244Error when deploying HDI objects; see &1 and SAP Note 2602571
245 Error in "update/upgrade running?" query
246 HDI object deployment log: &1&2
247Error in deployment of HDI objects in SAP data container; see &1
248 ABAP-managed HDI container &1 does not exist or is not active
249 Warnings in deployment of HDI objects; see &1
250 HDI objects were deployed; see &1
251 Non-activated objects: &1
252 The following HDI objects were not deployed:
253 Start of text deployment for &1 HDI objects for container &2: &3
254 End of text deployment for container &2: &3
255 Objects where no text deployment was required: &1
256 Objects for which texts were deployed: &1
257 Deployed texts: &1
258 Languages where texts were deployed: &1&2
259 Objects with errors in text deployment: &1
260 Objects without text deployment due to import/activation errors: &1
261 Objects for which texts have been deleted: &1
262 Deleted texts: &1
263 Import of HDI objects for & skipped; request only contains translations
264 Activation of HDI objs for & skipped;request only contains translations
265 Text deployment for HDI objects not required for objects w/o text parts
300============ SUM API ===================================
301Start of consistency checks for HDI objects for HDI container &1(&2)
302End of consistency checks for HDI objects for HDI container &1(&2)
303 Container &1 has an inactive version
304 Inactive objects: &3
305 Objects that do not match in HTA and HDI: &3
306 Missing objects in HDI (container does not exist): &3
307 Could not read active objects from HDI for container &1(&2)
308 HDI return code &1, HDI request ID &2
309 Objects that only exist in HTA: &3
310 Objects that only exist in HDI: &3
311Start of preparation of HDI object deployment for HDI container &1
312End of preparation of HDI object deployment for HDI container &1
313Start of deployment of HDI objects for HDI container &1(&2)
314End of deployment of HDI objects for HDI container &1(&2)
315 Prepared all HDI objects for redeployment: &1
316Start of undeployment of all objects for HDI container &1(&2)
317End of undeployment of all objects for HDI container &1(&2)
318 Objects with deletion/deployment errors: &3
319Start of deployment simulation for all objects for HDI container &1(&2)
320End of deployment simulation for all objects for HDI container &1(&2)
321 Deployment simulation not possible (HDI container &1 is not active)
322 Deployment simulation not required since no objects exist in HTA
323Unexpected call of &1 (contact SAP Support on BC-CTS-HTA)
324 Start of 'Write' with &1 HDI objects and &2 folders
325 End of 'Write' (HDI return code &1, HDI request ID &2)
326 Start of 'Simulation Make'
327 End of 'Simulation Make' (HDI return code &1, HDI request ID &2)
328 HDI objects with errors in import or activation simulation: &1
329 Start of import of &1 HDI objects for container &2: &3
330 End of import for container &2: &3
331 Start of activation simulation for &1 HDI objects for container &2: &3
332 End of activation simulation for container &2: &3
333 Deployment simulation completed for &1 HDI objects
334 No inconsistencies found between HTA and HDI
335 Inconsistencies between HTA and HDI; see SAP Note 2602487
336 Deployment simulation ended with errors (see SAP Note 2602487)
337Development environment locked for HDI container &1(&2)
338Development environment unlocked for HDI container &1(&2)
339Error when locking development environment for HDI container &1(&2):
340Error when unlocking development environment for HDI container &1(&2):
341Development environment updated for HDI container &1(&2)
342Error when updating development environment for HDI container &1(&2):
343Locking of development environment for HDI container &1(&2) started
344Locking of development environment for HDI container &1(&2) ended
345Unlocking of development environment for HDI container &1(&2) started
346Unlocking of development environment for HDI container &1(&2) ended
347No development environment configured for HDI object. No action required.
348Update of development environment for HDI container &1(&2) started
349Update of development environment for HDI container &1(&2) ended
350 Non-deployed objects: &3
351ABAP-managed HDI container &1 does not have a reference to ABAP Schema
352Update in database failed with sy-subrc &1
353Invalid parameters: Errors should be ignored but log directory is not set
354 See log file &1&2&3&4
355 Error when deploying HDI objects to container &1; see SAP Note 3026761
356 Warnings in deployment of HDI objects
357 HDI objects were deployed successfully
358 HDI container &1 should be deleted in HTA but exists in HANA as &2
359 HDI container &1 already deleted, nothing to do
360 Prepared HDI objects for redeployment: &1
361 No HDI objects to deploy
364Start of activation for container &1(&2)
365End of activation for container &1(&2)
366HDI container &1(&2) activated
367Logical HDI container &1 cannot be activated
368Error when activating HDI container &1; see SAP Note 3026761
369BEGIN: Saving of HDI Container &1 (&2): &3
370END: Saving of HDI Container &1 (&2): &3
400============ HDI Object Generation ====================================
401Generation only possible to exactly one container
402HDI namespace &1&2&3 already exists in container &4 (non-generated)
403Object &2&3&4 cannot be generated in HDI container &1
404HDI namespace &1&2&3 does not exist in HDI container &4
405Transport tools need to be updated
406Object &2&3&4 cannot be deleted in HDI container &1
450============ Pre-Activation Checks for Containers =======================
451 Logical AFL schema &1 is active (installed)
452 Logical AFL schema &1 is not installed (not active)
453 An error occurred when assigning AFL role &1
454 The status for logical AFL schema &1 could not be determined
455 API container &1 cannot reference logical AFL schema &2
456 Logical AFL schema &1 is not installed/active. See SAP Note 2800128.
457 Error when querying whether an update or upgrade is currently running
480 An error occured when assiging access rights to &1.
482 Access rights to &1 assigned
484 Start of 'Configure Container Parameters'
485 End of 'Config. Cont. Parameters'.HDI Ret. Code:&1,HDI RequestID:&2
486 Start 'Write &1'
487 End 'Write &3'. HDI return code &1, HDI request ID &2
488 Start 'Make &1'
489 End 'Make &3'. HDI return code &1, HDI request ID &2
490============ AMHC Container Checks and Activation ===================
491 &1 does not reference any containers (nothing to check)
492 Start 'Grant Container Schema Roles'
493 End 'Grant Cont. Schema Roles'. HDI RC &1, HDI request ID &2
494 Start 'Configure Container Parameters'
495 End 'Configure Cont. Parameters'.HDI Ret Code:&1,HDI RequestID:&2
496 &1 does not reference any containers/schemas. No action required.
497 &1 &2 does not reference any containers/schemas. No action required.
498Log is empty
499============ HDI Container Deployment ===================================
500============ Pre-Activation Checks for Containers =======================
501HDI container checks started
502 Check on active referenced containers/schemas (for &1) started
503 Logical HDI container &1 exists but is inactive
504 Logical HDI container &1 exists and is active
505HDI container checks completed
506 Check on active referenced containers/schemas (for &1) completed
507 Check for cycles (for &1) started
508 Cycle for container &1 found:
509 Check for cycles (for &1) completed
510 No cycle found for container &1
511 &1 does not reference any containers/schemas (nothing to check)
512 HDI container &1 is already active; container deployment not required
513 Data container &1 cannot have any references
514 &1 &2 cannot reference API container &3
515Checking inactive version of container &1
516Checking active version of container &1
517 API container &1 cannot reference data container &2
518Redeployment of .hdblogicalschema for container &1 started
519Redeployment of .hdblogicalschema for container &1 ended
520Start of deployment of HDI containers: &1
521End of deployment of HDI containers: &1
522 Deployment for HDI container &1 started: &2
523 Deployment for HDI container &1 ended: &2
524HDI container deployment started
525HDI container deployment ended
526 Container &1: Container type cannot be changed
527 No inactive data exists for container &1
528 Deployment of references for HDI container &1 started: &2
529 Deployment of references for HDI container &1 ended: &2
530 Sorting for order of container deployment started
531 Sorting for order of container deployment finished
532 Skipping deployment for HDI container &1
533Start of HDI container deletion: &1
534 Container &1 cannot be deleted: An object directory entry exists
535 HDI container &1 deleted in ABAP only; does not exist in HDB
536 Deletion of container &1 (&2) started: &3
537 Deletion of container &1 (&2) ended: &3
538 Container &1 is not active; does not need to be deleted
539End of HDI container deletion: &1
540 Granting of access rights to &1 &2 (&3) started: &4
541 Granting of access rights to &1 &2 (&3) ended: &4
542Container/schema & is unknown in the system
543Container/schema & cannot reference itself
544A reference to container/schema & already exists
545 Granting of access rights to references started: &1
546 Granting of access rights to references ended: &1
547 Import of references into container and activation started: &1
548 Import of references into container and activation ended: &1
549 Internal error: Container to delete &1 has an inactive version
550 Logical HDI container &1 does not exist
551 Logical database schema &1 does not exist
552 Logical database schema &1 exists but is inactive
553 Logical DB schema &1 is active and physical DB schema is assigned
554 Logical DB schema &1 is active but no physical DB schema assigned
555 Logical schema &1 exists and is active
556HDI containers that reference the deleted HDI container &1:
557 HDI container &1 does not need to be deleted; does not exist
558 Could not delete user-provided service &2 of container &1
559Could not delete HDI container &1 (&2)
560'Grant' failed. Please generate missing role and repeat 'Grant'.
561 HDI container &1 cannot be deleted; is still referenced
562Mixed versions ('A'/'I') for container &1 in container sort are forbidden
563HDI container &1 locked by &2
564 HDI containers that reference HDI container to delete &1:
565 HDI container &1 cannot be deleted; contains HDI namespaces:
566You are not authorized to delete HDI objects
567HDI container deletion started
568HDI container deletion ended
569 References in SAP Web IDE projects do not need to be updated
570 SAP Web IDE projects of HDI container &1 were updated
571============Deletability Checks=============================
572 Check on referencing HDI container for &1 started
573 Check on referencing HDI container for &1 ended
574 &1 is not referenced; no action required
575 Check on HDI namespaces in HDI container &1 started
576 Check on HDI namespaces in HDI container &1 ended
577 HDI cont. &1 does not contain any HDI namespaces; no action needed
578 Update of SAP Web IDE projects started in &2: &1
579 Update of SAP Web IDE projects ended in &2: &1
580HDI container &1 was not deleted
581 Update of SAP Web IDE projects failed; see long text
582Invalid physical container name &1 for logical HDI container &2
583 No projects found for container &1, No action required.
584 Cycle for container &1 found during container sort
585 Skipping deletion for HDI container &1
586 HDI container deployment log: &1&2
587 HDI containers were deployed; see &1
588 Warnings in deployment of HDI containers; see &1
589 Error when deploying HDI containers; see &1 and SAP Note 2602571
590 HDI container deletion log: &1&2
591 HDI containers were deleted; see &1
592 Warnings in deletion of HDI containers; see &1
593 Error when deleting HDI containers; see &1 and SAP Note 2602571
595 Container &1 was already deployed
596 The following logical (physical) DB schemas are referenced by &1
597 &1 (&2) is referenced by HDI runtime container &3
598 Start of granting access rights to DB user &1 by DB user &2
599 End of granting access rights to DB user &1 by DB user &2
600 'GRANT SELECT ON SCHEMA &1 TO &2 WITH GRANT OPTION' executed with error
602 See SAP Note 3058073
603 No logical DB schemas are referenced by log. HDI runtime containers. &1
604 No physical DB schema is assigned to the referenced log. DB schemas. &1
630No HDI objects with errors exist for redeployment
700========================HDI Object Editor================================
701Cannot save (newer object version &1 exists)
702HDI object is checked out in SAP Web IDE (see long text)
703Changes to .hdinamespace files are not allowed
704Cannot save (HDI object was deleted by transport request import)
705Newer object version &1 exists (editor loads new version)
706Cannot save changes to .hdinamespace
899&1 &2 &3 &4
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