SD - Online-Doku, Terminologie, �bersetzung, Help

The following messages are stored in message class SD: Online-Doku, Terminologie, �bersetzung, Help.
It is part of development package SDOC in software component BC-DOC-DTL. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Documentation Maintenance".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Error in version comparison
001Reserved for SAP Documentation
002Document is already being edited
003You are already editing this document
004Document cannot be locked for technical reasons
005Function cannot be executed
006This function is not supported for translation
007The specified language code is not defined
008An unanticipated error has occurred
009At present only original language German can be transported.
010You have no authorization for documentation maintenance
011You are not authorized to maintain documentation in language &
012Raw documentation cannot be translated
013Raw documentation cannot be translated
014Document locked by correction &
015Choose only one object for documentation
016Choose an object for documentation
017Original system of the object in &
018Document already exists
019Document does not exist
020Select only one documentation type
021Choose a document class
022No entry for documentation class & in table TDCLD
023Maximum length for docu class '&1' exceeded; contact SAP
024&1 &2 &3 &4
025Select one processing type only
026Choose a processing type
027No objects matched the selection criteria
028No authorization for active version (saved in revision status)
029Link cannot be inserted
030Option saved
031No authorization for end user documentation (raw version)
032No authorization for end user documentation (final version)
033No authorization for technical documentation (raw version)
034No authorization for technical documentation (final version)
035No authorization to modify documentation (raw version)
036No authorization to modify documentation (final version)
037No change authorization
038No translation authorization
039Document was saved in raw version; no authorization for active version
040Specify the name of the document
041Enter all parts of the document name
042Specify the destination object
043Specify all generic keys of the destination object
044Enter an exact document name
045Generic entries in position 1 and 2 not allowed
046Document can be copied in language & only
047This document has no original
048This processing option is not allowed here.
049Maintain the document in language &
050Program & does not exist
051Message & & & does not exist
052Data element & is not used in an ABAP Dictionary structure
053Table & does not exist
054Transaction & does not exist
055Domain & does not exist
056Object & & does not require documentation
057Authorization object & does not exist
058Authorization profile & is not available
059Documentation does not exist
060Choose an editing status
061Make a selection
062Select only one option
063Choose a document class
064You can only select the 'Not to be documented' option by itself
065Language check complete
066Object &1 has more than one original language
067&1 &2 does not exist
068Web Dynpro: (component / view: &1) controller &2 not available
069&1 &2 &3 is not available
070Worklist & saved
071Work list & does not exist
072Worklist & was deleted
073Selection not possible here
074Profile parameter &1 is not available.
075Program &1 cannot be executed (SAP Note 2476734)
076Link goes to docu for unpermitted class &1 (SAP Note 2476734)
077Link goes to docu for unpermitted function modue &1 (SAP Note 2476734)
078Link goes to docu for unpermitted method &1 (class &2) - SAP Note 2476734
079Transaction &1 cannot be executed (SAP Note 2476734)
080Documentation authorization for user & has been deleted
081Documentation authorization for user & has been copied to &
082Documentation authorization of user & already exists
083Documentation authorization of user & is not available
084Documentation authorization for user & was saved
085Enter the names of both users
086Enter the name of the user
087Documentation authorization for user & was saved
088System error: &1&2&3&4
089Communication error: &1&2&3&4
090Generic deletion is not possible
091Generic printing is not supported here
092Document & is already being edited
093An error occurred during deletion of &
094No appropriate documentation exists
095No authorization for document &
096The document is blocked by a correction
097No authorization for final version of doc. of package &
098There is no entry in TADIR for this document
099Document has status 'active'. Save first.
100Document has status &
101Data element & is not used on a dynpro
102System error &
103Communications error &
104RFC error
105Load & is not current
106Program & does not exist
107Program & not generated
108Program & is not a main program
109Message class &1 contains the special character '+'
110& cannot be changed in language &
111& is the original language. & cannot be translated
112& cannot be deleted in language &
113& is the original language (& cannot be deleted).
114Function not possible for this document class
115There is no original for &
116Document & is not available in language &
117Warning: Original in language & was revised
118Translation cannot be copied to & in language &
119Link references docu with an unpermitted program &1 (Note 2476734)
120You are not authorized for this document
121& & not in table TADIR
122You are not authorized for this document
123The document may not be changed
124The document was not deleted
125Version &1 contains a deletion. Not possible to display.
126Version &1 contains a deletion. Retrieval is not possible.
127Modification &1 (TX) does not exist. Retrieval is not possible.
128Modification &1 exists. Reset object &2&3 to the original.
129A temporary version was created under number &1.
130Documentation already exists for this document
131Message &1 &2 cannot be included in transport request.
132Entry cannot be added to table &1.
133Version &1 of &2&3 was retrieved.
134Elements of change document object &1 should not be documented.
135Documentation element is locked for further documentation
136The selected line does not contain any data
137Object & & can be documented again
138This function can only be used for data elements
139Object not to be documented. Only possible to create it in German.
142You can only reference an object with a long text
143Enter all parts of the document name
144Enter a name in the document
149Reserved for statistical analyses and archiving
150Specify at least two letters or start in the background
151Specify a package
152Package & not found
153Generic and range entry cannot be used at the same time.
154Start generic analysis in the background
155Specify documentation type "E" or "M"
156Use only "X" or " "(space) for "Original system only"
157Package & not found
158Generic input for package not possible
159Job was started
160Job could not be released
161Archiving: Error when &1 (&2)
162The object is marked as "Not to be documented".
163The data element does not appear on any dynpros
164Object documentation reset.
165The short text describes the object sufficiently
170Document name & contains forbidden special characters.
171Document name & contains forbidden special characters.
172Document name & contains forbidden special characters.
173Includes may not be documented
180Report &1 violates the name range convention
181Program &1 is obsolete and is not supported &2
190Edit function module documentation in Function Builder (transaction SE37)
191Package can only be moved for general texts
200Reserved for function module for SE61
201Document & saved
202Document & was deleted
203Document saved as &
204& already exists as a document
205& is not available as a document
206Document & was copied to &
207Document & is not available in language &
208You are not authorized for activation
209Activation is not currently active
210Document & was saved in active status
211Document & deleted in all languages
212Document was not deleted
213Document copied
214Document cannot be copied onto itself
215Document saved as raw version (with revision status)
216Document saved as raw version
217Document saved as final version
218Print request generated for spool number &
219& pages output
220& pages printed
221Printing was canceled by the user
222Output device is not defined
223Document not saved
224Document saved without status change
225& is not the original language.
226No matching version available.
227Local versions displayed instead of database versions.
228Version does not exist in language &1. Fallback to language &2
229A form is still open
230S&G document cannot be displayed
240Specify a supplementary number
242Source system: Object &1&2 (typ &3) has no original language.
243Target system: Object &1&2 (type &3) has no original language
244Object &1&2: Original language in source and target system are different.
245Source system: Object &1&2 is inactive (status: &3)
246Source system: Object &1&2 modified. '&3' is not possible.
247Target system: Object &1&2 is modified. '&3' is not possible.
248Version of object in target system is larger than in the source system.
249Target system: Object &1&2 is inactive (status: &3)
250No documentation available in language &
251No documented objects for selection
252Dynpro & & no longer exists
253Object with status &1 results in deletion for all language versions.
254Source system: Object &1&2 has an erroneous form &3.
255Source system: Object &1&2 has an erroneous style &3.
256Source system: Version &3 of object &1&2 does not exist in DOKHL
257Target system: Version &3 of object &1&2 does not exist in DOKHL
258Object &1&2 is not permitted for &3.
259Object &1&2 has an incorrect status &3 (&4).
260You are not authorized to maintain this document
261No entries found for selection
262You are not authorized to maintain this package
263You do not have maintenance authorization
264Object &1&2 modified. Postprocessing is necessary.
265Source system: Object &1&2 has no content and status &3
266&1 &2&3 is not available.
267Object &1&2 has more than one original language.
268Long text is available but it is classified as not to be documented.
269No documentation class is assigned to object &1 &2.
270Source system: Object &1&2 has no meaningful content.
271Target system: Object &1&2 has an erroneous form &3
272Target system: Object &1&2 has an erroneous style &3
273Content of correction instruction for object &1&2 cannot be resolved.
280No where-used list found
281Save your hypertext module first
282Hypertext module is referenced elsewhere and cannot be deleted
283First enter a short text
284Enter a hypertext link
290Maintain the attributes first
291Maintain the application components first
292Define the attributes first
293Add a reference to the Implementation Guide
294Set the attribute "Customizing parameter changes"
295Error in link: An area menu cannot be executed
300Enter a word to be edited
301You must make the correction in the original system & as well
302No entry in correction was generated.
303The document is empty or was not found.
304Unknown error; check destination &
308Document class & is not registered in table TDCLD
309Entry included in transport request
310References are now possible in the Knowledge Engineer
311Class Builder documentation can now be edited in the worklist
312Function parameter documentation can now be edited in the worklist
320Template & does not exist
400Reserved for SAP Documentation Statistics and FUGR SDOS
401Select only one option
402Make a selection
403Technical writer & not found
404Choose an object
405Package & does not exist
406Specify a package
407Choose a date
408Start date & is later than end date &
409No values exist for package &, document class & and date
410Saving is only possible with 'package'
411Statistics saved
412Error saving statistics
413& data element(s) flagged as 'without dynpro reference'
414Error indicating data element &
415Statistics values do not exist
416No statistics exist for date &
417No statistics exist for language &
418For language & statistics & deleted
419Error deleting statistics language & and date &
420Select one object only
421No statistics available
422& statistics deleted
423Select an option
424User not authorized to perform this function
425Product & does not exist
426Component & & does not exist
427Product not selected. Entry set to '*'
430User responsible has no authorization
431User responsible is not authorized to make generic entries
432Editing is not possible. Development environment is locked.
451Select block end
452End of block is before start of block. Nothing was selected
453The program $ does not exist
454The program $ does not exist
455Position the cursor on a check field
456Select at least one line
457Position cursor on entry requiring maintenance
499Short text maintenance is not possible for objects of this docu class
500Reserved for SAP Help System
501Select one documentation class using 'X'
502The list of possible entries is too long
503No possible entries available for this field
504No possible entries available for search term
505Extended help display was canceled
510Specify a path in the profile parameters eu/iwb*
511Specify a server in the profile parameters eu/iwb*
512Specify a help type in the profile parameters eu/iwb*
513Specify the installed languages in the profile parameters eu/iwb*
514Specify a Knowledge Provider path
515Specify a Knowledge Provider server
516The HTML display of the online help is not supported by KP
517Specify a valid help type in the profile parameters eu/iwb*
518Help type & is not valid for the platform &
519HTML help could not be started
520Specify a valid Netscape path in the transaction FILE
521Browser starting ....
549** Reserved for IO link dialog **
550The specified transaction does not exist. Check your entries.
551The specified package does not exist; check your entries
552The specified program does not exist. Check your entries.
553The specified dynpro does not exist. Check your entries.
554The where-used list already exists. Check your entries.
555The transport function was canceled by the user
556Enter a valid structure object
600Reserved for CD-ROM connection
601No documentation available
602This operating system & is not supported
603The program & was not found
604The SAP GUI directory was not found
605Windows help could not be started successfully
606Batch mode is not supported.
607Text format is not supported.
608No entry for doc. class & in control table
609Getting help ...
620Enhancement does not yet exist.
621Save orginal unsuccessful
622Document &2 of type &1 could not be changed in language &3.
623Document &2 of type &1 does not exist in language &3 in the index.
624Enhancement document already exists.
625Orginal document could not be in inserted in a request.
626Object &1 is orginal in current system.
627Error deleting the enhancement from the orginal document
628Error inserting the enhancement into the orginal document
629The document &1 already exists.
630The names of the enhancements must be different.
631The name of the first enhancement is missing.
632The name of the second enhancement is not relevant.
633The name of the second enhancement is missing.
634Document &1 is itself an enhancement.
635Document &1 (&2) is already being edited.
636Edit reading the TADIR entry &1 &2 &3
637No enhancement was found for document &1 (&2).
638The document &1 (&2) is already being edited.
639You have no maintenance authorization for the document &1 (&2).
640Orginal not reset.
641No ennhancement found.
642Document delete error
643The original of the document has already been modified.
644The document has already been enhanced
645Enhancement name &1 violates the namespace convention (Note &2)
646The document was already modified.
650The worklist is NOT displayed as a hierarchy list
651No saved worklist is available
700Reserved for Function Modules for the SAP Help System
710No documentation available for field &
750*** Messages for Documentation Syntax Check ***
751Document does not contain any text
752Error in include &
753Error in link &
754Glossary link error: &
755Transaction & does not exist
756Report & does not exist
757Translation text volume only & of source text
758If / Endif error
759Invalid comment <ZV>
760No open format statement found
761No open IF statement found
762No end-format tag for format character &
763No ENDIF statement
764Format character & unknown
765Source-text link & not in target text
766Source-text Include & not in target text
767Document contains itself as an include
768Status Includes no longer supported
769CATT procedure & not found
770Tag format character & not closed
771Invalid link type &
772Header SHORTTEXT is missing.
773Header & is missing
774Short text too long (max 60 characters)
775 &
776Document does not exist in language &
777Document contains syntax errors
778Document contains link error
779It is not possible to check glossary terms at the moment
780The glossary entry exists, but it is marked for deletion
781Error when calling application help
782Release Note found in table &1. Please delete this document.
783Release 4.0C is now 4.5A
800If you select Enter, your translations will not be saved
801Short text for & & saved
802If you select Enter, your changes will not be saved
803Object is already locked by another user
804Object is already locked
805Global lock table is full
806Document syntax OK
807Translations for object & were saved
808No object selected
809Missing entries were not saved
810Saving unnecessary (no data was changed)
811Entries for table & have been saved
812Table & is not in ABAP Dictionary
813Text pool entries & have been saved
814Text pool for program & not found in language &
815No entries were selected
816CUA interface for program & is not available
817Fastpath & defined twice
818Entries for interface & were saved
819Proposal texts have been saved
820Select one processing type only
821Choose a processing type
822& & has been saved
823The texts for dynpro & were saved
824Worklist saved
825No objects for package & found
826Exception saved
827Proposal pool amended
828The proposal was used
829The source language version is old. Display in language '&'
830Documentation element & saved
831End of worklist reached
832Object & not found
833Object cannot be accessed with this option
834Documentation element saved
835Object locked (already being edited by another user)
836& & & &
837Object & does not have a long text
838User &1 is already editing the document &2&3
839Object & does not have any exceptions
841Table has no language indicator
842Invalid key entered
843No objects with errors exist for this selection
844No entries found in table &
845This function is not allowed in your system
846Enter table keys generically ('*')
847Layout set & does not require translation
848An invalid parameter was passed
849Check translations again (length)
850No entry exists for & in Table &
851Requested status does not exist
852Read error
853Parameter was incorrectly filled
854Table & is not to be translated. See table NOTRA
855Enter a remark for object &
856TSYST DEVTYPE does not exist (application, basis or customer system)
858Migration texts cannot be translated in this system
859You cannot translate into the original language &.
860No active short text exists
861Generated BOR programs can only be edited in BOR
863No values exist for domain &
864No texts requiring translation exist
865No original language entry in TADIR.
868Source language & is not an original language.
869Confirmation of translation not necessary or already made
870Package & does not exist
871Language & is not allowedg
874This function is not supported in this system
875Target lang. &1 not available in old trans. environment (see long text)
876Target lang. &1 not available in new transl. environment (see long text)
877Confirmation of translation not necessary or already made
878Worklist already open
880&1 hits could not be replaced (replacement text too long)
881Changing norm proposals changes system behaviour
890Exception created
891Application component &1 is not available
892In the 'Find' field enter a character string
893Select at least one text type (short or long text)
897& & &
898& &
900Report & started on & at &
901& objects converted
902Report & finished on & at &
998Include object element $ sucessfully saved
999Reinstall program & &
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