SDB2U - DB2/390: Messages for Functiongroup SDB2U

The following messages are stored in message class SDB2U: DB2/390: Messages for Functiongroup SDB2U.
It is part of development package SDB2 in software component BC-DB-DB2. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "DB2/390: DDIC".
Message Nr
Message Text
000&1 &2 &3 &4
001Buffer pool &1 not valid
002Nothing found
003Problems with &1
004Stogroup &1 does not exist
005Tablespace &1 does not exist or cannot be used
006SEGSIZE should be 0,4,8,...,64
007Limit key specification wrong
008Table has no indexes in the database
009Index does not exist in the database
010PIECESIZE must be a power of 2 between 256 and &.
012DSSIZE should be 1,2,4,8,16,32,64 or 128,256(V10) or 1024(V12) GB.
013Table & does not exist
014Index & does not exist
015LIMITKEY report & could not be generated
016Starting report generation
017Report generation: total = &, ok = &, failed = &
018Generation error in &: &
0201 < Number of partitions <= &
021SEGSIZE > 0 only with MEMBER CLUSTER = 'NO'
022MEMBER CLUSTER = 'YES' only with SEGSIZE = 0
023AUDIT should be NONE, ALL or CHANGES
024MAXPARTITIONS should be between 1 and 4096
025DSSIZE too large. Adjusted to maximum possible value.
100Storage parameters successfully altered
101Object does not exist in the database
102ALTER statement failed
103& executed successfully
104STOP DATABASE & timed out (after 20 seconds)
105START DATABASE & failed
106DB2 command failed -> ALTER not executed
107ALTER not possible; convert with SE14->'Extras'->'Force conversion'!
108Upload impossible: Number of lines not sufficient - must be 3 or more!
109Upload impossible: Partitioning key specified in first line is invalid!
110Default handling of DEFER YES and REBUILD INDEX enforced for &.
111REBUILD INDEX options adjusted for &.
112Automatic DEFER YES and REBUILD INDEX switched on for &.
113Automatic DEFER YES and REBUILD INDEX switched off for &.
114For details on automatic DEFER YES and REBUILD INDEX refer to SAP note &.
115Action requires authorization & with obj. category & and activity &.
116For details on how to convert indexes refer to SAP note &.
117Below SAP NW 7.00 max. primary quantity is limited to 500000 KB.
118Max. value for primary and secondary quantities in DB2 is 4194304 KB.
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