SDDL_PARSER_MSG - Nachrichtenklasse f�r DDL Parser

The following messages are stored in message class SDDL_PARSER_MSG: Nachrichtenklasse f�r DDL Parser.
It is part of development package SDDIC_VIEWPARSER in software component BC-DWB-PAR. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "DDIC Viewparser".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Syntax Errors
001Syntax error (& was expected)
002Obsolete: internal error in syntax check in C function &
003The name & is too long; a maximum of & characters is allowed
004The data source "&" does not exist or is not active
005The name & is not unique
006The name & is not unique; an alias needs to be assigned
007Specification of selection list missing
008Length of names list is not the same number as the selected fields
009The annotation name & is used multiple times
010The column & is unknown
011Automatic client handling is not possible; see long text
012Unexpected character &
013The DDIC source code does not contain a valid definition
014Only one definition allowed per DDIC source code
015Unexpected word "&1"
016Unexpected word & (the keyword & was expected)
017The table name & is unknown or obscured by an alias
018Number of fields in selection lists in unions must be the same
019$$EXTENSION is not allowed within unions
020Selection list must not consist solely of $$EXTENSION
021Only field names are allowed in GROUP BY
022obsolete: $$EXTENSION and GROUP BY are not valid together
023Obsolete: this expression and GROUPB BY are not valid together
024Column &1 is not contained in the GROUP BY list
025Aggregate functions are not allowed in the WHERE condition
026The function & is unknown
027The HAVING condition can only contain columns from the GROUP BY list
028Comparison value of LIKE condition must be a character-type literal
029GROUP BY must not contain any LOB columns
030UNION must not contain any LOB columns in the selection list
031Conditions must not contain any LOB columns
032$$EXTENSION and aggregate functions are not valid together
033The GROUP BY clause is missing
034Aggregate functions can only be compared with literal values
035The column & requires a numeric comparison value
036The column & requires a text literal as a comparison value
037The & function requires a numeric comparison value
038The & function can only be calculated for numeric columns
039Automatic client handling is not possible; see long text
040Select * and joins are not valid together
041The length of the names list does not match the number of columns
042Select * and GROUP BY are not valid together
043An alias name must be assigned for literal values
044The column & is not contained in the entity selection list
045This element is not allowed in ON conditions in associations (class &)
046This argument is not allowed in aggregate functions
047An internal exception was raised ( & )
048Obsolete: DDIC inconsistent (Table &)
049This element is not yet supported (&)
050The component & does not exist or is not active
051The association & cannot be translated to SQL
052This path must end only with a field or a structure
053Path expressions are not allowed here
054Field "&1" must be included together with "&2" in the selection list
055No filters or parameter bindings allowed in path element "&"
056Path expressions in the From clause must contain associations only
057"To many" associations (cardinality [n..*]) are not allowed here
058An alias name must be assigned for the expression (& ...)
059This expression is not contained in the GROUP BY list
060The function & expects & parameters
061The association & cannot be used locally in the view (see long text)
062The serialized join condition of the association & is too long
063It is not possible to expand path element &
064The data type "&" is unknown or is not supported
065Obsolete: This function is not supported in non-Unicode systems
066Function or expression ("&1") not supported in this position
067The cardinality of the association & must not be 0
068Cardinality lower limit must not be greater than the upper limit
069Combination of UNION and associations is not yet supported
070The namespace & is unknown
071Namespace & expected
072Name list cannot be used with Select * or $$EXTENSION
073Filters cannot be used together with aggregate functions
074The association & can modify the cardinality of the results set
075Filters cannot be used together with GROUP BY
076A parameter with the name & does not exist
077Double quotation marks are not necessary for &
078The name & does not conform with DDIC conventions
079The parameter & is bound multiple times
080Parameter & is not defined for entity &
081The entity & requires parameter &
082Number is outside valid value range
083Parameters cannot be bound to associations
084CASE expression without ELSE branch can lead to NULL values
085The parameter & is not contained in the selection list of the entity
086The parameter & is not used
087Use of the association & can produce cyclical dependencies
088The data type & does not allow a length to be specified
089Namespace &1 is interpreted as namespace ABAP and must be corrected
090Use of Union and Union All in one view is too unspecific
091Union: client-specific and cross-client selections will be linked
092Use of various paths with quantity values in aggregate functions
093The annotation for suppressing messages has an incorrect structure
094"VIEW", "TABLE FUNCTION", or "ABSTRACT" was expected instead of '&1'
097Extension of a view extend is not possible
098Extension of a table function is not possible
099"Select *" cannot be used to add to the projection list
100Extension of a view with UNION or UNION ALL is not possible
101"VIEW", "TABLE FUNCTION", or "ABSTRACT" was expected instead of '&1'
102The keyword "FUNCTION" was expected here
103Either "WITH PARAMETERS" or "RETURNS" was expected here
104The keyword "PARAMETERS" was expected here
105A list of input parameters is expected after "WITH PARAMETERS"
106": <type name>" was expected instead of "&1"
107"RETURNS" must be followed by a parameter list in '{}'
108Return column has incorrect form or contains a reserved word
109"IMPLEMENTED BY METHOD" was expected here
110The method name must be specified in the form "<class>=><method>"
111ABAP DDL source code can only be closed with ";"
112The annotation "AbapCatalog" is not allowed in table functions
113The annotation "Environment.SystemField #CLIENT" is not allowed here
114The association & is not used
115( ) expected after the name of a table function
116An empty parameter list is only allowed for table function
117"TABLE FUNCTION" must be followed by the name of the table function
118In view extends, no INNER JOIN must be used
119The path expression "&" is not allowed in ON conditions
120The path expression "&" is not allowed in filter conditions
121The name & is obscured by an alias
122The view & cannot be extended
123Set operators must match in CDS view "&1" and extend "&2"
124The selection list in view & cannot be extended
125The GROUP BY list in view & cannot be extended
126Union: Association "&1" is different between the selections (&2)
127Association &2 is not required for selection of the element &1
128The view & contains a UNION and cannot be extended
129PRESERVE TYPE can only be used with CAST on a data element
130Inconsistent annotation for client handling
131Automatic client handling not possible
132Client handling generates a CROSS Join with Table T000
133Error in processing of pseudo comments (&)
134"&" is an invalid parameter name or a reserved keyword
136The INCLUDE & is not allowed in table entities
137The element & cannot be used in the ON condition
138Syntax error in "&" (one of the following elements was expected: &)
139Syntax error in "&". The following element was expected: "&"
140The column & is unknown
141The component & does not exist or is not active
142Invalid value "&1" for annotation "ClientDependent"
143Old and new client annotations must not be combined
144Invalid value "&1" for annotation "ClientHandling.Type"
145"ClientHandling.Algorithm" is not allowed in table functions
146Annotation "&1" is not allowed in table entities
147Invalid value "&1" for annotation "&2"
148The annotation "&1" does not exist
149A type cannot be specified in function "&1"
150Type must be specified after addition AS in function "&1"
151The annotation NULL is not allowed within arrays
152The annotation value NULL is only allowed within the selection list.
153Optimization of Case expression and Join used is not possible.
154Invalid value for annotation "&1"
155Different case-join expressions
156Annotation "@ClientHandling.type: #CLIENT_DEPENDENT" is required.
157No annotation "@Environment.systemField: #CLIENT" for client parameter
158Permitted values for "&1" are "#SESSION_VARIABLE" and "#NONE"
160Permitted value "#NONE" for annotation "@ClientHandling.algorithm"
161Syntax error: Space required between "&1" and "&2"
162Client is missing in selection list (add "$$session.client as mandt")
163Parameter "&" is not defined for view "&"
164Parameter "&" is not defined for table "&"
165Association on-condition for "&" not available in metadata; see long text
166Association "&1" cannot be used in this place
167Only the elements of &1 and &2 are allowed at this position
168Use alias "&1", not entity name "&2"
169Internal error (association with two path entries unexpected)
170"$$projection" is not supported in abstract entities
171Client field must be specified manually to avoid duplicates
172Entity "&1" cannot be used as the data source
173Association "&1" of entity "&2" cannot be used
174Released association "&1" is not used (see long text)
175Client field must be defined in the first position in the selection list
176"ClientDependent" cannot be used in entities
177"ClientHandling.type" cannot be used in entities
178"ClientHandling.algorithm" cannot be used in entities
179"AbapCatalog.internal.isMandt" cannot be used
180Quoted identifiers are not allowed in abstract or custom entities
181Association name "&1" cannot be the same as the target entity name
182Post-annotations are not supported and must be replaced by preannotations
183Use alias name "&1" instead of "&2"
184Lower limit of cardinality must not be "*".
185Join type information is lost for the exposed association
186Parameters must not be used in the associations ON condition.
187Use one of the alias names instead of "&2"
188Table names not specified
189"&1" is not a transparent table
190The left side must contain a table column
191Marker "&1" not defined
192Only table names can be specified in the on clause
193Table name "&1" is defined more than once in on clause
194Table name "&1" is not defined in on clause
195Table name "&1" is not used
196Data source is not valid
197Expression is not valid
198select * is not allowed
199"$$node.&1" is not allowed
200"CHILD TO PARENT ASSOCIATION" clause is missing
201"&1" is not a "child to parent" association. Target must be "&2".
202On condition not set for association "&1"
203Cannot parse on condition for association "&1"
204Association "&1" On condition is not compatible for "child to parent"
205"Is Initial" cannot be used in an association filter
206Cardinality cannot be specified for association "&1"
207Default filter cannot be specified for association "&1"
208Parameter type "&1" is not specified
209"ClientDependent" cannot be used in hierarchies
210"ClientHandling.type" cannot be used in hierarchies
211"ClientHandling.algorithm" cannot be used in hierarchies
212Client field cannot be used in hierarchies
213"MULTIPLE PARENTS" is not allowed in "TEMPORAL" hierarchy
214Association "&1" cannot be specified in 'TEMPORAL' hierarchy
215Entity "&1" contains column "&2" (not allowed within hierarchies)
216Only literals or parameters are allowed for 'DEPTH' values
217Only numeric values are allowed
218"&1" already exists in 'SIBLINGS ORDER BY' clause
219Expression cannot be used in 'SIBLINGS ORDER BY' clause
220Object "&1" with type "&2" is not released as an API
221Object "&1" with type "&2" does not exist in the system
222Cardinality of association "&1" (&2) does not match "MULTIPLE PARENTS"
223The parent entity "&1" requires a unique key
224The child entity "&1" of a composition cannot be ROOT
225A composition already exists for the child entity &1
226"OR" expression in "CHILD TO PARENT" association is not allowed
227Key field &1 is missing in the ON condition of the composition definition
228An entity cannot use itself as a child entity
229"$$projection" is not supported in hierarchies
230Only parameters and literals are allowed on the right side
231Column &1 not defined in hierarchy directory association ON condition
232Data source &1 is used in FROM clause or JOIN clause of the view
233The composition "&1" must be included in the selection list
234The composition "&1" cannot be published with an alias
235The composition "&1" cannnot be published with attributes
236Composition definitions are not allowed in extend views
237The requested kernel version "&1" is not valid
238Compositions are not allowed in CDS views with Union and Union All
239The type of the child entity "&1" is not supported in compositions
240Only "AND" joins allowed as ON condition of composition definition
241Only "=" comparisons allowed in ON conditions of compositions
243"Is Initial" clause cannot be used for RAW fields
244"*" is not allowed in root entities and parent entities
245CDS view &1 uses non-supported client handling annotation &2
246"&1" is not a key field in the ON condition of a composition definition
247Key field "&1" already used in ON condition of the composition definition
248The specified path expression can be replaced by "&1.&2"
249Invalid comparison in the ON condition of the composition definition
250Literals are not valid in the ON condition of a composition definition
251Field &1 already used in the ON condition of the composition definition
252"&1" is not allowed as an alias
253"depth" can only be used together with "orphans ignore"
254"&2" must be specified instead of "&1"."&2" in the hierarchy selection
255Element &1 must have type DATS, TIMESTAMP, or TIMESTAMPL
256--- Not used ---
257Two target fields cannot be compared in the composition definition
258Child entity "&1" does not contain a key field
259"*" not allowed in child entity "&1"
260Internal error: Could not read DDL source for entity "&1"
261Session variables are not allowed in composition definitions
262Parameters are not allowed in composition definitions
263Table name "&1" must be removed from this place
264"Siblings Order By" expression is mandatory
265Field "&1" is missing in "filter by" clause
266Field "&1" can be specified only once in "filter by" clause
267Association "&1" for custom entity "&2" cannot be used
268The string "&1" is not supported
269"'" must be followed by "'"
270"&1" is not a valid string literal
271"ORPHANS" cannot be combined with "GENERATE SPANTREE"
272No more than one data source with hierarchy type allowed in FROM clauses
273Parameter not allowed as key field
274Parameters cannot be used in the default filter of the association
275Keyword "root" is not allowed
276Compare different columns in "child to parent" association on condition
277Compare different data sources in "child to parent" association on cond.
278Alias "&1" cannot be used for the non-client field
279"&1" must be defined directly after the "&2" clause
280"$$projection" is not allowed
281"$$projection" not permitted in group by clause
282"$$projection" not permitted in having clause
283"CYCLES BREAKUP" only permitted with "MULTIPLE PARENTS"
284"MULTIPLE PARENTS" cannot be combined with "GENERATE SPANTREE"
285Only one "child to parent" association allowed
286Type of super-entity "&1" not supported
287"*" not allowed in super-entity "&1"
288Super-entity "&1" does not contain a key field
289WITH HIERARCHY cannot be combined with UNION/UNION ALL
290WITH HIERARCHY cannot be combined with GROUP BY
291WITH HIERARCHY requires a hierarchy-type data source in FROM clause
292Alias "&1" must be used in WITH HIERARCHY clause
293Child-to-parent association &1 is not allowed in extend views
294The passed entity &1 does not have a composition definition for &2
295Only "=" comparison in ON condition allowed in to-parent association
296Only "AND" join valid as ON condition in "to parent" association
297Parameters not allowed in child-to-parent association
298Key &1 already used in ON condition in to-parent association
299Field &1 already used in ON condition in to-parent association
300Cannot compare two source fields in to-parent association
301WITH HIERARCHY cannot be combined with INNER JOIN
302ON condition in to-parent association must contain a key field
303Literals not allowed in ON condition of a to-parent association
304Session variables are not allowed in child-to-parent associations
305LEFT OUTER JOIN is not supported with WITH HIERARCHY clause
307RIGHT OUTER JOIN is not supported with WITH HIERARCHY clause
308CROSS JOIN is not supported with WITH HIERARCHY clause
309Algorithm &1 cannot be combined with the WITH HIERARCHY clause
310The annotation @ClientDependent is not allowed
311Hierarchy must be on the left
312JOIN type cannot be specified
313Only key fields from parent are allowed in to-parent associations
314Key field &1 is missing in ON condition of to-parent association
315The associations with cardinality TO MANY cannot be used
316Cannot compare two target fields in to-parent associations
317Association &1 must be included in the selection list
318To-parent association &1 cannot be published with alias
319To-parent association &1 cannot be published with attributes
320To-parent association can be exposed once only
321Path contains a hierarchy and cannot be used
322Child entity &1 does not have a to-parent association with &2
323Only "AND" joins allowed in condition
324Cardinality cannot be specified for to-parent associations
325To-parent association entities must be different
326CASE JOIN not supported with WITH HIERARCHY clause
327The WHERE clause can cause inconsistencies in hierarchies
328Same data type expected for period from "&1" and period to "&2" column
329Only "&1" and "&2" are allowed as a column prefix in on condition
330The annotation @ClientHandling.algorithm is missing
331Only "&1" is allowed as a source column prefix in on condition
332Only "&1" is allowed as a target column prefix in on condition
333$$node is not allowed here
334"$$node.&1" is invalid
335The data type for parameter "&1" must have type DATS
336The data type for parameter "&1" must have type TIMS
337An alias name must be granted for "$$node.&1"
338The parameter type "&1" must have type "abap.dats", "abap.tims"
339On conditions are not allowed in compositions
340"CYCLES" cannot be combined with "GENERATE SPANTREE"
341Locally defined compositions cannot be used
342"period from" and "period to" columns must be different
343Root entity cannot define a to-parent association
344Composition and to-parent association cannot reference same target
345WITH HIERARCHY clause is not supported
346Domain in ON condition of "to parent" association is not valid
347Association "&1" cannot be exposed in "select *" case
349DD08B-ON_SOURCE entry invalid; "&1"."&2" - index "&3" incorrect ("&4")
350A hierarchy cannot be extended
351Parameter value "INCREMENTAL" can produce a runtime crash in "&1"
352Could not parse DDL source for entity "&1" (&2 &3 &4)
353"ORPHANS" cannot be combined with temporal hierarchies
354Temporal hierarchies cannot be combined with span tree hierarchies
355Associations cannot be combined with SELECT *
356Cannot track path (see long text)
357Only "=" and "AND" allowed in directory association ON conditions
358Domain values not allowed
359Parameter expression not allowed
360Session variable not allowed
361"$$projection" is not supported in view cache definitions
362Table name "&1" does not match data source "&2"
363Literals not allowed in ON condition of directory association
364Parameter "&1" is already used in the ON condition
365Session variables not allowed in ON condition of directory association
366Parameters not allowed in ON condition of directory association
367Domain values not allowed in ON condition of directory association
368Use "&1" as source column prefix for "&2" in ON of directory association
369Use "&1" as target column prefix for "&2" in ON of directory association
370No comparison of two source columns in directory association ON condition
371No comparison of two target columns in directory association ON condition
372No multiple use of source column &1 in directory association ON condition
373No multiple use of target column &1 in directory association ON condition
374Client field does not need to be specified in client-specific CDS view
375Expressions cannot be used as parameters of aggregate functions
376CAST expression cannot be used as a parameter of aggregate functions
377Function expression "&1" cannot be used as aggregate function parameters
378Client field in association ON condition (filter or default filter)
379Algorithm for implicit client handling invalid
380WITH DEFAULT FILTER not allowed in ON condition of directory association
381Annotations are not supported
382Alias is not supported
383"&1" cannot be used in the definition "&2"
384Projection views are not supported
385Name lists are not supported in view entities
386Session variables are not supported
387Fixed domain values are not supported
388Parameters are not supported
389Target entity &1 cannot be the same as the original
390Entity &1 must select from &2
391Extensions are not supported
392Marker &1 cannot be used in this position
393Quoted identifiers are not allowed in dynamic cache
394Column &2 in target entity &1 must be a key field
395Literals are not allowed in the dynamic cache selection list
396Association "&1" does not have the property "To Parent"
397Aggregate functions are not allowed in the SEGREGATE-BY clause
398Column "&2" in target entity "&1" cannot be a key field
399Target entity "&1" must be a projection view
400ROOT keyword not valid since &1 is not a root property
401ROOT keyword missing since &1 has the root property
402Only CDS view entities or CDS DDIC-based views can be basis entities
403Basis entity must have a ROOT property or a TO PARENT association
404Association "&1" does not have the property "Composition"
405To parent association in "&1" must point to target entity "&2"
406Column &1 must be defined as a key field
407Column "&1" cannot be defined as a key field
408Only "=" and "AND" are allowed in SEGREGATE-BY clauses
409Key field &1 missing in select list
410VIRTUAL element "&1" cannot be used as a key field
411Key field order must match basis view
412Target entity "&1" cannot be used more than once
413"REDIRECTED TO PARENT" keyword missing for "&1"
414"REDIRECTED TO COMPOSITION CHILD" keyword missing for "&1"
415Multiple to-parent associations cannot be specified
416Projection view "&1" cannot be used as a data source
417To-parent association "&1" cannot point to itself
418Annotation "&1" is not allowed in view entities
419Composition "&1" cannot point to itself
420Extend on projection view not supported
421Path expression not allowed in projection view
422Keyword "key" not allowed
423Functions are not allowed in the SEGREGATE-BY clause
424CAST expressions are not allowed in the SEGREGATE-BY clause
425Client field cannot be modeled
426Virtual element name "&1" overlaps with the name of the basis entity
427Client field not allowed in view entities
428Annotations for client handling are not allowed
429Redirect of associations with client not allowed in ON condition
430The association "&" is unknown
431Projection view &1 cannot be used as an association target
432Internal error: AIEPP=TRUE without SEMANTIC=TRUE is not supported
433"Is Initial" clause is not allowed for fields of type "&1"
434CAST in CAST is not supported
435Redirected target entity must be a CDS view entity
436Association with client field in ON condition cannot be propagated
437Alias "&1" is not allowed
438--- free for use ---
439Field with name &1 is not allowed; an alias must be granted
440&1 is not allowed; choose another name for the virtual element
441Virtual element not allowed in extends for non-projection view
442"Redirected To" not allowed in extends for non-projection view
443Keyword DISTINCT required for COUNT(DISTINCT &1)
444Literal expressions not allowed in projection views
445Arithmetic expressions not allowed in projection views
446Case expressions not allowed in projection views
447Domain values not allowed in view entities
448Parameter expressions not allowed in projection views
449Session variables not allowed in projection views
450Functions not allowed in projection views
451Double quotation marks are not allowed for "&"
452Could not parse DDL source for entity "&1"
453Statement is incomplete
454"LOCALIZED" select list entry cannot finish with an association
455"LOCALIZED" supported only in projection views and path expressions
456Entity "&1" can contain only key fields with type "LANG"
457Key field with type "LANG" does not exist in entity "&1"
458Text association "&1" must be a "to many" association
459Target of text association must be a CDS view or projection view
460Key field "&1" missing in On condition of association "&2"
461Field with type LANG cannot be specified in On condition of "&1"
462Field "&1" in On condition of "&2" can only be used in "=" comparison
463Multiple use of field "&1" not allowed in On condition of "&2"
464JOIN type cannot be specified in projection views
465Error in view cache API release check
466Keyword ENTITY expected
467"LOCALIZED" supported in projection views only
468CDS view becomes client-specific view due to association tracking
469Only "=" and "AND" allowed in the "&1" ON condition
470Target fields "&1 and "&2" cannot be compared in "&3" ON condition
471Syntax error: Keyword &1 not allowed
472A path cannot end in an association in projection views
473No alias can be specified for associations in projection views
474No associations can be defined in projection views
475UNION cannot be used in extends on projection views
476"GROUP BY" cannot be used in projection views
477"Redirected to" is not yet supported
478Locally defined associations cannot propagate in projection views
479The name "&" is unknown or obscured by an alias
480Syntax "EXTEND VIEW ENTITY" permitted for view entities only
481Element "&1" must have type "&2"
482Stack code missing for association "&1" in entity "&2" (DDCDS_CONDITION)
483Extension not supported for abstract entities or custom entities
484Data source with parameters cannot be used in projection view
485"&1" cannot be used in view entities
486Selection list must be specified after FROM clause in view entities
500Error "&1" in usage calculation for DDLS source "&2"
501Syntax "&1" is supported in projection views only
502Syntax "&1" can be used with "EXTEND VIEW ENTITY" only
503Filters are not supported in exposed associations in projection views
504All fields of type LANG are bound in On condition of "&1"
505Local "&1" associations are not supported in projection views
506Virtual fields are not allowed in on conditions of associations
507"&1" is not allowed in local associations in projection views
508Filters cannot raise the maximum cardinality in projection views
509Prefix "&1" must be specified for an expression
510Use expression "&1" instead of "&2"
511"&1" is not supported in exposed associations with filter
512Expression must be a full qualified expression
513Expression "&1" cannot be used
514"&1" requires a parameter binding; use the associated CDS entity
515Association "&1" cannot be used in the on condition of "&2"
516"$$projection" is allowed only for simple fields in the select list
517The annotation "&1" is not allowed in table functions
518Function "&1" cannot be used in arithmetic expressions
519Redefinitions of a locally defined association are not supported
520Lower limit of cardinality cannot be greater than 1
521Upper limit of cardinality must be 1 or "*"
522Cardinality is not in the permitted range
523Syntax "&1" is not supported in redefined associations
524"&1" is not supported in redefined associations with filter
525CACHE is not supported
526$$projection expression cannot be reused
527Cycle detected when resolving $$projection expression
528Syntax error, "PROVIDER CONTRACT" is not supported
529Column "&1" is unknown but can be reached using association "&2"
530Cardinality for to-parent association cannot be changed
531Association with max. cardinality not equal to 1 not permitted here
532Unexpected keyword "&1"
533Provider contract not modifiable if view contains "&1" associations
534Parser call no longer supported. Specify the basis source too.
535Expression "&1" is not supported
536"Is Initial" clause for "&1" with type "&2" cannot be used
537Cardinality not specified for "&1". 0..1 used as default.
538"Typed Literals" not supported
539"Typed Literals" not supported in annotations
540Cannot determine initial value for type "&1"
541Cannot determine initial value for expression "&1"
542Syntax "&1" supported only from parser version &2
543"between" expression not supported in "having" clause
544Syntax "EXTEND ABSTRACT ENTITY" does not match basic type
545Syntax "EXTEND CUSTOM ENTITY" does not match basic type
546Access to element in extend source "&1" not supported
547Annotation "&1" not supported in abstract/custom entities
548Parser call "extend first" not supported with semantic check
549Entity "&1" can be enhanced using "&2" syntax only
550Case join cannot be combined with a union
551Case join annotation is only allowed in "searched case" expressions
552Case join: &1 not supported in "when" clause; only "=" operations allowed
553Case join: Only literals allowed on right of when clause
554Case join: Only fields allowed on left of when clause
555Path expression of then clause must be built as follows: _assoc.field
556Path expressions of all "then" clauses must have same data source "&2"
557Annotation "&1" is not allowed in hierarchies
558Cannot expose association "&1" with projection "&2" as target
559Error when reading from database
560Required activation status is not available on the database
561DDLS name exists in the database
562"&1" is not a basis view
563DDLS name does not exist in the database
564Invalid parameter ddic_state: &1
565"Abstract Entity Extends" not supported
566The C1 check is not supported for the DDLS type of &1
567This method is only supported for language version 2
574Error in C1 contract check
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