SDEST - Nachrichten f�r RFC-Destinationen

The following messages are stored in message class SDEST: Nachrichten f�r RFC-Destinationen.
It is part of development package SRFC_DESTAPI in software component BC-MID-RFC. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "RFC: API for Destinations".
Message Nr
Message Text
001SAVE and SET methods can be called for locked destinations only
002Value & for keep-alive timeout is invalid
003Destination & does not exist in system
004tRFC: Inconsistent settings for response to connection errors
005Error in Class Library; lock not possible
006Value & for conversion error procedure is invalid
007Value & for qRFC version is invalid
008Value & for load check procedure in asynchronous RFC is invalid
009Value & for communication method is invalid
010Value & for start type of external program is invalid
011Value & for CPIC timeout is invalid
012Value & for forwarding of trace level to target system is invalid
013Error when saving destination & to database
014Value &1 invalid for &2 (supported values "Space" and "X")
015Error when saving SNC parameters
016Destination &1, type &2 already exists and cannot be created again
017No authorization for action &1 (destination &2, type &3)
018Error when locking destination
019Update options for modifying destination are invalid
020RFC destinations of type & are not supported by API
021Password handling error in Class Library (error situation &1)
022Error in destination; no save possible
023Connection type & is unknown
024Value & for HTTP timeout is invalid
025Value & for HTTP version is invalid
026Value & for status of HTTP compression is invalid
027Value & for status of HTTP compression of response is invalid
028Value & for handling of cookies is invalid
029Value & for SSL client identity is invalid
030HTTP compression for version & of HTTP protocol is not supported
031Category &1 unknown for type &2
032You cannot edit a destination of category &2
033Internal error in class library (error sitation &)
034Referenced destination & does not exist
035Destinations with type & are not supported as references
036Logon data inconsistent; user not unique
037Logon data and logon procedure are inconsistent
038Value & for system load analysis period is invalid
039You cannot specify logon data for logon screen prompt
040Could not switch to classic qRFC version
041Value &1 for destination name is invalid (error situation &2)
042Cannot use function module &2 for type &1
043Category &1 for destination &2 is invalid
044Value & for logon procedure is invalid
045Settings for load balancing are incomplete
046Value &1 for basXML activation is invalid
047Functional test for connections of type & not supported
048Server name &2 ignored for method &1 when saving
049Server name cannot be initial for communication method E
050Unprocessed units exist; no deletion possible
051Could not lock dependent bgRFC configuration data
052Cannot send SSO ticket
053Password cannot be specified without user
054Proxy password cannot be specified without proxy user
055Logon data changed; specify a new password
056bgRFC cannot be used for RFC destinations with type &
057Password is too long
058basXML conversion requires transaction SM59 in dialog
059Assertion ticket requires system ID and client of target system
060Send either logon or assertion ticket, not both
061Invalid value for BYPASS_BUF for reading destination &MSGV1&
062Internal error when reading destination &MSGV1&
063&MSGV1& is not an HTTP destination (type G or H)
064Value &1 for RFC serialization is not permitted.
065Value &1 for fast serialization compatibility mode is not permitted.
091Target system data change; you must set a new password
092Destination authorization change; you must set a new password
093Reference destination change; you must set a new password
094Technical proxy data change; you must set a new password
100Dynamic RFC/HTTP destinations are not allowed in this context
101Kernel too old: Please install a current kernel version.
102Internal error while registering a dynamic destination in the kernel
103Internal error while generating ID
104Reference destination &1 does not exist or the type is invalid.
105If the destination has a password, &1 must not be overridden.
106Special characters are not allowed.
107Fast serialization and basXML cannot be combined.
108Alias user and normal user cannot be combined.
110WebRFC destinations can only contain uppercase letters and numbers.
183Enter client
185No dynamic destination registered under this ID
186Obligatory parameter "LOGON_USER" must not be empty
187Obligatory parameter "LOGON_PASSWORD" must not be empty
188Cannot register dynamic destination
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