SDME_DDT - DME: Nachrichten f�r Dialog Design Tool

The following messages are stored in message class SDME_DDT: DME: Nachrichten f�r Dialog Design Tool.
It is part of development package SDME_DLG in software component BC-CUS-TOL-TME. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "DME: Maintenance dialogs".
Message Nr
Message Text
100No dialog pool with the name &1 exists
101The action was canceled
102Component type &1 is not accepted in the dialog pool
103Action &1 is unknown
104Name &1 does not conform to the naming conventions
105Name &1 has invalid syntax
106Enter a dialog pool name
107A dialog pool with the name &1 already exists
108Choose a function
109&1 saved
110Data not changed
111Database was inconsistent; new state saved
112Name contains invalid characters. A-Z, '_' and 0-9 are allowed
113&1 already exists.
114The dialog pool component &1(&2) does not exist
115The dialog pool &1 does not contain a view called &2
116Position the cursor on the table
117The assigned object view &1 (dialog pool &2) does not exist
118No maintenance object called &1 exists
119The maintenance object &1 has no attribute with the name &2
120The attribute &1 of maintenance object &2 is not persistent
121The dialog pool &1 does not contain a single screen called &2
123The function is not available here
124Dialog pool name &1 not allowed. Choose another name
125Dialog pool &1 deleted
126Dialog pool &1 saved
200Unknown "&2" name: "&1"
201Unknown command: "&1"
202Data has been saved
203Check: All OK
204Entry does not exist
300View already contains an object with the name &1
301Specify a name for the object
302Specify object and attribute
303Attribute &1 of object &2 is already in the view
304Field &1-&2 is already in the list
305Enter a name for the group
306Group &1 already exists
307Enter a name for the dialog
308Enter a name for the screen
309Enter a name for the Table Control
310Enter a name for the view
311Enter a name for the selection condition
312Enter a name for the dialog pool
313Enter the field in the box
314Enter serial number
315The serial no. &1 is already used in field &2 in box &3
316Enter a name for the area
317Area &1 is already in dialog &2; change the name
318The left-hand side of the join is not completely specified
319The right-hand side of the join is not completely specified
320Mark lines
321The attribute &1->&2->&3 is already in a Join
322The unique key is missing
323Enter an operator
324Enter a value
325The key &1 is not unique
326The source component is not specified
327Enter a target component name
328Source component dialog pool missing
329Enter a dialog pool for the target components
330The source (&1) dialog pool does not exist
331Target (&1) dialog pool does not exist
332Component &1 (Typ &2) does not exist in dialog pool &3
333Component &1 (type &2) already exists in dialog pool &3
334Dialog pool &1 is being edited by user &2
335Component &1 (type &2) of dialog pool &3 is being displayed
336Component &1 (type &2) of dialog pool &3 is being edited
337&1 &2 copied to &3
338&1 &2 renamed to &3
339&1 &2 deleted
340Program &1 has no more free dynpro numbers
341Object directory entries for dialog pool &1 are inconsistent
342Specify a box
343Enter a name for the box
344Box &1 is already in dialog &2; change the name
345The object is not specified in the attribute specification
346The attribute is not specified in the attribute specification
347The object node box is not specified
348The list node box is not specified
400Dialog pool &1 does not exist
401The screen is assigned to a nonexistent object view (&1)
402Attribute &2 from view object &1 does not exist in view &3
403All available dynpro numbers in program &3 are used
404Too many fields with the same name on the dynpro
405Error in generated dynpro description
500No frames for here have yet been defined in dialog
501No higher-level frame has yet been assigned
502The specified higher-level frame &1 does not exist
503The position of the type (&3) the higher-level frame (&2) is not defined
504The type (&3) of the higher-level frame (&2) is invalid
505The type of the higher-level frame &1 is not defined
506No areas for here have been defined in dialog &1
507Invalid dialog pool &1 in view specification in area &2
508Invalid view &1 in view specification in area &2.
509No dialog pool in view specification in area &1
510No view in view specification in area &1
511View &1-&2 has no initial maintenance object
512Initial maintenance object &4 of view &1-&2 does not exist
513Initial maintenance object &4 of view &1-&2 has no appropriate attribute
514No view objects in view &1-&2 definition
515No view attributes in the view &1-&2 definition
516No appropriate frames defined in dialog &1
517No frames are defined in dialog &1
518Frame not specified
519Frame &1 is not in dialog &2
520The type of frame &1 is invalid
521The type of frame &1 has no position definitions
522No areas are defined in dialog &1
523Specify the dialog module type
600Control error. Transaction canceled
601Internal error: &1
602Internal error: &1 &2
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