SDMI - Messages of SDMI

The following messages are stored in message class SDMI: Messages of SDMI.
It is part of development package SDMI_PUBLIC in software component BC-CCM-SDM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Silent Data Migration Objects for Application".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Migration class &1 is not qualified
001Migration class &1 is not registered
002Delete predecessor class &1 from the qualified list
003Starting aRFC to register and run &1 failed due to &2
004Starting aRFC to register and run &1
006Server Group &1 does not exit - SDM execution aborted
007Number of maximum Parallelization &1 is not allowed
008Number of maximum Parallelization per migration &1 is not allowed
009Client Copy is active - SDM execution aborted
010Unknown reason - SDM execution aborted
011Number of running migrations is &1
012Enqueue on &1 failed (FOREIGN LOCK) - a Migration is already in progress
013Qualified migration not found
014The selected class &1 is not qualified
015Class &1 does not exist
016Do nothing: no HOME package present, systemtype <> CUSTOMER
017Tablename &1 is invalid
018DB table verification failed for table &1
019Number of maximum migrations in parallel: &1
020Records to be processed at first migration run: &1
021Records to be processed at start of migration run: &1
022Records to be processed at end of migration run: &1
023Records to be processed: &1
024Retrigger &1 with the status &2
025Delete Retrigger flag in SDM Migration (sy-subrc = &1)
026An exception or a cancellation of a package migration was raised
027&1 has CANCELLED status in this client, will not execute
028&1 has WAIT PREREQUISITE status in this client, will not execute
029&1 has NOT RELEVANT status in this client, will not execute
030SDM &1 registered for parallel execution (&2)
031Migration of class &1 was complete
032SDM_PROC_STATUS has same "done" status value as class &1 (&2)
033&1 has FINISHED status in this client, will not execute again
034SDM_PROC_STATUS does not have same "done" status value as class &1 (&2)
035There is nothing to migrate, set status to FINISHED
036Result of class consistency check for &1:
037 - &1 &2 &3 &4
038Result of registration consistent check for &1:
039&1: Set Temperature to cold caused error
040Error in parallel SDM execution
041Execution of class & canceled due to error
042Package migration of class &1 canceled due to error
043MIGRATE_DATA_FINISHED of &1 caused an error or raised an exception
044Priority setting for &1, execution of other migrations will be delayed
045Priority class & 1 is not qualified
046Migration is suspended - SDM execution aborted
047SOI is active - SDM execution aborted
048Migration class returned DELAY_MIGR_START, execution will be delayed
049MIGRATE_DATA_FINISHED of &1 reports an issue
050&1 has an unfinished prerequisite
051&1 is WAITING for &2 (&3)
052&1 set to status NOT_RELEVANT (MUST_RUN = FALSE)
053&1 set to WAITING (already &2 migrations active)
054Parameter for &1
055Unknown error when getting component info
056Get installed component with error: sy-subrc &1
057No authority to execute migration classes
058Create migration object error
059Class &1 cannot be instantiated
060Status field &1 does not exist in table &2
061Client field &1 does not exist in table &2
062Selective field &1 does not exist in table &2
063Prerequisite migration class &1 is not registered
064Package size &1 not allowed
065Field &1 in filter condition does not exist in table &2
066Client relevance &1 of prerequisite migration class &2 is invalid
067Client field &1 of table &2 cannot be a filter, status or selective field
068Set the status to CANCELLED due to migration error
069Set the status to CANCELLED due to no progress
070Starting to process package &1 at &2 &3
071Package finished at &1 &2 (runtime &3sec)
072... Begin of Migration ...
073Remove client field from Where clause:
074 - on host &1 work process &2
075Starting at &1 &2
076Ending at &1 &2
077Triggering &1
078Set the status to CANCELLED due to delay of ON_MIGRATION_STARTED
079Dump occured for user & in client &
080Migration is started
081Start of ONLINE Migration
082Start of ONLINE Migration (TEST_MODE is active)
083Start of SUM Migration
084Start of SUM Migration (TEST_MODE is active)
087Migration is finished
088Migration stopped with error
089Suspend Migration by &1 on &2 &3
090No authority to configure SDM settings
091No authority to create/delete SDM Step User
092Enter a user name
093The transaction is not relevant in Cloud Environment
094Please select a migration class
095You can only restart a migration that has migration status C (CANCELLED)
096Determine parameters for Executor:
097 - Param &1 is on due to &2 ( &3 )
098Set SAP_BASIS Rel. from &1 to &2 in Configuration
099&1 &2 &3 &4
103*** Check &1 ***
104The responsible for causing the error is the component &1
106Unable to determine &1 release due to return code &2.
107System not in Post Processing phase
108System not in SUM
109Only one filter condition is allowed
110Migration class name is not supplied
111Software component is not qualified
112First target release is smaller than current release for component &1
113First target release is not supplied
114Last uptime release is smaller than first target release for component &1
115Migration class is not planned for uptime migration
116Last uptime release only relevant for migr. classes with uptime migration
117First target patch level is not valid
118Last uptime patch level is not valid
119Migration class is already registered
120Migration class &1 already registered for software component &2
121First target release is on premise, last uptime release is cloud for &1
122SUM migration is not supported
123SDM User is not created due to missing of number range object AENDBELEG
124SDM User is not created due to maximum number range of AENDBELEG-interval
130No work process active for class &1
131Not enough measurements available for class &1 to predict migration end
132Timestamp calculation failed
133No progress in migration for class &1; migration never ends
134Value of history retention period &1 is not allowed
135Migration class &1 is not running
136You can only retrigger qualified migrations with status F (FINISHED)
137Action cancelled
140This user does not have SAP_ALL profile assigned (see longtext).
150Upgrade is running - SDM execution aborted
151In Shadow system - SDM execution aborted
152In Bridge system - SDM execution aborted
160MIGR_DATA_FINISHED_CROSS_CLT of &1 reports an issue
161MIGR_DATA_FINISHED_CROSS_CLT of &1 caused an error or raised an exception
162FINISHED_CROSS_CLT is not runnabl due to unfinished migration of a client
163MIGR_DATA_FINISHED &1 has CANCELLED status, will not execute
164Starting aRFC to run MIGR_DATA_FINISHED_CROSS_CLT of &1 failed due to &2
165Starting aRFC to run MIGR_DATA_FINISHED_CROSS_CLT of &1
167&1: not started after &2 attempts due to resource bottleneck
168- It is a temporary issue or you could increase the number of resources
170Retrigger flag is ON:
171 - This SDMI class on the client &1 will be re-triggered
183Start of online migration in Post Procesing
184Start of online migration in Post Procesing (TEST_MODE is active)
190Raise job SDMI event for client &1 failed (SY-SUBRC = &2)
191Raise job SDMI event for client &1 was successful
200Execution of package &1 of &2 canceled
201Execution of all SDMs canceled due to error in &1
202Execution of & canceled due to error
220Client &2: Generate job &1
221 - JOB_OPEN for Job Count &1 with subrc = &2
222 - JOB SUBMIT with subrc = &1
223 - JOB CLOSED with subrc = &1
224 - Job scheduled but not released successfully
225Not found qualified migration for ONLINE
226&1 job could not be scheduled because the actual one has the status ready
227&1 job is not found (generated)
228Job to create user has not yet been started in SWPM installation
229Actual &1 job has not yet been started
230&1 job could not be scheduled because the actual one is still running
231Client &1: Prepare for job &2
232Client &1: Raise Event for job &2
233 - Job is not found (SY-SUBRC = &1)
234 - Raise SDMI event failed (SY-SUBRC = &1)
235 - Raise SDMI event was successful
236 - Check is successful
237Time difference between current time and last job is less than 30 minutes
300Client &1: Create and assign a JobRepo User (SAP Note &2)
301Client &1: No Technical User assigned for JobRepository
302Client &1: Technical User (&2) for JobRepo is locked
303Client &1: Technical User (&2) assigned to JobRepo does not exist
304Client &1: User (&2) assigned to Jobrepo does not have SAP_ALL profile
307Action cancelled
308No authority to use transaction SDM_MON
309Select one migration class
310Migration class no longer exists
311Migration class &1 has no prerequisite
312Prerequisite class &1 is not yet finished
313Prerequisite class &1 is initial and Records to be processed is 0
314 - Set the status to FINISHED
315Prerequisite class &1 is initial and not qualified for actual release
316- Records to be processed is &1
317- Need to be triggered manually (see SAP note 2968371)
318- Unable to change the status to FINISHED due to foreign lock
320The status of prerequisite &1 is initial and MUST_RUN = FALSE
321- Set its status to not relevant
322Content is dependent on prerequisite &1 which has the status not relevant
400The result of predicted completion time of &1:
401 - Number of configured maximm parallelization: &1
402 - Number of configured package size: &1
403Set the number of maximum Parallelization of &1 from &2 to &3
410Result of automatically increasing resources check:
411 - Set maximum Parallelization of &1 from &2 to &3
412 - Limit of maximum paralallization of &1 is reached: &2
413 - &1
414 - Not allowed to change due to existing manual configuration (&1)
415 - Resources reconfiguration for &1 failed due to subrc: &2
416Automatically increase resources not performed due to resource shortage
451Reset status of &1 from 'FINISHED' to initial
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