SDMI - Messages of SDMI
The following messages are stored in message class SDMI: Messages of SDMI.
It is part of development package SDMI_PUBLIC in software component BC-CCM-SDM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Silent Data Migration Objects for Application".
It is part of development package SDMI_PUBLIC in software component BC-CCM-SDM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Silent Data Migration Objects for Application".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | Migration class &1 is not qualified |
001 | Migration class &1 is not registered |
002 | Delete predecessor class &1 from the qualified list |
003 | Starting aRFC to register and run &1 failed due to &2 |
004 | Starting aRFC to register and run &1 |
005 | &1 |
006 | Server Group &1 does not exit - SDM execution aborted |
007 | Number of maximum Parallelization &1 is not allowed |
008 | Number of maximum Parallelization per migration &1 is not allowed |
009 | Client Copy is active - SDM execution aborted |
010 | Unknown reason - SDM execution aborted |
011 | Number of running migrations is &1 |
012 | Enqueue on &1 failed (FOREIGN LOCK) - a Migration is already in progress |
013 | Qualified migration not found |
014 | The selected class &1 is not qualified |
015 | Class &1 does not exist |
016 | Do nothing: no HOME package present, systemtype <> CUSTOMER |
017 | Tablename &1 is invalid |
018 | DB table verification failed for table &1 |
019 | Number of maximum migrations in parallel: &1 |
020 | Records to be processed at first migration run: &1 |
021 | Records to be processed at start of migration run: &1 |
022 | Records to be processed at end of migration run: &1 |
023 | Records to be processed: &1 |
024 | Retrigger &1 with the status &2 |
025 | Delete Retrigger flag in SDM Migration (sy-subrc = &1) |
026 | An exception or a cancellation of a package migration was raised |
027 | &1 has CANCELLED status in this client, will not execute |
028 | &1 has WAIT PREREQUISITE status in this client, will not execute |
029 | &1 has NOT RELEVANT status in this client, will not execute |
030 | SDM &1 registered for parallel execution (&2) |
031 | Migration of class &1 was complete |
032 | SDM_PROC_STATUS has same "done" status value as class &1 (&2) |
033 | &1 has FINISHED status in this client, will not execute again |
034 | SDM_PROC_STATUS does not have same "done" status value as class &1 (&2) |
035 | There is nothing to migrate, set status to FINISHED |
036 | Result of class consistency check for &1: |
037 | - &1 &2 &3 &4 |
038 | Result of registration consistent check for &1: |
039 | &1: Set Temperature to cold caused error |
040 | Error in parallel SDM execution |
041 | Execution of class & canceled due to error |
042 | Package migration of class &1 canceled due to error |
043 | MIGRATE_DATA_FINISHED of &1 caused an error or raised an exception |
044 | Priority setting for &1, execution of other migrations will be delayed |
045 | Priority class & 1 is not qualified |
046 | Migration is suspended - SDM execution aborted |
047 | SOI is active - SDM execution aborted |
048 | Migration class returned DELAY_MIGR_START, execution will be delayed |
049 | MIGRATE_DATA_FINISHED of &1 reports an issue |
050 | &1 has an unfinished prerequisite |
051 | &1 is WAITING for &2 (&3) |
052 | &1 set to status NOT_RELEVANT (MUST_RUN = FALSE) |
053 | &1 set to WAITING (already &2 migrations active) |
054 | Parameter for &1 |
055 | Unknown error when getting component info |
056 | Get installed component with error: sy-subrc &1 |
057 | No authority to execute migration classes |
058 | Create migration object error |
059 | Class &1 cannot be instantiated |
060 | Status field &1 does not exist in table &2 |
061 | Client field &1 does not exist in table &2 |
062 | Selective field &1 does not exist in table &2 |
063 | Prerequisite migration class &1 is not registered |
064 | Package size &1 not allowed |
065 | Field &1 in filter condition does not exist in table &2 |
066 | Client relevance &1 of prerequisite migration class &2 is invalid |
067 | Client field &1 of table &2 cannot be a filter, status or selective field |
068 | Set the status to CANCELLED due to migration error |
069 | Set the status to CANCELLED due to no progress |
070 | Starting to process package &1 at &2 &3 |
071 | Package finished at &1 &2 (runtime &3sec) |
072 | ... Begin of Migration ... |
073 | Remove client field from Where clause: |
074 | - on host &1 work process &2 |
075 | Starting at &1 &2 |
076 | Ending at &1 &2 |
077 | Triggering &1 |
078 | Set the status to CANCELLED due to delay of ON_MIGRATION_STARTED |
079 | Dump occured for user & in client & |
080 | Migration is started |
081 | Start of ONLINE Migration |
082 | Start of ONLINE Migration (TEST_MODE is active) |
083 | Start of SUM Migration |
084 | Start of SUM Migration (TEST_MODE is active) |
087 | Migration is finished |
088 | Migration stopped with error |
089 | Suspend Migration by &1 on &2 &3 |
090 | No authority to configure SDM settings |
091 | No authority to create/delete SDM Step User |
092 | Enter a user name |
093 | The transaction is not relevant in Cloud Environment |
094 | Please select a migration class |
095 | You can only restart a migration that has migration status C (CANCELLED) |
096 | Determine parameters for Executor: |
097 | - Param &1 is on due to &2 ( &3 ) |
098 | Set SAP_BASIS Rel. from &1 to &2 in Configuration |
099 | &1 &2 &3 &4 |
100 | &1&2&3&4 |
101 | Prepocessing: |
102 | PFW:&1&2&3&4 |
103 | *** Check &1 *** |
104 | The responsible for causing the error is the component &1 |
106 | Unable to determine &1 release due to return code &2. |
107 | System not in Post Processing phase |
108 | System not in SUM |
109 | Only one filter condition is allowed |
110 | Migration class name is not supplied |
111 | Software component is not qualified |
112 | First target release is smaller than current release for component &1 |
113 | First target release is not supplied |
114 | Last uptime release is smaller than first target release for component &1 |
115 | Migration class is not planned for uptime migration |
116 | Last uptime release only relevant for migr. classes with uptime migration |
117 | First target patch level is not valid |
118 | Last uptime patch level is not valid |
119 | Migration class is already registered |
120 | Migration class &1 already registered for software component &2 |
121 | First target release is on premise, last uptime release is cloud for &1 |
122 | SUM migration is not supported |
123 | SDM User is not created due to missing of number range object AENDBELEG |
124 | SDM User is not created due to maximum number range of AENDBELEG-interval |
130 | No work process active for class &1 |
131 | Not enough measurements available for class &1 to predict migration end |
132 | Timestamp calculation failed |
133 | No progress in migration for class &1; migration never ends |
134 | Value of history retention period &1 is not allowed |
135 | Migration class &1 is not running |
136 | You can only retrigger qualified migrations with status F (FINISHED) |
137 | Action cancelled |
140 | This user does not have SAP_ALL profile assigned (see longtext). |
150 | Upgrade is running - SDM execution aborted |
151 | In Shadow system - SDM execution aborted |
152 | In Bridge system - SDM execution aborted |
160 | MIGR_DATA_FINISHED_CROSS_CLT of &1 reports an issue |
161 | MIGR_DATA_FINISHED_CROSS_CLT of &1 caused an error or raised an exception |
162 | FINISHED_CROSS_CLT is not runnabl due to unfinished migration of a client |
163 | MIGR_DATA_FINISHED &1 has CANCELLED status, will not execute |
164 | Starting aRFC to run MIGR_DATA_FINISHED_CROSS_CLT of &1 failed due to &2 |
165 | Starting aRFC to run MIGR_DATA_FINISHED_CROSS_CLT of &1 |
167 | &1: not started after &2 attempts due to resource bottleneck |
168 | - It is a temporary issue or you could increase the number of resources |
170 | Retrigger flag is ON: |
171 | - This SDMI class on the client &1 will be re-triggered |
183 | Start of online migration in Post Procesing |
184 | Start of online migration in Post Procesing (TEST_MODE is active) |
190 | Raise job SDMI event for client &1 failed (SY-SUBRC = &2) |
191 | Raise job SDMI event for client &1 was successful |
200 | Execution of package &1 of &2 canceled |
201 | Execution of all SDMs canceled due to error in &1 |
202 | Execution of & canceled due to error |
220 | Client &2: Generate job &1 |
221 | - JOB_OPEN for Job Count &1 with subrc = &2 |
222 | - JOB SUBMIT with subrc = &1 |
223 | - JOB CLOSED with subrc = &1 |
224 | - Job scheduled but not released successfully |
225 | Not found qualified migration for ONLINE |
226 | &1 job could not be scheduled because the actual one has the status ready |
227 | &1 job is not found (generated) |
228 | Job to create user has not yet been started in SWPM installation |
229 | Actual &1 job has not yet been started |
230 | &1 job could not be scheduled because the actual one is still running |
231 | Client &1: Prepare for job &2 |
232 | Client &1: Raise Event for job &2 |
233 | - Job is not found (SY-SUBRC = &1) |
234 | - Raise SDMI event failed (SY-SUBRC = &1) |
235 | - Raise SDMI event was successful |
236 | - Check is successful |
237 | Time difference between current time and last job is less than 30 minutes |
300 | Client &1: Create and assign a JobRepo User (SAP Note &2) |
301 | Client &1: No Technical User assigned for JobRepository |
302 | Client &1: Technical User (&2) for JobRepo is locked |
303 | Client &1: Technical User (&2) assigned to JobRepo does not exist |
304 | Client &1: User (&2) assigned to Jobrepo does not have SAP_ALL profile |
307 | Action cancelled |
308 | No authority to use transaction SDM_MON |
309 | Select one migration class |
310 | Migration class no longer exists |
311 | Migration class &1 has no prerequisite |
312 | Prerequisite class &1 is not yet finished |
313 | Prerequisite class &1 is initial and Records to be processed is 0 |
314 | - Set the status to FINISHED |
315 | Prerequisite class &1 is initial and not qualified for actual release |
316 | - Records to be processed is &1 |
317 | - Need to be triggered manually (see SAP note 2968371) |
318 | - Unable to change the status to FINISHED due to foreign lock |
320 | The status of prerequisite &1 is initial and MUST_RUN = FALSE |
321 | - Set its status to not relevant |
322 | Content is dependent on prerequisite &1 which has the status not relevant |
400 | The result of predicted completion time of &1: |
401 | - Number of configured maximm parallelization: &1 |
402 | - Number of configured package size: &1 |
403 | Set the number of maximum Parallelization of &1 from &2 to &3 |
410 | Result of automatically increasing resources check: |
411 | - Set maximum Parallelization of &1 from &2 to &3 |
412 | - Limit of maximum paralallization of &1 is reached: &2 |
413 | - &1 |
414 | - Not allowed to change due to existing manual configuration (&1) |
415 | - Resources reconfiguration for &1 failed due to subrc: &2 |
416 | Automatically increase resources not performed due to resource shortage |
451 | Reset status of &1 from 'FINISHED' to initial |
500 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- |